Authentic Communication with your Donors

Key Topics




The nonprofit sector has the fundamental goal of people-helping-people. Consider the powerful motivator that authentic connections bring to this noble cause.

The three key takeaways are simple yet profound: Stay true and consistent, prioritize your donors by showing genuine interest, and craft personal experiences. Enhance your communication methods with personalized and specific details, making a meaningful impact on your donor relationships.

Infographic- nonprofit stewardship: why it's important


Lady holding sign with smiley face on it

All nonprofit organizations have a cause that they are passionate about. Before you communicate with your donors, you need to establish a set of values and beliefs that your organization follows. Make sure when you set up those values, you are being true to yourself and to your cause. To have authentic communication, you need to BE AUTHENTIC.

Once you identify your core principles, you must represent them in every message and any form of communication. You may not be popular with everyone, but at least you will be showing community members that you are true and consistent. The main point is to stick to your set of values and beliefs, but there are more Principles for Authentic Donor Communications that Build Relationships.



Two women holding letter
Make sure to put effort into focusing on your donors. Remember, without your donors you can’t support your cause! Maintain relationships with donors by consistently communicating and creating opportunities to connect with them.

There are various ways to stay connected with your donors and maintain authentic communication. You can schedule regular meetings in person or virtually to provide the opportunity to interact with them. This is the time to have discussions about your organization’s progress and get the opinion of the members. You can ask questions like: Why are you passionate about the cause? What is your preferred method of communication? How would you like to take action?

You can also connect with your donors by sending them information via digital and physical communication methods.



Social Media
Community Events
Impact Reports
Thank You Notes
Website Blog
Google Forms Questionnaire


The main focus should always be on your donors, so you can build authentic relationships.



Yellow Graphic - letter and envelope
To keep up with authentic communication, you can create personal experiences! How do you do that? Well, make sure to keep donor profiles and use their names when sending emails, newsletters, donation cards, impact reports, and postcards. It is also important to consistently send messages to donors and volunteers to let them know your organization is working hard for the cause.

A little bit of effort goes a long way, especially when you want to create personalized  experiences. Emails and text messages only go so far and are often overlooked, so it is important to seek other forms of communication. Sending handwritten note cards and direct-mail packages addressed to specific donors, tells your members that you value their support.



To summarize, figure out what your nonprofit is passionate about helping, stick to your values and beliefs, focus on including your donors, and organize personalized experiences that show your donors how much effort you put in.


Put the effort in and delight your donors with a handwritten note.

How to Win Donation Dollars

Donations are the lifeblood for non-profits, charities and political parties. The relationships you build with your donors today make a world of difference for future donations. That’s why it is essential for you to focus on developing those essential relationships in order to keep funds flowing into your organization. In this post, we offer a few key steps you can take to build better, stronger relationships with donors so that they open their hearts and their wallets for your cause.

Show Supporters How You’re Using Their Donation Dollars

People like to see the results of their efforts, and this certainly applies to donations. By providing details on how donations are making a difference, you are highlighting the good work your organization is doing. At the same time, sharing this information lets your donors know their funds are being spent on legitimate purposes. It makes them feel better about giving and makes them more likely to give the next time you ask them for their help.

You can show them their dollars in action with photographs, videos, brochures, and more. You can even invite major donors to the location where you’re doing your work so they can see what is happening on the ground. Whether you’re gathering building supplies, food, clothing, toys for children, school supplies, etc. they can see you working to gather and distribute the gifts where they will do the most good.

Be Transparent with Spending Reports

This is an important add-on to the previous tip. Sadly, the actions of a few unscrupulous charities and non-profits have subjected all organizations to additional scrutiny. This is especially true among larger donors. And if you’re interested in winning bigger donation dollars to support your cause, you’re going to have to go after the big fish.

The best way to do that is through transparency in your financial disclosures. The easier you make it for people to see how and where the money is spent – not just on good work, but line items such as administrative costs and executive compensation – the more likely they are to donate to your cause. That is, as long as you are spending an appropriate amount of money on the cause at hand rather than oversight and administrative expenses. People want to know their money is going to support a cause and not to create a lifestyle for those at the top of the organization.

Ask for Monthly Gifts and Automate the Giving Process

As we noted in how to reach out to inactive donors, most donors only give once, which can create a cashflow challenge. Automated giving is a great way to ensure a steady flow of money coming in to help you meet your organizational goals. It allows donors to identify an amount of money that works with their budgets and give that amount month after month. More importantly, it is effortless giving on their part.

