How Home Service Companies Leverage Handwritten Notes to Boost Referrals and Gather Reviews


The Home Services market is one of the fastest growing sectors in North America these days. As marketers try to take advantage of the boom, they are finding it harder to win customers with mass emails where communication often feels fleeting and impersonal. Handwritten notes stand as powerful reminders of genuine connection and appreciation. Amidst a sea of emails and mass-produced advertisements, these personal gestures convey a level of care and thoughtfulness that digital messages simply cannot match.

For home service companies, handwritten direct mail goes beyond traditional marketing methods, establishing a handcrafted feel that resonates with homeowners seeking reliable and trustworthy services. PostGrid’s blog “Direct Mail Statistics That Will Convince You To Invest In It” provided the statistic, a whopping 70% of customers find direct mail more personal than digital communications, on top of that, 82% of people trust direct mail marketing. By incorporating handwritten notes into outreach strategies, companies can weave tighter bonds and nurture trust and loyalty with their clients.

Key Topics
1. What makes handwritten notes powerful?
2. How can handwritten notes boost referrals for home service companies?
3. Leveraging handwritten notes to get more reviews
4. Implementation strategies for effective handwritten notes

1. What makes handwritten notes powerful?

Amongst the endless stream of emails and junk mail, handwritten notes stand out because of their intimate and thoughtful nature. Handwritten notes express personal investment and appreciation, showing the recipient they are valued and leave a lasting impression. Unlike digital messages that can be easily deleted, handwritten notes are tangible keepsakes, that are read thoroughly, often setting the sender apart from competitors.

Handwritten messages also showcase authenticity and professionalism. They are seen as more genuine since they often reflect the writer’s true emotions without the edits typical of digital messages. The little quirks and imperfections in handwriting make them more sincere. Opening a hand-addressed envelope is like unwrapping a mini gift, creating memorable moments and deepening the sender-recipient connection. Handwritten notes can demonstrate a high level of professionalism, leaving clients feeling treasured and ready to rehire your business.

5 Reasons why handwritten notes are powerful infographic

Read this: 5 Reasons Handwritten Notes are Powerful

2. How Can Handwritten Notes Boost Referrals for Home Service Companies?

Including case studies in your referral mail pieces can be highly effective. Real-life success stories provide tangible proof of your services’ impact and reliability. By showcasing specific examples of satisfied customers who have benefited from your services, you build credibility and trust with potential referrals. Handwritten notes are an effective way to show genuine appreciation to customers. A simple thank-you note can make customers feel valued and special, encouraging them to share their positive experiences with others. This personal touch not only strengthens the customer relationship but also prompts them to refer friends and family to your services. When integrated into referral programs, handwritten sentiments feel more personal than generic emails, making customers more inclined to participate. Including specific details about the referral program in the note, such as the benefits they will receive and how easy it is to refer a friend, enhances the program’s effectiveness and memorability.

3. Leveraging Handwritten Notes to get More Reviews

Requesting reviews via handwritten mail is a powerful strategy to solicit feedback from satisfied customers. These notes add a personal touch that shows care and appreciation, making them more likely to share their positive experiences. Timing plays a crucial role; sending notes shortly after a customer interaction ensures their experience is fresh in their mind. Your note should be heartfelt, thanking them warmly and gently nudging them to drop a review. Including specific tips or links on where to leave a review can further encourage action and streamline the process.

Businesses are finding handwritten notes to be their secret weapon for reviews! Testimonials highlight their success in generating positive feedback. It’s proven how a personalized touch not only strengthens customer bonds but also boosts online visibility with more endorsements. Adopting this strategy can enhance your reputation and establish a loyal, trusting customer base.

4. Implementation Strategies for Effective Handwritten Notes

To ensure your handwritten pieces resonate with recipients, follow these best practices. Begin by personalizing each note with the recipient’s name and specific details about their experience. Maintain a warm and sincere tone throughout, reflecting the relationship you share with the customer. Avoid overly formal language and strive for authenticity.

Consistency is key to maximizing the impact of handwritten notes in your referral and review strategies. Make it a habit to send notes promptly after each customer interaction or service completion. Regular communication not only reinforces your appreciation but also keeps your business top-of-mind for future opportunities. By establishing a routine, you show consistency and commitment to customer happiness, nurturing lasting loyalty and support.

To streamline your handwritten note efforts, consider using templates tailored to different occasions. For instance, customize notes for post-service thank-yous, holiday greetings, or customer anniversaries. Templates provide a structured framework while allowing room for personalization based on individual customer experiences.

To take it a step further, Postalgia offers free design services and will create, print, write, and mail out your entire campaign for your business. Our team of Mail Design Professionals and creative thinkers have expertise in the realm of gratitude via direct mail. We’ve got you covered end-to-end.


Handwritten notes are like secret ingredients for home service companies, brewing up strong connections and adding a dash of professionalism to client relationships. They’re not just words on paper; they’re genuine, heartfelt gestures that speak volumes about your authenticity and care. By weaving handwritten messages into your client outreach—whether thanking customers, gathering reviews, or charming them with direct mail campaigns—you’re not just building loyalty and trust. Embrace the power of handwritten communication to build your business relationships and create lasting impressions that keep customers coming back for more.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

How to win municipal and state political elections with direct mail


In the spring, we had the opportunity to work with a client on their primary campaign for a state-level office. Collaborating closely with the outreach team, we curated a direct mail campaign that aimed to connect with voters on a personal level. Over the month, we executed multiple mailings, each carefully crafted with handwritten details to add a personal touch. This approach was designed to stand out in the crowded field of campaign materials and make a memorable impression on recipients. The response from voters was overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating the power of a personal connection in voter engagement.

As a result of this successful campaign strategy, our client handily won the election, showcasing the significant impact of handwritten direct mail.

Key Topics

1. How our client won their primary
2. Why was this campaign strategy successful?
3. The psychological impact of handwritten notes

1. How our client won their primary

The campaign team made the strategic decision to fill mailboxes close to voting days. This approach aimed to keep the candidate’s message fresh in voters’ minds as election day neared. To achieve this, they sent out mailings back-to-back.

The first mailing included a handwritten letter as an introduction to the candidate. The goal of the mailing was to establish a connection with voters. The second mailing featured  another handwritten notecard and literature diving a little bit deeper into the candidate’s background. As each successive mailing included more information, the accompanying handwritten note also got increasingly personal. This consistent method proved highly effective!

Each piece in these mailings was slightly personalized based on donor segmentation. This ensured that the content was relevant and engaging for each recipient. The campaign received lots of great feedback, including high web traffic, unsolicited donations, and messages from people expressing their love for the mailings. Many voters also provided feedback that they had voted for the candidate, which was encouraging for the campaign team.

This customized direct mail strategy established grounds for a more receptive experience while canvassing door-to-door. Voters were more open and responsive, having already felt a connection to the candidate. Overall, the campaign team found this strategy highly rewarding and effective.

2. Why was this campaign strategy successful?

  1. Timeliness: Sending mail close to voting days kept the candidate’s message fresh in voters’ minds, increasing the likelihood of the candidate being top-of-mind when voters made their decisions.
  2. Personalization: Handwritten letters and notecards added a personal touch, making voters feel valued and connected to the candidate. Personalizing the content based on demographic information ensured relevance and engagement.
  3. Consistency: The back-to-back mailings created a consistent presence, reinforcing the candidate’s message and plans through multiple touchpoints.
  4. Action-Oriented Content: The newsletters with detailed policies and proposals provided voters with specific strategies and information, making the campaign’s goals clear and actionable.
  5. Enhanced Canvassing: The personalized mailings primed voters for more receptive experiences while canvassing, making them more open and responsive to further campaign efforts.
  6. Voter Connection: Many voters reported that they voted for the candidate because of the personal connection they felt through the mailings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the personalized communication strategy.

