How Home Service Companies Leverage Handwritten Notes to Boost Referrals and Gather Reviews

By: EmMa Matern

July 24, 2024


The Home Services market is one of the fastest growing sectors in North America these days. As marketers try to take advantage of the boom, they are finding it harder to win customers with mass emails where communication often feels fleeting and impersonal. Handwritten notes stand as powerful reminders of genuine connection and appreciation. Amidst a sea of emails and mass-produced advertisements, these personal gestures convey a level of care and thoughtfulness that digital messages simply cannot match.

For home service companies, handwritten direct mail goes beyond traditional marketing methods, establishing a handcrafted feel that resonates with homeowners seeking reliable and trustworthy services. PostGrid’s blog “Direct Mail Statistics That Will Convince You To Invest In It” provided the statistic, a whopping 70% of customers find direct mail more personal than digital communications, on top of that, 82% of people trust direct mail marketing. By incorporating handwritten notes into outreach strategies, companies can weave tighter bonds and nurture trust and loyalty with their clients.

Key Topics
1. What makes handwritten notes powerful?
2. How can handwritten notes boost referrals for home service companies?
3. Leveraging handwritten notes to get more reviews
4. Implementation strategies for effective handwritten notes

1. What makes handwritten notes powerful?

Amongst the endless stream of emails and junk mail, handwritten notes stand out because of their intimate and thoughtful nature. Handwritten notes express personal investment and appreciation, showing the recipient they are valued and leave a lasting impression. Unlike digital messages that can be easily deleted, handwritten notes are tangible keepsakes, that are read thoroughly, often setting the sender apart from competitors.

Handwritten messages also showcase authenticity and professionalism. They are seen as more genuine since they often reflect the writer’s true emotions without the edits typical of digital messages. The little quirks and imperfections in handwriting make them more sincere. Opening a hand-addressed envelope is like unwrapping a mini gift, creating memorable moments and deepening the sender-recipient connection. Handwritten notes can demonstrate a high level of professionalism, leaving clients feeling treasured and ready to rehire your business.

5 Reasons why handwritten notes are powerful infographic

Read this: 5 Reasons Handwritten Notes are Powerful

2. How Can Handwritten Notes Boost Referrals for Home Service Companies?

Including case studies in your referral mail pieces can be highly effective. Real-life success stories provide tangible proof of your services’ impact and reliability. By showcasing specific examples of satisfied customers who have benefited from your services, you build credibility and trust with potential referrals. Handwritten notes are an effective way to show genuine appreciation to customers. A simple thank-you note can make customers feel valued and special, encouraging them to share their positive experiences with others. This personal touch not only strengthens the customer relationship but also prompts them to refer friends and family to your services. When integrated into referral programs, handwritten sentiments feel more personal than generic emails, making customers more inclined to participate. Including specific details about the referral program in the note, such as the benefits they will receive and how easy it is to refer a friend, enhances the program’s effectiveness and memorability.

3. Leveraging Handwritten Notes to get More Reviews

Requesting reviews via handwritten mail is a powerful strategy to solicit feedback from satisfied customers. These notes add a personal touch that shows care and appreciation, making them more likely to share their positive experiences. Timing plays a crucial role; sending notes shortly after a customer interaction ensures their experience is fresh in their mind. Your note should be heartfelt, thanking them warmly and gently nudging them to drop a review. Including specific tips or links on where to leave a review can further encourage action and streamline the process.

Businesses are finding handwritten notes to be their secret weapon for reviews! Testimonials highlight their success in generating positive feedback. It’s proven how a personalized touch not only strengthens customer bonds but also boosts online visibility with more endorsements. Adopting this strategy can enhance your reputation and establish a loyal, trusting customer base.

4. Implementation Strategies for Effective Handwritten Notes

To ensure your handwritten pieces resonate with recipients, follow these best practices. Begin by personalizing each note with the recipient’s name and specific details about their experience. Maintain a warm and sincere tone throughout, reflecting the relationship you share with the customer. Avoid overly formal language and strive for authenticity.

Consistency is key to maximizing the impact of handwritten notes in your referral and review strategies. Make it a habit to send notes promptly after each customer interaction or service completion. Regular communication not only reinforces your appreciation but also keeps your business top-of-mind for future opportunities. By establishing a routine, you show consistency and commitment to customer happiness, nurturing lasting loyalty and support.

To streamline your handwritten note efforts, consider using templates tailored to different occasions. For instance, customize notes for post-service thank-yous, holiday greetings, or customer anniversaries. Templates provide a structured framework while allowing room for personalization based on individual customer experiences.

To take it a step further, Postalgia offers free design services and will create, print, write, and mail out your entire campaign for your business. Our team of Mail Design Professionals and creative thinkers have expertise in the realm of gratitude via direct mail. We’ve got you covered end-to-end.


Handwritten notes are like secret ingredients for home service companies, brewing up strong connections and adding a dash of professionalism to client relationships. They’re not just words on paper; they’re genuine, heartfelt gestures that speak volumes about your authenticity and care. By weaving handwritten messages into your client outreach—whether thanking customers, gathering reviews, or charming them with direct mail campaigns—you’re not just building loyalty and trust. Embrace the power of handwritten communication to build your business relationships and create lasting impressions that keep customers coming back for more.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.