The easier you make it for people to donate to your organization or cause, the more likely people are to actively donate. Especially if it is a cause they believe in or one that supports their own beliefs about the world.

Create Deadlines to Generate Sense of Urgency

This doesn’t mean creating false deadlines and making things up. What this does mean is to create specific goals for your charitable works.

For instance, if your non-profit is dedicated to building tiny homes for homeless vets, you might have a goal of 50 percent completion prior to the first day of fall and 100 percent completion by the first day of winter. This will help keep more vets off the street once bitter cold temperatures set in.

You need the funds to make this happen well in advance of the goal dates. Create a sense of urgency among your donors by citing statistics about the cold and its impact on the homeless, how veterans are disproportionately represented within the homeless community, and how you need $XXXXX by August 1 and an additional $XXXXX by October 1 to meet these goals for your organization.

Solicit Matching Donations

This is where building relationships, particularly relationships with big businesses, entrepreneurs, and “mega” donors in your community can help. It’s a great way to encourage small-dollar donors to give so that their smaller gifts to your cause can be matched to create even larger gifts.

As we advise on how you can make small donors feel important, never neglect to remind donors of all dollar amounts that their gifts are important. Without the smaller donations, bigger things cannot happen within your organization. The more you drive that point home to donors, the larger your pile of donation dollars has the potential to grow. Additionally, never neglect to thank your donors, no matter how larger or small the donation.

Tell One Person’s Story, Not A Group’s

Sometimes, a little psychology can help make a big impact. While your non-profit or charity is undoubtedly creating a positive impact for many, focusing on an individual can help increase donations. This is referred to as the identified victim effect, which is the tendency to provide more help to a specific individual rather than a broader, nameless or generic group of individuals. This effect implies that concentrating on individuals instead of bigger groups or statistics would drive more donations.

Researchers have confirmed that scenarios focused on a single person’s narrative produced more donations than those focusing on a greater number of unidentified individuals. In a study performed by University of Pennsylvania marketing professor Deborah Small and her colleagues argue that “spontaneous affective reactions” frequently inspire charitable donations. To put it another way, donors are more inclined to contribute based on their emotions rather than reasoning. And stories that centre on the misfortune of a single person appear to have a larger emotional impact.

It makes sense. Your supporters, like all people, are hardwired to emotionally connect with others. The most effective approach to motivate them is to introduce them to individuals they can relate to. So make use of this narrative potential in your messages: highlight individual stories that lend a face to your cause in all of your appeals.

Send Handwritten Thank-You Notes for Their Donations

Lastly, showing gratitude is an important first step toward securing future funds from those who have given to your cause. As you can guess, our viewpoint is pretty clear: the standard typed form letter is way too impersonal and formal. A handwritten letter note stands out from the crowd of junk mail littering your donors’ mailboxes.

As we outline in the power of handwritten notes, handwritten thank-you notes are more likely to be read by the people they were intended for. Plus, they carry more meaning for the recipients. Your donors are far more likely to feel appreciated when receiving handwritten notes. Something they will remember the next time your organization reaches out for funds.

Appreciation and communication are essential, which is why handwritten notes work best. Consider sending out handwritten donation letters and thank-you notes to donors to see what a difference it can make to your entire organization.

Wrapping Up

Donations keep your non-profit or charity going. If you want to build a successful organization and keep funds flowing in, it’s essential that you focus on cultivating those relationships with your donors today so they can feel appreciated and motivated enough to open their hearts (and wallets) for your cause.

It may seem like an intimidating task at first, but by soliciting matching donations, highlighting individual stories (not just statistics), writing thank-you notes by hand, showing gratitude for every donation – no matter how large or small – and telling one person’s story instead of a group’s narrative, you are well positioned to steadily grow your donations. With these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way towards achieving, and even exceeding, your annual fundraising goals.

Delight Your Donors With A Handwritten Note


Key Topics
Why Do Handwritten Fundraising Letters Get Read?
How Can Nonprofits and Charities Showcase Their Creativity?
Why Handwritten Thank You Letters Are Powerful
Get Started Today



When was the last time you received a personalized handwritten letter in the mail? According to recent statistics, it’s pretty rare. Based on data from the Postal Regulatory Commission, the average American receives only ten pieces of personal mail per year. We (the royal we) just don’t send mail that much anymore.