3. The Psychological Impact of Handwritten Notes

Handwritten communication feels personal and intimate, as it suggests that the sender has invested time and effort specifically for the recipient. This psychological effect can significantly enhance the recipient’s emotional connection to the sender, which, in the context of a political campaign, translates to a stronger bond between the voter and the candidate.

Handwritten notes also convey a sense of authenticity and sincerity. In a world where automated messages and mass-produced materials are the norm, a handwritten note stands out as genuine and heartfelt. This authenticity can foster trust and loyalty, critical components in swaying voter opinion and encouraging electoral support. Research in consumer behaviour has shown that people are more likely to respond positively to personalized, handwritten messages because they trigger a sense of appreciation and value.

The act of opening an envelope, unfolding a letter, and reading handwritten text engages multiple senses, making the experience more immersive and impactful. This multi-sensory engagement helps the recipient to remember the message longer and with greater clarity, which is particularly advantageous in the context of political campaigns where candidates need to remain highly memorable for voters.

To learn more about voter behaviour, check out our blog The Impact of Direct Mail on Voter Behaviour.


The campaign team’s strategic approach of timely, personalized mailings proved to be a winning formula. By delivering consistent, relevant content right before election day, they managed to keep the candidate’s message at the forefront of voters’ minds. The handwritten touches and demographic-based personalization created a strong connection with recipients, leading to positive feedback, increased web traffic, unsolicited donations, and an overall receptive environment. This plan secured many votes through the power of personal engagement and attention to detail.

Our team of direct mail and political campaign experts curate campaigns that connect with voters and reach your target audience. Get in touch today to collab!

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Maximizing your GOTV Strategy Using Direct Mail


Direct mail remains a potent tool in any Get Out the Vote (GOTV) strategy, offering a tangible and personal connection with potential supporters. According to a study done by the USPS, 53% of national voters agree that Direct mail is more trustworthy than television or online advertising. Throughout this post, we’ll look at strategies for leveraging direct mail to its maximum impact. From identifying your target audience to incorporating clear instructions, visuals, and personalized handwritten elements, we’ll guide you through crafting compelling direct mail campaigns that drive voter turnout and leave a memorable impact.

Key Points 

1. How to Identify Your Target Audience in your GOTV Strategy

2. How to Provide Clear Voting Instructions

3. Where to Include Visuals in a Mailing

4. Make your GOTV Strategy Personal

1. How to Identify Your Target Audience in your GOTV Strategy

When developing a political (GOTV) strategy using direct mail, it’s crucial to consider various demographics such as age, location, political affiliation, and voting history. These factors play a significant role in crafting messages that resonate with different segments of voters.

A key component of this strategy is donor segmentation. By tailoring your message to specific donor categories, you can increase engagement and support. For example, high-frequency donors might appreciate detailed updates on campaign progress and impact, whereas occasional donors might prefer a straightforward appeal that emphasizes urgency and the immediate need for funds. Monitor and adjust your outreach efforts and adjust your targeting strategy as needed based on feedback and data analysis.

When voters prefer to receive direct mail

2. How to Provide Clear Voting Instructions

Direct mail presents an excellent opportunity to streamline the voting process for recipients. By including clear and concise instructions on how to participate, such as reminders of important deadlines and the necessary steps for casting a ballot, barriers are removed to encourage voter engagement. Providing information on absentee or early voting options can accommodate individuals with scheduling conflicts or mobility limitations, further enhancing accessibility and inclusivity.
A central aspect of any successful election campaign is sharing the designated voting day with potential voters. It’s also essential to ensure that voters know where they are voting. Direct mail offers a platform to provide comprehensive details on polling locations, hours of operation, and any relevant logistical considerations.
Transparency and accessibility are important to maintain trust and engagement among voters. Including contact information for campaign representatives or local election authorities allows recipients to seek clarification, address concerns, or access additional resources as needed. By facilitating two-way communication, your candidate can demonstrate their commitment to supporting voters throughout the electoral process.

Percentage of Virginia voters who agree with these statements

3. Where to Include Visuals in a Mailing

Effective campaign communication relies on clear and captivating visuals to convey your Call to Action (CTA). Graphics are your silent ambassadors, drawing attention and prompting action. Whether it’s an attention grabbing postcard, a concise infographic newsletter, or a compelling handwritten notecard, these visuals serve as powerful cues, guiding your audience towards the desired response.
Simplicity is key. Complex or cluttered designs risk diluting your message. Opt for clean, straightforward visuals that speak volumes with minimal fuss. Let your design breathe, ensuring that your CTA shines through without distractions.
Consistency is crucial in branding. Align your graphics with your brand’s visual identity by maintaining uniformity in fonts, colours, and logos. This ensures instant recognition across all touchpoints.
When selecting imagery, prioritize relevance and resonance. Choose visuals that amplify your campaign’s message and values. Whether it’s showcasing real people, illustrating key initiatives, or capturing the essence of your cause. By harnessing the emotive power of imagery, you can deepen engagement and inspire meaningful action among your supporters.

Action taken after each generation checks their mailboxes for GOTV Strategy

4. Make your GOTV Strategy Personal

Engaging voters by addressing them personally adds a personal touch to communications, building a stronger connection. Sharing personal stories allows voters to relate on a deeper level, creating a sense of empathy and understanding. Incorporating testimonials and social proof further strengthens this connection, as voters see themselves reflected in the experiences of others who support the cause.
Informing voters about community events, such as campaign rallies, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities, not only cultivates a sense of involvement but also showcases the leader’s commitment to grassroots engagement. By providing a platform for voters to participate in these activities alongside the leader, it reinforces the notion of a shared mission and collective effort toward a common goal.
Curating a handwritten detail into direct mail pieces adds a special element that significantly enhances engagement and connection with voters. Unlike standard printed materials, a handwritten note conveys authenticity and sincerity, making recipients feel valued and appreciated. This personalized approach creates a lasting impression, increasing the likelihood of voters engaging with the campaign message.

To go further into GOTV strategies check out our blog post “Getting Out The Vote with Handwritten Mail,” we highlighted why GOTV is crucial for democratic participation. We discussed strategies for capturing voters’ attention and explained the unique effectiveness of handwritten mail due to its personal touch. We also covered key elements to consider in GOTV mail, such as clear messaging and a strong call to action!


By exploring various tactics, from identifying target audiences to communicating clear directions, visuals, and personalized touches, your team can create compelling direct mail campaigns that drive voter turnout and make a significant impact. The power of direct mail lies in its ability to establish a personal connection with voters, creating trust and encouraging active participation in the democratic process. Leveraging these strategic direct mail tactics can amplify GOTV efforts and contribute to achieving campaign goals.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

The Impact of Direct Mail on Voter Behaviour


Exploring the impact of direct mail on voter behaviour brings us to an intriguing aspect of political campaigning. Direct mail campaigns possess a unique influence over voters, characterized by their tangible presence, perceived authority, and ability to personalize messages. Strategic placement of calls to action, personalized content, and the respectful, non-intrusive approach, direct mail emerges as a compelling tool capable of shaping voter turnout, support, and candidate recognition, shaping the outcomes of elections.

Key Points

1. Why do voters trust direct mail?

2. How does targeted messaging and personalization contribute to my campaign’s effectiveness?

3. How can I build name recognition in my campaign?

4. How does direct mail impact voter behaviour?

5. Where can I communicate my Call to Action in my direct mail campaign?

Impact of donor behaviour infographic

1. Why do voters trust direct mail?

Direct mail pieces possess a perceived authority that sets them apart from other communication media. People of all ages tend to trust mail, viewing it as a credible and official source of information. The tangible nature of direct mail contributes to its credibility, as recipients can physically hold and examine the materials. Direct mail can enhance its legitimacy by incorporating handwritten elements, demonstrating to voters that the candidate is investing extra time and care into communicating with them. Direct mail’s non-invasive nature is a key factor in fostering trust. By respecting recipients’ autonomy and delivering messages in a non-intrusive manner, direct mail builds confidence and credibility among voters.

