Write a Personal Donor Birthday Card in 7 Seconds


Have you ever wanted to send a truly personal and handwritten birthday card to all of your donors, but found it to be too time-consuming and impractical? Well, imagine being able to accomplish this task in just 7 seconds using a nonprofit CRM! The Nonprofit Finance Fund’s State of the Nonprofit Sector survey found that in 2020, 52% of nonprofits reported an increase in demand for their services, while only 22% reported an increase in funding. This indicates that many nonprofits are being asked to do more with less. To counter the urgent need for funding, stewardship must be practiced regularly. Sending personalized birthday cards is a simple but meaningful way to express gratitude and build loyalty among your donor base.


Key Topics

1. Why Should Nonprofits Send Birthday Cards to Donors?

2. How to Write a Birthday Card in 7 Seconds

3. Example Birthday Card Message with Template

Personal Birthday Card in Seconds

1. Why Should Nonprofits Send Birthday Cards to Donors?

One of the most important assets you have is your donor base. These individuals have chosen to support your cause and help you achieve your mission, and it’s essential that you show them how much you value their contribution. One way to do this is by sending personalized birthday cards to your donors.

When you take the time to acknowledge your donors on their birthday, it demonstrates that you care about them as valued members of your community and not just as a source of funding. This personal touch can help to strengthen your relationship with your donors and can lead to increased engagement and support in the future.

Sending birthday cards also provides an opportunity to thank your donors for their past support and remind them of the impact their donations have had. By sharing specific examples of how their contributions have made a difference, you can help to reinforce their commitment to your cause and inspire them to continue giving. In addition to building stronger relationships with your donors, a birthday card can also help to differentiate your nonprofit from others.

Sending personalized birthday cards is a cost-effective way to acknowledge and celebrate your donors without requiring a large investment of time or resources. By using a nonprofit CRM, you can easily automate this process to ensure that every donor receives a birthday card on time. This makes it easy to scale this approach and ensure that every donor receives the same level of personalized attention. So why not start sending personalized birthday cards today and see the impact it can have on your donor retention and overall satisfaction?

Birthday Card Yellow with pen

2. How to Write a Birthday Card in 7 Seconds

Creating personalized birthday cards for donors can be a daunting task, especially if you have a large donor base. Postalgia specializes in taking these large and time consuming tasks, so you can put your focus and resources into vital nonprofit work such as, fundraising and services the community.

This is where donor segmentation comes in handy. With the help of a nonprofit CRM system, the process can be streamlined and made more efficient. By setting up a template for the message and using the CRM to export donor data, it’s possible to create and send personalized cards at scale with minimal time and effort.

Each field in a personalized birthday card can correspond to a field in your CRM or database. This means that you can use the data you have on the donor to create deeply personal and meaningful messages. For example, you can include their name, donation history, or specific program they have supported in the past. By using this information, you can craft a message that speaks directly to the donor and highlights the impact they have had on your organization.

In addition to the personalized fields, you can also randomize the lines in the generic parts of the birthday greeting. This allows you to add an extra layer of personalization by tailoring the message to the individual donor’s interests, preferences, or relationship with the organization. This can make the message feel even more special and can help to build a stronger connection between the donor and your organization.

By using a column in your data that indicates the donor’s birthday, you can set your card to be mailed a certain number of days before that day. This ensures that the donor receives the card in a timely manner and can enjoy the warm, fuzzy feelings that come with being appreciated on their special day. This level of personalization and attention to detail can make a big difference in how your donors perceive your organization.

While there is some upfront work involved in setting up the template and integrating your CRM with the mailing process, the actual process of exporting data and creating the cards takes only about 7 seconds. This means that you can achieve a high level of personalization and impact with minimal time and effort. By taking advantage of the power of a nonprofit CRM system, you can make sure that each of your donors feels appreciated and valued, which can lead to increased engagement, loyalty, and support over time.

3. Example Birthday Card Message

Dear Samantha,

Congratulations on turning 58 years young! 

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday on behalf of myself, Sandra, and all of us at The Riverdale Hospital Foundation! 

I hope this birthday is extra meaningful for you with the knowledge that you’ve had such a huge impact on our neonatal care program. 

Hoping to see you at our hoops for heart fundraiser in June! 



P.S. Please give my best to Craig and Emily!




Dear [First Name],

Congratulations on turning [Upcoming Age] years young!

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday on behalf of myself, [Relationship Manager Two], and all of us at The Riverdale Hospital Foundation!

I hope this birthday is extra meaningful for you with the knowledge that you’ve had such a huge impact on our [Project name].

Hoping to see you at our [next event] in [event month]!


[Relationship Manager One]

P.S. Please give my best to [Spouse and Children Names]!


Sending personalized birthday cards to your donors is a simple yet effective way to show your appreciation and build stronger relationships. With the help of a nonprofit CRM system, this process can be streamlined and made more efficient, taking only 7 seconds to create and send each card. By using donor data to craft deeply personal messages and highlighting the impact of their contributions, you can inspire your donors to continue supporting your cause.

This cost-effective approach can differentiate your nonprofit from others, leading to increased donor retention and overall satisfaction. So why not start implementing this approach today and reap the benefits of stronger donor relationships?

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The Benefit of Thanking Your Customers

Gratitude. It’s such a simple word to say. In reality, it has so much meaning. And it means different things to different people. It can even anchor your business strategy. One thing about gratitude, though, is that it takes practice. The more you practice offering thanks to those you interact with, the happier and better satisfied you (and the recipient) become. That’s good for your business – and you.