So when anyone gets a handwritten note, it is by definition extraordinary. Why not take advantage of this fact to delight your target audience? Why send an email or a generic piece of direct mail when you can send something remarkable? Let’s talk about how this can work for you.

If you are a nonprofit organization, charity or political party, a handwritten note will leave a memorable impression and help you stand out in a sea of generic ad pieces. Let’s take a quick look at why handwritten mail has such a positive impact on our clients.

Why Do Handwritten Fundraising Letters Get Read?

Fundraisers know that no matter how strong a written piece is, it might as well not get sent at all if it doesn’t get open or read. Why don’t generic pieces work? Simple. Mailboxes today are filled with a steady stream of junk, bills and notices from the tax collector you’d probably like to avoid. Not exactly an occasion your donors look forward to each day. Let’s face it: most pieces end up going directly into the recycling bin.

But the numbers around handwritten notes are clear: they get read. Email marketing has an average open rate of 22%. Not bad, but when you compare that to handwritten mail – which enjoys an open rate of 99% – the advantages are clear.

And when you think about it, it makes sense. It’s hard for new donors or even major donors who give regularly to ignore an envelope with their name and address handwritten on the front.

How Can Nonprofits and Charities Showcase Their Creativity?

There is nothing that says donor communications needs to be boring. This is a big advantage that handwritten mail has over generic email or SMS messages. A handwritten card is the perfect creative platform to showcase your organization’s personality or that of your executive director, board member or other staff you’d like to highlight in your next fundraising piece.

Here at Postalgia, we encourage clients to get creative with every element of a handwritten piece. They can choose the type of paper or card or even select the type of handwriting and ink colour! No other form of communication is as rich in detail and personality as handwritten notes. You and your team can really put your stamp on it – figuratively and literally.

Why Handwritten Thank You Letters Are Powerful

One of the many reasons why handwritten notes are so powerful is that the recipient intuitively knows that putting a note in the mail takes much more effort than sending an email or text message. Because everyone at one point in their lives has taken the time to write a letter, put it in an envelope, find an address, throw on a stamp and toss it in a mailbox: they instinctively know the effort that goes into putting something in the mail.

After all, donor relations is all about creating a personal relationship between the organization and the prospective donor. Showing a donor they are worth your time and effort illustrates how important they are without saying it directly.

Combined with personalization (adding a donor’s name, fundraising campaign they donated to, the amount given, who referred them, etc), a handwritten note will make your donors feel seen and appreciated, in turn making them feel good. These personalized notes can and should be a key aspect of your donor outreach efforts.

Adding a personal touch by sending your audience a handwritten piece will go a long way to strengthening donor retention and expanding your donor base.

In fact, there are many unique opportunities to incorporate handwritten mail into every part of your fundraising strategy. To give you some ideas, here are a few that we recommend to the organizations we work with:

A personalized thank-you note to a first-time donor from the executive director;

  • A year-end personal note from the desk of the Board Chair;
  • A handwritten note thanking the donor for an online donation;
  • A note to a lapsed donor highlighting your organization’s accomplishments since the last time they gave;

By taking the time to send handwritten mail at every opportunity, you will stand out as an organization that went the extra mile to show some gratitude.

Get Started Today

If you want to make an impact and a positive impression with your donors, add a handwritten note to your next fundraising campaign. It will help you stand out in a sea of generic solicitation pieces, and it is sure to have a positive impact on your donors.

If you want some additional tips, click here for suggestions on how to make small donors feel important or reach out to our team to help you create a customized plan that works for you.

How You Can Make Small Donors Feel Important

We understand that large donors are often the primary focus of non-profits, charities and other organizations that rely on donations. Given the potential amount large donors could contribute to meeting your fundraising goals, sometimes you might feel like the large donations are all that matter.

However, you might be better off focusing your efforts on a broader spectrum of donors than the 15% that make over $100,000 per year (U.S. figures). Why? Because large donors are notoriously hard to convince. You will spend more time trying for minimal outcomes instead of focusing your efforts on someone else who may give less but will actually give.

Small contributions can be an important part of your fundraising efforts. Giving a gift is more like creating and nurturing an ongoing conversation. The donation is the beginning of a relationship, not the end. Letting donors know they helped out, even if it’s only a few dollars, goes a long way in making those people feel a part of what you do and how much they mean to your cause.