2. How does targeted messaging and personalization contribute to my campaign’s effectiveness?

The connection between your message and the voter is strengthened when it’s relevant to them. By addressing them by name or referencing their past interactions or preferences, you demonstrate understanding and value for them as individuals. This personalization builds connection, fostering trust and loyalty, and increasing their likelihood of supporting your candidacy. Personalized messages are inherently more memorable than generic ones. When voters feel personally addressed and their specific needs or interests acknowledged, they are more likely to remember your campaign and its key messages. This personalized approach is critical in competitive races, where standing out is crucial. In down ballot races where the public is less aware of candidates and their positions, personalized direct mail can be very effective.

3. How can I build name recognition in my campaign?

When designing your campaign pieces, consistency is key to maintaining your specific brand. Ensure that your logos, fonts, and colours remain consistent throughout all materials. This uniformity reinforces your visibility, making your campaign instantly recognizable to voters. Utilize targeted direct mail campaigns as a strategic approach to reach specific voter demographics or geographic areas. Craft compelling messages and visuals that highlight your candidacy and key campaign priorities, capturing voters’ attention and resonating with their interests.

Consider incorporating handwritten elements into your mail pieces for an extra touch of authenticity. This personalization can help your campaign stand out and establish a genuine connection with voters. To enhance accessibility and engagement across all age groups, consider using QR codes in your mailers. These codes can direct recipients to donation pages or provide additional information about your campaign, ensuring that everyone can easily access and interact with your message. To learn more about incorporating digital elements in your direct mail, check out our blog Navigating the Digital Era: Reimagining Direct Mail.

voters who agree infographic

4. How does direct mail impact voter behaviour?

Amongst all the digital clutter, direct mail stands out as the best reminder of upcoming elections and encourages voter turnout.

According to a survey by the USPS, 80% of voters agree that direct mail increases awareness of the candidates running for office.

This form of communication often includes crucial information about voting logistics, such as polling locations, hours of operation, and voting procedures. By providing this information in advance, direct mail helps reduce barriers to participation and motivates voters to cast their ballots.

One of the strengths of direct mail is its ability to personalize messages and target specific voter demographics. Campaigns can tailor mailers based on factors like past voting behaviour, demographics, and interests. Personalized messages that address recipients by name and speak to their concerns are particularly effective in motivating voter turnout.


5. Where can I communicate my Call to Action in my direct mail campaign?

Your Call to Action (CTA) is a pivotal element of your direct mail campaign, and its strategic placement can significantly impact its effectiveness. Throughout your campaign, you can position your CTA in multiple strategic locations to ensure it’s easily discoverable and understandable for recipients.

At the front of the envelope, consider including a teaser or headline to grab recipients’ attention and prompt them to open the mail. This initial impression can serve as a concise version of your CTA or pose a compelling question that sparks curiosity.

Within the main letter or brochure, prominently place your primary CTA at the top as a headline. Use clear and attention-grabbing language that precisely communicates the action you want recipients to take.

Reinforce your CTA throughout the body copy of your direct mail piece. Provide additional context and motivation for recipients to act, ensuring that your message resonates and prompts action.

Utilize highlight boxes or bullet points to draw attention to your CTA within the body copy. Ensure that it stands out visually and is easy to locate for quick reference.

Incorporate relevant images or graphics that support your CTA and reinforce its message. Visual elements can enhance the effectiveness of your CTA by making it more memorable and engaging, further motivating recipients to respond.

By strategically placing your CTA in various locations and utilizing visual elements effectively, you can maximize the impact of your direct mail campaign and drive desired actions from recipients.


Direct mail’s impact on voter behaviour is multifaceted and significant. Its perceived authority, tangibility, and non-intrusive nature contribute to its effectiveness as a communication medium. Through targeted messaging, personalization, and strategic placement of calls to action, direct mail can influence voter turnout, support, and name recognition, ultimately shaping the outcomes of political campaigns.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Direct Mail Strategies for Home Services Companies: Targeting Homeowners in Need of Your Services


Key Topics

1. How to Understand Your Target Audience

2. Leveraging Customer Data for Targeted Campaigns

3. Geotargeting: How to Reach Homeowners in Specific Neighbourhoods

4. When is the Right Time to Market to Homeowners?

5. How to use a Buyer Persona for More Effective Campaigns


1. How to Understand Your Target Audience

In the competitive home services sector, success hinges on skillfully connecting with the appropriate audience and delivering the most fitting message.

In this blog, we will explore effective techniques for targeting homeowners who need your services through direct mail campaigns. Direct mail is the superior tool when it comes to making a lasting impression on your clients. According to, a significant 71% of consumers perceive direct mail as more personal compared to online digital communication. Interestingly, simply adding a recipient’s name can boost response rates by up to 135%.

Whether you specialize in home improvement, maintenance, roofing, or any other residential services, understanding how to effectively engage with potential customers through direct mail can significantly boost your business’s visibility and profitability. Let’s dive into the strategies that will help you capture the attention of homeowners and convert them into loyal clients.



1. How to Understand Your Target Audience

What is a Target Audience: A target audience comprises consumers distinguished by their behavior and particular demographics. For instance, a target audience could consist of middle-aged professionals with high incomes who take pride in maintaining a luxurious home. This demographic group forms a crucial foundation for numerous businesses, guiding crucial decisions in marketing strategy development.

The first step in understanding your target audience is identifying who they are. Demographics such as age, gender, income level, and location play a significant role, but it’s equally important to delve into psychographics—understanding the attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of your audience.

For example, if you’re offering home improvement services, your target audience might include homeowners who are environmentally conscious and value sustainable materials or middle-class income households that appreciate accessible service rates.


2. Leveraging Customer Data for Targeted Campaigns

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s crucial to understand their challenges and motivations. Why are they seeking home improvement services? Are they looking to increase the value of their property? Do they want to create a more comfortable living space for their family? By understanding these motivations, you can tailor your messaging and offers to resonate with your audience on a deeper level.


3. Geotargeting: Reaching Homeowners in Specific Neighborhoods

What is Geotargeting?: Geotargeting allows you to target homeowners in specific neighborhoods or areas based on their geographic location. This enables you to tailor your message and offers to suit the characteristics of each neighborhood. For instance, if you’re targeting affluent neighborhoods, you might emphasize high-end, luxury home improvement services, whereas in more suburban areas, you might focus on practical and cost-effective solutions.



4. When is the Right Time to Market to Homeowners?

Timing is everything when it comes to reaching homeowners with your marketing efforts. Identify new homebuyers who may need home improvement services and offer special promotions or discounts to attract them. Additionally, target homeowners with specific renovation needs, such as those with older homes or DIY enthusiasts, and tailor your messaging accordingly to address their specific needs and concerns.


5. How to Use a Buyer Persona for More Effective Campaigns

What is a buyer persona?: A buyer persona is an in-depth portrayal of an individual who epitomizes your target audience. While this persona is fictional, it is crafted through thorough research of your current or ideal customer base by developing buyer personas based on deep research of your existing or desired audience, you can gain insights into their preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Use these personas to create more targeted and effective direct mail campaigns that resonate with your audience on a personal level.



Understanding your target audience is essential for success in the home improvement industry. By identifying demographics and psychographics, leveraging customer data, geotargeting, reaching homeowners at the right time, and using buyer personas, you can tailor your marketing efforts to connect with your ideal customers and drive business growth.

