Winning Political Elections with Handwritten Direct Mail

By: Shay Mamo

September 9, 2024

Winning Political Elections with Handwritten Direct Mail

Since the deep integration of the internet into our lives the average person sees up to 10,000 ads per day which is up tenfold since the 1970s. In an election cycle voters are inundated with emails, social media ads, and text messages from campaigns.

According to a study by the USPS, 57% of voters found direct mail to be the most impactful form of political advertising in the recent election cycle. 

Handwritten direct mail offers a refreshing and effective alternative that can cut through the noise and capture a voter’s attention with a personal touch not easily ignored. This seemingly traditional method, updated with modern marketing practices, has proven to be a game changer for candidates seeking to connect with voters in an authentic way. Here is why handwritten direct mail can make the difference in political elections.

Key Topics

The Personal Connection

Differentiation in a Crowded Field

Building Trust and Authenticity with Handwritten Direct Mail

Practical Considerations

Next Read: How to Write an Effective Voter Persuasion Letter

The Personal Connection

There is no more of a genuine high effort-to-connect than a door knocking campaign by the candidate herself. However such an effort is often impossible to scale. On the other end of the spectrum is the online ad; low effort but high scalability. Personalised handwritten direct is where scalability and authenticity meet in the middle. It stands out over print mail with its personal touch often without being more expensive. When a voter receives a handwritten letter, the effort-to-connect is tangible rather than just another piece of mass-produced campaign literature. This personal connection can be crucial, especially in local or closely contested elections, where every vote counts.

Voters are more likely to open, read, and consider a handwritten letter than to a generic flyer or email. Candidates often report receiving handwritten letters in return, and handwritten letter campaigns are often shared on social media multiplying their effect. The time investment and effort required to write them makes voters feel valued and respected. This sense of personal connection can be instrumental in building trust and loyalty, key elements in securing votes.

Differentiation in a Crowded Field

Political campaigns are competitive as ever, with candidates vying for attention through increasingly fragmented channels. The 20 minute guest appearance on a primetime talk show may still have the biggest reach, but the three-hour podcast offers a much deeper and more authentic effort to present the candidate. The medium is the message and standing out is essential. Handwritten direct mail offers an authentic medium that when coupled with the right message can differentiate a candidate from the field. While others rely heavily on digital strategies, a personalised handwritten note provides a tangible, memorable touchpoint with voters.

Handwritten letters are a powerful way to connect with undecided voters, especially those tired of the usual campaign approaches. In a world dominated by digital communication, a personal letter breaks through the noise and leaves a lasting impression. It shows a level of commitment and attention to detail that many voters appreciate, making the candidate more relatable and trustworthy.

Building Trust and Authenticity with Handwritten Direct Mail

In politics, trust is everything. Voters want a candidate that is genuine and committed to improve and protect their community. Handwritten direct mail can have a significant impact on building this trust. It conveys authenticity—something that is often lacking in the polished, scripted nature of modern political campaigns.

Handwritten notes signed by the candidate and in her own handwriting can help a voter perceive the candidate as approachable and sincere. Authenticity is often cited by voters as the deciding factor for casting their vote for one candidate. The handwritten note shows the candidate cares enough to personally reach out and this can foster a sense of trust and even loyalty that is hard to accomplish through other media.

Practical Considerations

While handwritten notes have a lot of potential to sway voters and build up a candidate’s reputation, it’s important to use this strategy thoughtfully. Handwritten letters are most effective when the message is concise and relevant to the particular segment(s) targeted in the campaign. Crafting a compelling message and using tasteful artwork are as important as targeting those most likely to vote in the first place. The letter should address specific concerns or highlight local issues, making the voter feel seen and heard.

Logistics also play a role. Handwriting thousands of letters can be time-consuming, but this process can be scaled by enlisting volunteers or using specialized services that maintain the personal touch while handling larger volumes.


Handwritten direct mail isn’t just a throwback to the old days; it’s a smart tactic that can really make a difference in political campaigns. In a world dominated by digital communication, the impact of a handwritten note shouldn’t be overlooked. It creates a personal and genuine connection with voters, helping candidates stand out, earn trust, and ultimately win elections.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.