Every donor needs to feel connected and that they’ve made a lasting impact on your organization’s mission. So recognizing every donation is important.

In the end, a great donor is the one who gives often. After all, you never know what someone else’s small gift could lead to in the future. And donors who give smaller amounts of money have a higher likelihood of donating again.

These small contributions may not add up to large amounts of money, but they add lots of goodwill. The best approach is to make every single donor feel like a superstar by recognizing their contributions. This post will offer tips on how to make small donors feel important and encourage ongoing contributions – no matter the size.

Personalize Your Thank You

First, take time to thank your donors personally. The best way to make sure your donations feel special is to personalize every interaction. It’s easy for a donor to feel like they’re just one in a million faceless donors when receiving form letters. Personalizing can make all the difference.

So why not create a unique letter template? Start by using their name, then talk about what they gave and how it helps those your organization is trying to help. Add specific details about the donation, such as the name of the campaign they contributed to, the amount or other personalized information. It doesn’t take much time, but it would mean so much more than any generic “Dear supporter” ever will.

As we have noted before, a handwritten card or note can be sent by physical mail and will go a long way in making them feel valued for their contribution.

Talk About The Impact of Small Donors

Small donors want a personal connection to the work or cause they are supporting, and your best bet is to provide information that will build their sense of contribution. Again, remember always to make sure you’re careful to segment them by what they contributed towards and speak to that specifically, not just in generalities.

Detail their contribution. Your storytelling skills will help you connect with and forge stronger relationships with your small donors, making sure that they don’t feel like an anonymous name on the list. Outline the projects and missions that their donation will support while emphasizing how this gift makes a positive difference in people’s lives. Wording like “Your gift makes it possible to…” is key.

Show how all donations matter. Make sure to explain how their donation is advancing change and helping others, even if it was only the minimal option – let them know small bits really do help! You can emphasize this by visualizing your data in an infographic or colourful chart.

Highlight Small Donors Often

When it comes to fundraising, small donors can often be undervalued. For your campaign’s small donor program, you want to make small-dollar givers feel as important and appreciated as your larger donors. You can do this through regular communications with them as well as publicizing their gifts so that they feel like a part of the organization.

One way of doing this is through a supporter section on the website where donors of all sizes can see what they are directly contributing to and testimonials from other contributors. This is a great way to show support from other people and encourage others who might not have donated yet.

Another way is to set levels of giving that suit your campaign and the types of donors you’re trying to attract. You might have a “Heroes” group for those who give $100 or more, another one called “Trailblazers” for people who donate at least $250, etc. Or maybe create a recurring giver program – creating levels of support where people agree to make a donation of $15 every month via an automatic payment charged to their credit card, or giving a fixed max annual donation in regular intervals throughout the year.

Of course, you will never go wrong with perks and benefits for your various groups. For example, you could offer your $100 or more small donor group a free bumper sticker and a monthly e-newsletter, while members of your $250 or more get all that plus an invitation to two special (free) events put on by your organization. Any recognition of donors goes a long way.

Ask For Their Feedback

Although donors give more when they feel connected to an organization, it’s easy for this feeling to get lost.

It is important to identify your supporters and make them feel like they are an integral part of your organization and its success. Make your organization fun and welcoming by asking for feedback in newsletters or social posts. Your supporters will feel valued if you take the time to include them as part of your organizational culture.

The people who support your organization enjoy feeling like their contribution is important. So make them feel like an active part of the organization, and it will pay off in future donations and goodwill.

Take The Time To Listen

There are many reasons why people may donate to your organization. It is important for you to realize that the “why” behind a donation can have an immense impact on how much money they give and will continue giving in future donations.

For this reason, it is best when talking with small donors to take note of any interactions where you gain insight into their motivations. It’s important to know your donors and remember the reasons why they support you.

These insights can guide your fundraising efforts in the coming months. Listen with an understanding ear, write down their words of wisdom when you can, then use them as a guidepost for future campaigns. Your future success in fundraising could be determined by whether or not you pay attention to the committed supporters of your campaign.

The common thread in all of these points is that sincere recognition isn’t just important for large donors. Every donor should feel connected to your organization and a valuable part of achieving its goals. If you take the time to properly acknowledge your small donors, they will not only continue to give, but they may become a large donor over time.