At Postalgia, we are a forward-thinking, comprehensive mail service provider, utilizing cutting-edge printing technology to transform your campaign vision into a reality. Our seamless process includes designing pieces with QR codes, employing variable data printing, and ensuring your data is clean and accurate. As specialists in handwritten direct mail, we have proven success in increasing open rates and fostering goodwill, maximizing the effectiveness of both current and future campaigns. Get in touch with us today to create mail that not only gets opened but also leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

8 things I learned becoming a USPS certified Mail Design Professional



The Mail Design Professional (MDP) Program stands as the sole mailpiece design certification program endorsed by the United States Postal Service.This comprehensive curriculum provides a valuable opportunity for mail preparers aiming to elevate their proficiency in crafting letter-size and flat-size mail that adheres to USPS requirements, ultimately earning them recognition as certified Mailpiece Design Professionals. The program delves into crucial areas such as postal addressing standards, class of mail and processing categories, intelligent mail barcoding formats, and print specifications. Participants will gain expertise in designing automation letters, covering aspects like tabbing, polywrap, deflection, flexibility, and more. The curriculum also encompasses the intricacies of reply mail, including Business Reply Mail (BRM), Courtesy Reply Mail (CRM), Merchandise Return Service (MRM), Permit Reply Mail (PRM), and Meter Reply Service (MRS).

Key Topics

1. What are the Different Classes of USPS Mail?

2. A Note About USPS Postal Regulations

3. What are USPS Addressing Standards?

4. What are the USPS Mail processing categories?

5. What are USPS Flexibility Test and Deflection Standards?

6. What Mail is Eligible for USPS Nonprofit Marketing Mail?

7. What is Critical to Maintain USPS Mailability?

8. What is the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode?


A stack of envelopes with address

1. USPS Classes of Mail

Priority Express Mail – Premium Service:

Priority Express Mail stands as a premium service renowned for its insurability and trackability. With deliveries available 365 days a year to most destinations, this service comes with a money-back guarantee. Notably, Priority Express Mail is automatically insured for $100 at no additional cost, offering both reliability and financial security.

First-Class Mail:

First-Class Mail encompasses a diverse range of items, including anything handwritten or typewritten, bills, statements of account, and any content containing personal information. Items sealed or closed to postal inspection fall under this category. An interesting facet is that Business Reply Mail (BRM) is consistently handled as First-Class Mail and is trademarked by the USPS.

Presorted First-Class Mail:

For Presorted First-Class Mail, presentations must occur at the Post Office where the permit is held. Mailings within this category should consist of a minimum of 500 individually addressed mailpieces within the same processing category. Mailers are required to presort their mail to the finest extent necessary for the claimed price. To benefit from discounted prices, mailers must update their mailing list using an approved USPS Move Update method within 95 days before mailing. Additionally, an annual presort fee must be paid in advance. Automation prices are available for Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) First-Class Mail letters compatible with barcode sorter processing, and flat-size pieces must be compatible with automated postal processing equipment, bearing an Intelligent Mail barcode.

Non-Presorted First-Class Mail:

Metered Mail, representing single-piece non-presorted First-Class Mail letters, operates under its own pricing structure separate from other retail single-piece first-class mail. These rates apply when postage is affixed or imprinted by the mailer for Metered Indicia, PC, or Permit Imprint. No minimum volume is required, except for pieces paid by Permit Imprint, where a minimum of 200 pieces or 50 lbs would apply. These prices are applicable to residual pieces from automation or presorted First-Class Mail letter mailings presented in letter trays.


2. A Note About USPS Postal Regulations

I became well-versed in the complex and evolving regulations set forth by the USPS. These regulations dictated how mail must be designed and formatted for efficient processing and delivery. Throughout the learning process, I gained comprehensive knowledge, enabling me to navigate the intricate USPS standards and ensuring that the mailpieces I designed met the stringent criteria established by the postal service.


3. What are USPS Addressing Standards?

The modules covered addressing standards, covering font, size, and placement for precise mail delivery. Understanding the guidelines for a standard address, with its five essential lines, became pivotal. This knowledge is now a cornerstone, enabling me to craft mailpieces that meet USPS standards, ensuring accurate and efficient delivery.

Line 1 – reserved for non-address data such as a mailer’s keyline
Line 2 – is the attention line
Line 3 – where the recipient’s name is located
Line 4 –  reserved for the delivery address
Line 5 – for the city, state, and zip code for delivery address

Various sized envelopes, white and beige

4. What are the USPS Mail processing categories?

Mailpieces fall into various processing categories such as letters, flats, machinable parcels, irregular parcels, and non-machinable parcels. The categorization is strictly based on the physical dimensions and characteristics of each mailpiece. This systematic approach ensures that the sorting and processing procedures align precisely with the unique attributes of each category, facilitating efficient mail handling throughout the postal system.


5. What are USPS Flexibility Test and Deflection Standards?

The deflection standards apply to all commercial flat-size mail, excluding Periodicals and Standard Mail® flats eligible for saturation and high-density flats prices, as well as basic carrier route flats drop-shipped to destination delivery units. Flexibility is a prerequisite for flat-size mail, along with adherence to maximum deflection standards. Notably, flat-size pieces designated as high-density or saturation carrier route items and basic carrier route pieces entered at destination delivery units (DDUs) are exempt from these deflection standards. Deflection, measuring the bending of a flat-size mailpiece, plays a crucial role in processing speed and system efficiency. For further details and instructions on the deflection test, refer to the USPS website.


6. What Mail is Eligible for USPS Nonprofit Marketing Mail?

Nonprofit marketing mail, categorized under marketing mail, adheres to the same preparation standards as regular USPS marketing mail mailings. Reserved exclusively for authorized nonprofit organizations by law, nonprofit marketing mail prices are a privilege extended solely to these entities. To qualify for nonprofit prices, organizations must exclusively use their own material and are prohibited from sending matter on behalf of unauthorized entities. Eligible organizations span a range, including religious, scientific, veterans, philanthropic, labor, educational, agricultural, fraternal, and qualified political committees (with restrictions), noting registration officials (with restrictions). Ineligible entities comprise automobile clubs, business leagues, chambers of commerce, citizens and civic improvement associations, and individuals. It is imperative that the organization’s identity is prominently displayed on the mailpiece, either on the outside or in a prominent location, and the return address must bear the organization’s name.

The front of a USPS mail truck

7. What is Critical to Maintain USPS Mailability?

Ensuring proper design and construction is crucial for mailpiece mailability. Any mailpieces failing to meet specified criteria are considered nonmailable, and there is no fee, surcharge, or additional postage that can render a nonmailable item mailable.

Dimensions and Shape:

Unless prepared as Customized Market Mail, mailpieces with a thickness of ¼” or less must adhere to specific requirements. They must be rectangular, at least 3-½” high, at least 5” long, and at least .007 inches thick.


Letter-size flat-size mailpieces made of cardstock may feature finished corners with a radius not exceeding ⅛”.

Address, Orientation, and Dimensions:

The orientation of the address on a mailpiece typically determines its height and length for mailability. In letters, the length is parallel to the address, while the height is perpendicular. For flats and parcels, the length is always the longest dimension.


Parcels have the longest dimension referred to as “length,” and the girth is measured around the thickest part. All mailable matter must weigh no more than 70 lbs and must be no more than 108” in combined length and girth. USPS Ground advantage can measure up to 130” in combined length and girth.


8. What is the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode??

The Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) marks the evolution of barcoding technology, serving as the next generation barcode specifically designed for sorting and tracking letters and flats. Its primary function lies in providing visibility within the mainstream postal system by uniquely identifying both the mail owner and individual mailpieces. Moreover, the intelligent mail tray and container barcodes play a crucial role in uniquely identifying their respective trays and containers, with the IMb encoding 65 bars representing 31 digits.

Obtaining a Mailer ID:

To acquire a Mailer ID (MID), customers can conveniently visit the Business Customer Gateway on The assignment of a 6-digit MID is for mailers with an annual volume exceeding 10 million mailpieces, while a 9-digit MID is designated for those with an annual volume below this threshold. MIDs are allocated to a central business location and can be utilized at any Business Mail entry office or business mail account, streamlining the identification process for efficient mail management.


Wrap It Up

The MDP program extends recognition to participants as certified Mailpiece Design Professionals, emphasizing proficiency in crucial areas such as addressing standards, class of mail, processing categories, intelligent mail barcoding formats, and more. With a focus on automation letters and reply mail intricacies, participants emerge equipped with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of mail design within USPS guidelines.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Meet the Mailers: Mail with a Personal Touch



In the recent episode of “Meet the Mailers” – Episode 29 entitled “Postalgia: Mail with a Personal Touch”, our very own CEO, Ilan Mann, spoke with the esteemed Paul Bobnak from Who’s Mailing What. Ilan Mann’s extensive background in the direct mail industry, along with the innovative solutions offered by Postalgia, were the focus of discussion. The interview delved into the effectiveness of handwritten notes, highlighting why they resonate so genuinely with their audience. The conversation included insights into the many verticals in which Postalgia operates, along with best practices employed within the nonprofit, real estate, and political sectors. Intriguing factors influencing direct mail trends for the upcoming years provided a glimpse into the future of mail.

Key Topics

1. What Solutions Does Postalgia Offer?

2. What Verticals does Postalgia Work in?

3. What are Direct Mail Best Practices in the Nonprofit World?

4. How Does Postalgia Work With Real Estate Companies?

5. How Does Postalgia Work With Political Campaigns?

6. What is Influencing Direct Mail Trends 2023-2024?

1. What Solutions Does Postalgia Offer?

Paul poses the question, “Can you talk about the solution that your company offers to marketers, and nonprofit fundraisers?” Ilan goes on to explain, “we use robots that hold a pen and drag it across the paper just like the human hand would to create the most realistic-looking handwritten pieces of mail in the market.”

Postalgia’s end-to-end mail service is more than just a process; it’s a commitment to transforming your direct mail campaigns into something truly exceptional. Starting with campaign goals, artwork, and customer data, and ending with the stuffing stamping and mailing. What sets us apart is our ability to scale the human touch. We understand that every piece of mail should feel as though it was handcrafted, just for the recipient. With our use of variable data, we create a unique and engaging experience. This includes personalized name salutations, donation amounts, and even variable letters in handwritten fonts. The address on the envelope is crafted to match the contents inside, adding a level of intrigue and personalization that captures attention.

Our extensive range of products includes notecards, executive letters, outer envelopes, pledge cards, reply envelopes, tent cards, and more. Whether you’re reaching out to donors, customers, or constituents, Postalgia’s commitment to personalization and quality ensures that your direct mail campaigns make a lasting impression.


2. What Verticals does Postalgia Work in?

At Postalgia, our reach extends to a diverse group of clients, ranging from small businesses of all kinds, including sole proprietors and independent professionals, to more specialized sectors like dental practices, therapists, and medical practices. We also collaborate with larger financial institutions, catering to a wide spectrum of businesses across the board.

One of our standout areas of expertise is in the nonprofit sector, where we have witnessed remarkable growth. Nonprofits have discovered the immense potential of direct mail for their various needs. Whether it’s fundraising campaigns, stewardship initiatives, or celebrating donor anniversaries, we understand that showing gratitude and care to your donors is paramount. To this end, as Ilan aptly puts it, “Stewardship has been exploding over the last few years, and we’re pretty lucky to be a part of that growth… We’ve seen incredible results on the fundraising.”

We offer a range of solutions, including heartfelt thank you cards and thoughtful holiday cards, all designed to convey your deep appreciation and strengthen the connection between your organization and your donors. At Postalgia, we’re dedicated to serving the unique and evolving needs of all our clients, big or small, and we take pride in being a trusted partner in their journey to make meaningful connections.


3. What are Direct Mail Best Practices in the Nonprofit World?

One of the most impactful mail pieces, as Ilan explains, are highly personalized stewardship pieces. This personalized approach is something we take quite seriously at Postalgia. In fact, Ilan goes on to emphasize, “We do A/B testing,” illustrating our commitment to refining and optimizing our strategies.

“We’ve seen a massive increase in the follow-on fundraising that comes when people receive something as simple as… a Thanksgiving card to half of their list. No ask [amount], no reply device, no pledge card, just happy Thanksgiving,” Ilan highlights. This simple act of expressing gratitude through a Thanksgiving card, without any direct financial appeal, has yielded remarkable results.


4. How Does Postalgia Work With Real Estate Companies?

We’re proud to work with a wide spectrum of clients, including massive brokerages and independent realtors who are tirelessly working to establish their name and brand within their communities. Ilan Mann summarizes our role in the real estate industry, stating, “What we do at Postalgia is a great resource for real estate businesses.”

In the world of real estate, building trust and personal relationships with clients is paramount. As Ilan articulates, “If you want to talk about people buying from people, there’s very few businesses that do that more than real estate. Your home is probably the single biggest purchase you’re ever gonna make, you really need a culture of trust with the person that you’re going to empower to make that purchase on your behalf.” In this highly competitive market, a handwritten letter becomes an invaluable tool for nurturing those crucial relationships and, of course, for standing out amidst the intense competition. At Postalgia, we recognize the significance of these personal touches in the realm of real estate, and we’re here to help businesses in this industry connect with their clients on a deeper level.

Ilan further elaborates on the impact of this approach by sharing a specific campaign we executed for a large Massachusetts nonprofit organization. “We sent half of the people on their list a simple stewardship Thanksgiving card, and then we sent the entire list the end-of-year fundraising appeal,” he explains. The results were staggering. “They raised $130,000 more from the half of the list that received the Thanksgiving card.” This tangible success story demonstrates that stewardship, indeed, pays off, and that a more personalized approach results in higher contributions from donors.

In line with this, Ilan emphasizes, “In fundraising, it’s important to just ask the person as an individual, rather than ask a name on your list or a number in a database.” He underscores the significance of a personalized approach, including a personalized postscript (PS) message, referencing past generosity, and having the communication signed by someone at the organization.


5. How Does Postalgia Work With Political Campaigns?

Postalgia’s journey began in the realm of political campaigning, and our earliest clients were primarily involved in political campaigns. As Ilan points out, “[direct mail is a] super powerful technology for getting out the vote, because of its ability to stand out and jar people out of complacency and apathy and getting people to vote.” The impact of direct mail, particularly handwritten letters, in the political arena cannot be overstated.

Direct mail has the unique ability to break through the noise, not only capturing attention but also serving as a vital tool for reminding individuals of their polling station locations. It plays a significant role in building trust, especially in the realm of political campaigns. Ilan underscores this point, stating, “There are few better ways [to communicate and build trust] than a handwritten letter from a candidate.” In a world inundated with digital communication, the personal touch of a handwritten letter is an authentic and impactful way for political candidates to connect with their constituents and establish trust. Postalgia continues to draw from its roots in political campaigning to offer these invaluable insights to clients across various industries.


6. What is Influencing Direct Mail Trends 2023-2024?

In the dynamic landscape of direct mail, several factors are driving significant trends. As Ilan Mann, CEO of Postalgia, justly points out, “Postage prices are going up and the cost of materials is on the rise. Supply chains experienced quite the rollercoaster journey throughout the pandemic.” In response to these challenges, people are becoming increasingly intentional about the content they send and are actively seeking the kind of conversion rates that can justify direct mail as a powerful marketing channel.

This intentional approach is reflected in the growing demand for expert advice when crafting direct mail campaigns. As Ilan notes, “People are seeking more expert advice when they put together their direct mail campaigns, marketers who send emails or email campaigns on their own are looking for expert advice on sending a powerful direct mail campaign.” The need for specialized guidance in creating impactful direct mail strategies has become essential in the face of rising costs and evolving market dynamics. It’s clear that the future of direct mail is shaped by a commitment to achieving exceptional results, driven by expert insights and strategies.

If you’re eager to explore how Postalgia can help you elevate your direct mail campaigns and craft highly personalized, impactful communications, we invite you to get in touch with us. Our team of experts is ready to discuss strategies tailored to your unique goals and needs. Whether you’re a small business, a nonprofit organization, or a part of a diverse industry, we’re here to assist you in making meaningful connections with your audience.

To kickstart this conversation, reach out to us today by visiting our website and filling out our contact form or by booking a meeting with Ilan.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Rekindling Relationships: Strategies for Engaging Inactive Donors



Last year nonprofits saw a decline in donations for the first time in a decade according to the article by, “Donations Decline for the First Time Since 2012, Fundraising Effectiveness Project Data Shows”. In 2022, there was a noticeable decline of 26% in the giving levels from first-time donors of 2021. This drop was primarily attributed to both new donors and those who had been retained from the previous year, collectively accounting for 81% of the decrease. This even included a 3.5% decrease in repeat donors. This challenge of donor retention extended across the board, leading to the lowest recorded donor retention rate at 42.6% in 2022.

Within the dynamic world of charitable organizations, sustaining financial stability and support from donors is a perpetual challenge. Donor engagement is a delicate dance, and even the most committed supporters can occasionally slip through the cracks. From understanding the motivations behind lapsed donors to mastering the art of data segmentation, effective communication, and a multi-channel approach, we will equip you with the strategies needed to rebuild trust and maintain long-term donor retention. Your nonprofit’s mission deserves unwavering support, and this guide is your roadmap to ensuring just that.

Key Topics

1. Why do Donors Lapse and What to do about Lapsed Donors?

2. What is Segmentation and how does it Focus Data Analysis?

3. What are Effective Communication Strategies for Nonprofits?

4. What is a Multi-Channel Approach?

5. How to Rebuild Trust and Retain Donors?


Strategies for Engaging Lapsed Donors

1. Why do Donors Lapse and What to do about Lapsed Donors?

Donors can become inactive for a multitude of reasons, including significant life changes that disrupt their ability or willingness to contribute, as well as a lack of effective communication from the organization. It’s essential for nonprofits to categorize their lapsed donors into different segments, such as recent lapsed and long-term lapsed, in order to tailor re-engagement strategies effectively. Seasonal factors can also play a role in donor lapses, as certain times of the year may bring about financial constraints or distractions that divert attention away from charitable giving. Additionally, life events like relocation, retirement, or major family changes can significantly impact a donor’s financial situation and capacity to contribute. Delving deeper into the importance of maintaining regular and meaningful communication with donors is critical, as poor or infrequent interactions with the organization can lead to donor attrition over time.


2. What is Segmentation and how does it Focus Data Analysis?

In the realm of re-engagement strategies, crafting personalized messages that genuinely acknowledge a donor’s history with your organization, stands as a pivotal step. These messages should not merely serve as reminders but should resonate with the individual, recognizing their past contributions and the difference they’ve made. By emphasizing the tangible impact of their support, organizations can reignite the donor’s sense of purpose and connection to the cause. These messages can be enhanced by highlighting new developments and achievements made since their last donation, showing donors that their continued involvement will contribute to ongoing progress.

To further bolster credibility and trust, organizations can incorporate testimonials or success stories from other donors who have had a meaningful experience with the cause. These stories act as powerful endorsements, reaffirming the organization’s commitment to its mission and showcasing the positive outcomes that result from donor support.

In today’s visually-oriented digital landscape, utilizing visuals such as infographics or videos can also significantly enhance the effectiveness of communication. Display materials provide a dynamic and engaging way to convey information, making the donor experience more immersive and impactful. Personalization, impact recognition, credibility building, and engaging visuals all play crucial roles in re-engagement efforts, rekindling the donor’s passion and strengthening their bond with the organization.


3. What are Effective Communication Strategies for Nonprofits?

Segmenting lapsed donors is essential when it comes to crafting effective re-engagement strategies. By harnessing the power of data analysis to scrutinize their past interactions and preferences, organizations can unlock the ability to create personalized messages that demonstrate a genuine appreciation for each donor’s individual history and contributions. This personalized approach, which can include thoughtful gestures like handwritten notes, not only showcases the organization’s commitment to its supporters but also significantly enhances the likelihood of rekindling their engagement and reigniting their passion for the cause. In essence, the art of segmentation and data-driven personalization becomes a powerful tool in the hands of nonprofits, fostering stronger connections and reinvigorating donor relationships.


4. What is a Multi-Channel Approach?

Leveraging a diverse array of communication channels, such as email, social media, and direct mail, is key in connecting with lapsed donors. This multifaceted approach allows organizations to reach donors through their preferred means of communication, maximizing the chances of reconnection. In particular, digital platforms have proven instrumental in reconnecting with younger lapsed donors who are more active on social media and responsive to online engagement. By implementing QR codes, or other interactive elements, nonprofits can seamlessly guide donors back to their mission, making it convenient for them to rekindle their support.

In an increasingly digital world, sending physical re-engagement materials can offer distinct advantages. It enables organizations to stand out from the clutter of digital communication, providing a tangible reminder of their mission. This personal touch not only captures the attention of lapsed donors but also conveys a sense of value and effort put into re-establishing the connection. Physical materials can evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity, resonating with donors on a deeper emotional level and potentially rekindling their commitment to the cause. Thus, a strategic blend of digital and physical communication channels ensures a comprehensive re-engagement approach that accommodates the preferences and sensibilities of diverse donor segments.


5. How to Rebuild Trust and Retain Donors?

To successfully re-engage lapsed donors, it’s crucial for organizations to address any issues or concerns that led to their lapse in the first place. This entails actively listening to donor feedback, addressing grievances, and implementing necessary improvements to ensure a more positive and satisfying donor experience. Demonstrating transparency regarding how their previous contributions were utilized is key, as it helps rebuild trust.

Beyond resolving past issues, organizations should also implement ongoing engagement plans aimed at preventing future lapses. By employing effective stewardship practices, nonprofits can continuously nurture their donor relationships, making supporters feel valued and engaged with the cause on a deeper level. Nonprofits can bolster this approach by regularly providing impact reports that showcase measurable results and illustrate precisely how funds were used in the past. These reports not only instill confidence but also serve as a powerful reminder of the meaningful difference donors can make, reigniting their passion for the organization’s mission and ensuring a more sustained commitment.


Wrap It Up

In the intricate realm of nonprofit organizations, this comprehensive exploration has shed light on the multifaceted challenge of donor retention and revival. We covered, understanding lapsed donors, data segmentation, robust communication strategies, applying omni-channel approaches to mailpieces, and rebuilding trust for retention. The crucial importance of rebuilding trust and maintaining donor retention has been underscored as the linchpin to a sustainable and thriving donor base.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Safeguarding Data: 10 Critical Steps for Mail Service Providers (MSPs) and Marketing Agencies


The need for stringent data security measures has reached unprecedented heights. Organizations are navigating the complexities of modern technology, PacketLabs sheds light on some shocking statistics relating to cybersecurity: in 2022 there were an estimated 2,200 cyberattacks per day, and 71% of organizations worldwide became victims of ransomware at least once in the same year. Amidst this backdrop, Mail Service Providers (MSPs) and Marketing Agencies stand at the forefront of safeguarding not just their own sensitive information, but also that of their clients. In this blog post, we will delve into the vital steps that companies must prioritize to fortify data security, ensuring not only their survival but also their thriving success in a digital era fraught with cyber threats.

Key Topics

1. How to Maintain Employee Training and Awareness?

2. Why Perform Regular Security Audits and Assessments?

3. How Does Data Encryption Secure Data?

4. How to Ensure Software Patch Management?

5. Why you Need an Incident Response Plan?

6. Why a Data Backup and Recovery Solution is Critical?

7. Why Implement Email Filtering and Anti-Phishing Measures?

8. What are the Relevant Regulations for Mail Service Providers?

9. Why is Regular Security Awareness Training Important?

10. Why are Data Retention and Disposal Policies Needed?

Safeguarding Data for Mail Service Providers

1. How to Maintain Employee Training and Awareness?

Employee training and awareness are vital for strong data security. Educating all staff about data security details, best practices, and threats like phishing attacks is crucial. Such training empowers employees to identify and thwart cyber threats which can lead to unauthorized access to confidential data.

Consistent training sessions are essential to keep your team prepared for evolving security challenges. These sessions showcase the organization’s dedication to up-to-date security protocols, reinforcing existing knowledge while introducing new measures. Active engagement during these sessions fosters a culture of constant vigilance and adaptability.

Clearly defining roles and duties related to information security is imperative within the organization. This clarity prevents confusion and encourages responsibility. When employees understand their roles, they’re more likely to follow best practices and take proactive steps to protect sensitive data.


2. Why Perform Regular Security Audits and Assessments?

Regular security audits and assessments are vital for maintaining system integrity. They methodically identify vulnerabilities, serving as crucial tools to locate weak points in your digital setup. Once weaknesses are spotted, swift action is crucial to prevent breaches and unauthorized access, reinforcing your defense against cyber threats.

Periodic reviews of systems, networks, and processes continuously detect vulnerabilities and assess adherence to security standards. Aligning practices with benchmarks ensures heightened security and regulatory adherence. These assessments also provide insights into evolving threats, helping your organization adapt proactively to emerging challenges in the digital landscape.


3. How Does Data Encryption Secure Data?

Several critical measures need to be taken to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. One such measure is the implementation of robust encryption protocols to safeguard data both during transmission and when at rest. Encrypting sensitive data in transit is of paramount importance. This involves encoding the data during its journey from one point to another, effectively rendering it indecipherable to unauthorized parties who might intercept it. By employing encryption mechanisms like Transport Layer Security (TLS) for email communication, organizations can guarantee that any information shared over email remains confidential and protected against potential breaches.

Equally significant is determining where client information will be housed. Whether it’s stored in on-premises servers or cloud-based solutions, the chosen location must adhere to stringent security standards. Creating protocols for the secure deletion of client data after their engagement with the organization is another vital facet of data security. Companies need to establish clear procedures for erasing client information from all relevant systems, databases, and backups. This process not only mitigates the risk of unauthorized access post-engagement but also reflects a commitment to respecting clients’ privacy.


4. How to Ensure Software Patch Management?

A centralized approach to patch deployment offers a streamlined and efficient method for managing security updates across various systems and platforms. By consolidating the patching process, organizations can ensure that vulnerabilities are addressed uniformly, reducing the risk of oversight or inconsistent updates.

Prior to deployment, thorough testing of patches is essential to ensure their compatibility and stability within the existing infrastructure. This proactive step prevents the introduction of unforeseen issues that might disrupt operations or compromise system integrity. Rigorous testing helps identify any potential conflicts or adverse effects that could arise from the patch, allowing organizations to address these concerns before the update reaches production systems.

A fundamental aspect of effective patch management involves keeping all software, applications, and operating systems up to date with the latest security patches. Regularly updating and applying security fixes is paramount to mitigating known vulnerabilities and staying ahead of emerging threats. Neglecting to apply patches in a timely manner can leave systems susceptible to exploitation, making them prime targets for cybercriminals seeking to exploit known weaknesses.


5. Why you Need an Incident Response Plan?

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a critical foundation for organizational resilience. It’s imperative to annually review and update the plan to reflect evolving risks and business needs. This precautionary approach ensures that the BCP remains aligned with current conditions and remains effective in times of crisis.

A well-structured incident response plan is indispensable for effectively mitigating security breaches. This comprehensive plan should outline precise steps to be executed when a breach occurs. Clearly assigning roles and responsibilities to designated team members streamlines response efforts and avoids confusion during critical moments. Regular drills and simulations are essential to validate the plan’s effectiveness and ensure that the team is prepared to execute the required actions swiftly and efficiently.

Regularly rehearsing the incident response plan through drills and simulations is pivotal. These practices fine-tune team coordination and provide a real-world understanding of the response process. As the threat landscape evolves, proactive updates and rigorous testing of the plan are fundamental in maintaining a robust security posture and safeguarding business continuity.


6. Why a Data Backup and Recovery Solution is Critical?

A dynamic Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) stands as a safeguard against potential setbacks. Central to this plan is a well-structured communication strategy designed to address clients who might be impacted by the unfolding situation. This communication plan ensures that all parties involved are kept informed, minimizing confusion and fostering a sense of transparency.

Integral to the DRP’s effectiveness is the routine backup of critical data and systems. By regularly duplicating essential information, an organization can mitigate the adverse effects of data loss. Whether due to human error, system malfunctions, or unforeseen disruptions, having up-to-date backups enables a seamless recovery process that helps maintain operational continuity.

The true essence of data resilience lies in the practice of maintaining offsite backups. These offsite copies serve as a fail-safe mechanism, safeguarding against data loss caused by factors ranging from cyberattacks to hardware failures. Having these backups stored in secure and geographically distant locations ensures that even in the face of localized incidents, data recovery remains a viable option, ultimately reducing downtime and enhancing the organization’s ability to bounce back from adversity.


7. Why Implement Email Filtering and Anti-Phishing Measures?

In the modern landscape of cyber threats, safeguarding email communication is paramount. Employing sophisticated email filtering solutions is a proactive defense mechanism against phishing emails, malware, and malicious content. These advanced tools use intricate algorithms to swiftly identify and block suspicious elements, fortifying an organization’s digital perimeter.

Equipping employees with the knowledge to identify and thwart phishing attempts is equally crucial. Through comprehensive training programs, individuals learn to recognize telltale signs of phishing, empowering them to refrain from clicking on harmful links or sharing sensitive information. Encouraging a culture of vigilance, where employees promptly report suspicious emails, further bolsters the organization’s collective defense against cyber threats.


8. What are the Relevant Regulations for Mail Service Providers?

Staying in alignment with pertinent regulations like GDPR or HIPAA, is essential. Depending on your geographical location and the sectors you cater to, compliance with these regulations is important to safeguard user data and maintain trust. These regulations dictate how personal information is collected, processed, and shared, with stringent provisions to ensure data security and privacy.

Adhering to these regulations goes beyond mere legal obligations – it’s a fundamental step toward ethical data management. To this end, your processes must be meticulously aligned with the stipulated guidelines. This entails implementing data protection measures, obtaining proper consent, offering transparent privacy policies, and promptly addressing user rights requests. Non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including substantial fines and reputational damage.


9. Why is Regular Security Awareness Training Important?

To fortify an organization’s security stance, continuous employee training is essential. Ongoing security awareness programs ensure that employees are well-versed in emerging threats, cybersecurity best practices, and the criticality of adhering to security protocols.

These training initiatives delve into the latest threat landscape, imparting knowledge on threat prevention and industry best practices. By incorporating simulated scenarios and real-world examples, the learning experience becomes practical and relatable. Employees gain a tangible grasp on how threats manifest and what preventive actions to take.


10. Why are Data Retention and Disposal Policies Needed?

To ensure robust data security, organizations must begin by establishing well-defined data retention and disposal policies. These policies serve as guidelines for how long different types of data should be retained and when they should be safely disposed of. By having clear policies in place, companies create a structured framework that governs the lifecycle of their data, from its creation to its eventual removal.

Regularly reviewing and securely disposing of data that is no longer necessary is a fundamental step in maintaining data security. As information accumulates over time, retaining data that is no longer needed increases the risk of a potential data breach. The principle of data minimization becomes pivotal here – organizations should retain only the data that serves a legitimate purpose and dispose of the rest. By doing so, the potential impact of a data breach is significantly reduced, as there’s less sensitive information at risk of exposure.


Data breaches and cyber threats have become commonplace, the responsibility of safeguarding sensitive information has never been more critical for MSPs and Marketing Agencies. By meticulously implementing the ten steps outlined in this post, these entities can create a formidable defense against potential vulnerabilities. From educating staff and clients to adopting advanced security technologies, the path to robust data security demands constant vigilance, proactive measures, and a commitment to staying ahead of the evolving threat landscape. As companies embrace these strategies, they not only protect their own reputation and business continuity but also foster trust among clients, positioning themselves as defenders of digital security. Ultimately, by prioritizing data security, these entities pave the way for sustainable success in an increasingly interconnected and risk-prone digital world.

At Postalgia, we prioritize data security above all else. We recognize the sensitive nature and importance of your data, and we go beyond standard measures to ensure its complete protection. Our security protocols involve robust strategies aimed at preventing unauthorized access and data breaches, ensuring the highest levels of confidentiality and integrity throughout every step of the process.

In a time where the consequences of data breaches can be far-reaching, our dedication to data security goes beyond mere policy; it stands as a commitment to safeguarding your interests. We comprehend that the faith you entrust in us forms the foundation of our relationship. It’s this very trust that drives us to cultivate an environment where your data is housed with the utmost security.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

5 Key Reasons Why Companies Should Prioritize Mail Vendor Security



Amidst the interconnectedness of modern business operations, one critical aspect demands attention: mail vendor security. Verizon released the “2019 Data Breach Investigations Report”, which yielded statistics that are cause for concern.​​ In 2018, 34% of data breaches involved internal participants and 71% of breaches are financially motivated.

In the mail industry mail service providers, mail procurement companies, and marketing agencies who handle sensitive data such as customer health information, donor lists, and home addresses must tighten up their data security. Attacks can come in many forms through malicious email links, hacked passwords, or unauthorized server access to name a few. Once data has been accessed attackers typically demand a ransom or simply sell the information.

As companies embrace digital transformation, the security of communication channels takes center stage. The implications are far-reaching, touching upon legal compliance, brand reputation, financial stability, customer trust, and the safeguarding of invaluable intellectual property. In this age of data-driven decision-making, understanding the five key reasons why companies should prioritize mail vendor mail security isn’t just prudent—it’s essential.

Key Topics
1. Why are Data Protection Regulations Important?

2. How Might a Data Breach Affect Brand Reputation?

3. Does Poor Data Security put Companies at Financial Risk?

4. How can Properly Vetted Mailers Improve Customer Trust?

5. Why is it Important to Protect Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets?



1. Why are Data Protection Regulations Important?

Compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA demands a meticulous approach to handling sensitive information. What’s interesting is that this responsibility doesn’t end with the organization itself; it extends to the partners they collaborate with, including mail vendors. The concept of third-party responsibility is crucial here. Companies are accountable not just for their own actions, but also for the practices of the vendors they engage. This includes mail vendors, who must align their security measures with these regulations to avoid potential legal consequences.

The motivation for this diligence boils down to one key factor: avoiding penalties. Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to substantial fines and legal actions that can significantly impact a company’s financial standing. Adherence to data protection regulations is not merely a procedural matter but a strategic move to ensure financial stability and maintain a solid reputation.


2. How Might a Data Breach Affect Brand Reputation?

A breach in security involving a mail vendor has the potential to wreak havoc on a company’s standing. One of the most critical ways it can hurt is by taking a toll on the reputation of the company itself. Imagine a scenario where customer trust and loyalty start to crumble, all because their personal information wasn’t handled with the care they expected.

It’s not just the trust of customers that’s at stake. Bad news travels fast, and in this age of information, news of a security breach could spread quickly. The aftermath could lead to a wave of negative press, causing significant damage to the company’s public image. What customers think about a company matters a lot. When a company handles their data responsibly and securely, it sends a message that it’s reliable and takes its responsibilities seriously.

Data breaches have become a worrying norm, and a company’s approach to protecting sensitive information has a direct impact on how customers view it. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about preserving a sense of trust, responsibility, and dependability in the eyes of the people it serves.


3. Does Poor Data Security put Companies at Financial Risk?

The repercussions of security breaches ripple through a company’s operations, touching upon various aspects including legal matters, finances, and reputation. These breaches can set off a chain of events, ranging from legal actions and fines to the daunting challenges of addressing the breach’s impact on the company’s financial standing.

There are the legal and regulatory costs. After a breach, the company finds itself navigating a complex landscape of legal responsibilities and regulatory compliance. Then comes the realm of remediation expenses. Handling a breach means diving into the intricate world of digital forensics, aiming to pinpoint how the breach occurred and the extent of the damage. Alongside this, investments are needed for data recovery efforts to minimize data loss. Implementing heightened security measures becomes imperative to prevent future breaches, and these measures often require substantial financial resources.

Security breaches can lead to lawsuits initiated by those whose data has been compromised. These lawsuits can result in settlements that can impose a heavy burden on a company’s financial resources. In essence, security breaches are not isolated events; they carry a multifaceted impact that reaches into a company’s financial well-being. The combination of legal expenses, remediation efforts, and potential litigation makes it clear that the cost of a breach extends far beyond the immediate aftermath, emphasizing the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.


4. How can Properly Vetted Mailers Improve Customer Trust?

In the realm of business, customer trust is the bedrock on which success is built. Companies are entrusted with safeguarding sensitive customer data, and any lapse in this responsibility can have serious consequences. Failing to ensure the security of vendor communications can trigger a chain reaction, resulting in customer churn and the spread of negative word-of-mouth.

One crucial factor affected is customer retention and loyalty. When a security breach occurs, it shakes the foundation of trust that customers have placed in the company. This loss of confidence can lead customers to question whether their information is truly safe in the company’s hands. Consequently, customers might decide to move on, seeking services from companies they believe can better protect their data.

Effective security practices when it comes to mail vendors can provide a significant competitive advantage. In a crowded marketplace, a company that can demonstrate robust security measures not only reassures its existing customer base but also attracts security-conscious individuals seeking reliable service providers. This forms the basis for the company to stand out from the competition and gain an edge in the market.


5. Why is it Important to Protect Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets?

Mail holds more than just messages; it’s a vessel for valuable intellectual property and closely guarded trade secrets. But here’s the catch: if security around mail communications is lax, it can open the door for a high-stakes game of intellectual property theft and economic espionage.

At the heart of the matter lies the recognition that mail is often a treasure trove of crucial assets. Confidential information, proprietary data, and the intellectual property that underpins a company’s success are frequently exchanged through mail. These assets are the lifeblood of innovation and competitiveness, making their protection paramount.

The term “economic espionage” might sound like something out of a spy movie, but it’s a real concern. When mail security is compromised, it opens the door for harmful perpetrators to swoop in and snatch up these valuable assets. Whether it’s a competitor seeking an edge or a third party looking to cash in on stolen information, the consequences can be dire.



Within the intricate web of data protection regulations, the safeguarding of brand reputation, the mitigation of financial losses, the preservation of customer trust, and the defense of intellectual property and trade secrets, the imperative of prioritizing mail vendor security becomes resoundingly clear. Compliance with vendor security regulations reflects not only legal adherence but also a strategic measure to ensure financial stability and uphold reputation. The resilience of customer trust rests upon secure vendor communications, with breaches potentially triggering customer churn and negative word-of-mouth. In a competitive landscape, effective security practices surrounding mail vendors not only retain existing clientele but also attract security-conscious individuals, fostering market differentiation. Recognizing that mail carries more than mere messages underscores the significance of guarding intellectual property. Ultimately, a comprehensive approach to mail vendor security is an investment in the integrity, stability, and competitiveness of an organization, solidifying its position in an interconnected digital era where the protection of sensitive information is paramount.

At Postalgia, the utmost importance is placed on data security. We acknowledge the delicate nature and significance of your data, and we exceed conventional measures to ensure its protection. Our security procedures encompass vigorous approaches designed to thwart unauthorized access and data breaches, guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality and integrity at every step of the process.

In an era where data breaches can have far-reaching consequences, our commitment to data security is more than a policy; it is a pledge to safeguard your interests. We understand that the trust you place in us is the cornerstone of our relationship, and it is this trust that compels us to create an environment where your data finds its most secure abode.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.