Showing gratitude to others is one way you can make them feel appreciated, which is something that offers surprising rewards if you’re willing to initiate. In fact, the art of thanking others can be what sets you apart and builds loyalty among customers, donors, and employees alike. Here’s what you need to know about thanking others, the psychology behind it, and how to maximize its value for your business.

How You Benefit From Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t just about your customers, it can offer big benefits for you. Thanking someone is a small thing that breeds enormous results. The more frequently you practice thanking others, the more thankful you feel about your own life, at least according to Harvard Medical School.

As you take on a grateful mindset, you’ll begin feeling thankful for more and more things. If you have trouble verbalizing gratitude, you might begin by creating a gratitude journal or writing thank-you cards to people in your circle. The more you practice these actions, the easier it will be to offer your thanks to your customers and tell people around you that you are thankful for them.

In business, this isn’t only for customer appreciation. You can show appreciation for employees or even individuals (even vendors) who have given their money, time, and talent to support your business.

Psychology Of A Thank You

Thanking your customers will make a huge difference to your bottom line if you leverage the power of expressing gratitude. in addition to the personal benefits that practicing gratitude and thanking others offer, you’ll enjoy the benefit of more loyal customers.

Why? One big factor is that offering and receiving thanks is actually less common than you’d think. According to a recent study published in Psychological Science, most people underestimate the value of saying thank you – so they don’t do it.

Researchers discovered that when people thank someone, they underestimate the positive sentiments that their statement of appreciation elicits. That might explain why some individuals don’t express their gratitude more frequently.

In several experiments, participants picked someone who positively influenced them and anticipated how the recipient would react to receiving a letter of thanks. The researchers sent letters to the recipients of the thank-you letter and asked them to evaluate the individual thanking them.

According to the survey results, those expressing gratitude significantly underestimated how positively the recipient would rate them. They notably underestimated the competency rating, indicating that looking silly or inept might be a significant barrier to expressing thanks.

What Does Cultivating Gratitude Mean for Businesses?

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” – Aesop.

When you thank your customers, employees, and others you come in contact with, it makes them FEEL good. If you do it consistently, those good feelings become something they associate with you and your business. They will seek out those experiences over interactions with other people because of how your company makes them feel.

In other words, it creates loyalty.

People will often turn down higher-paying jobs if they feel appreciated and valued in their current jobs. The same holds for customers. They will drive out of their way and across town to do business with a shop or store that makes them feel appreciated rather than going to one nearby that does not.

Even with e-commerce businesses, customers will return time and again to websites that make them feel appreciated rather than going to those that make them feel like a nameless, faceless number instead of a valued customer. The way you make people feel matters. Thanking them is a crucial method for making them feel valued and appreciated by you and your business.

Practicing Gratitude in Business

When you make people associated with your business feel appreciated, they will be much more loyal to your business than those who do not. This means expressing gratitude is an incredible way to build loyalty for your business.

Here are a few ideas on how to make your customers feel appreciated:

  • Add bonus items or small extras to packages when delivering items.
  • Offer free products or samples to customers.
  • Start a loyalty program that provides discounted or free items with repeat purchases.
  • Provide discounts on future purchases.
  • Offer employee appreciation benefits.
  • Spotlight customers, employees, etc. in weekly newsletters or social posts.

Another easy way to express gratitude is with a handwritten thank-you card. It may seem like a simple gesture, but it makes an impression on your audience. In fact, a handwritten thank-you note carries far more weight than you may realize because:

  • People don’t deliberately say thanks all that often.
  • A handwritten thank-you card is more likely to stand out in the mail.
  • Handwritten cards are more likely to be read and remembered.
  • The fact that someone wrote the information makes gratitude appear more authentic.
  • It’s an easy method to show customer appreciation. And we can make it even easier for you.

Because you practice gratitude, show appreciation, and give thanks, you continue to enjoy the mental health and physical benefits that being grateful provides. Plus, you enjoy the benefits of loyalty from your customers and employees. It’s a real win for businesses and individuals from all walks of life.

Of course, you can thank your customers and employees in many ways. But the most important thing is to actually thank them. More importantly, show them you are grateful for their business and be thankful for things each day as they happen. Do this consistently enough, and over time you will enjoy greater customer loyalty as your business grows.

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How to keep customers engaged with your business

We live in an increasingly “instant” society. From drive-thru restaurants to Amazon Prime, people rely on prompt service – often at the expense of the deep relationships businesses once had with their customers. It makes it difficult to engage the way businesses once did. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your customers engaged with your business, using approaches that weren’t always available to the businesses of yesteryear.

The great news is that these are key components of outstanding customer service that will work for e-commerce and in-store sales – giving you greater opportunities for customer engagement than ever before. Here are a few key things you can do to improve customer engagement with your business and ensure greater customer loyalty – long after a purchase or transaction.

Create Value

The value you create for your customers doesn’t just stop at the service or product you provide. By serving as a resource for them, you establish a relationship of mutual value with them. They will see you as an important asset to have in their lives, and they’ll want to remain connected with your business.

You can do this by sharing whitepapers, guides, infographics, and even ebooks detailing information that your customers will find of value, even if it isn’t directly related to your product. You can also provide tips that will help customers use your products or services more effectively. Lastly, you share success stories of how other people use your products or services to achieve great results and inspire your target audience.

Get Social to Build Relationships

Social media is a boon for businesses of all sizes. Of course, it is only what you make of it. If you don’t invest your time and attention toward creating a strong social media presence, it can’t really pay off for your business.

However, social media offers small businesses a free platform to reach out to their customers for various reasons. You can use social media to ask for customer feedback, announce new products and services, showcase your team members, and engage in conversations that are relevant in the communities where your business operates.

The more social media platforms you use to engage your customers, the greater your engagement is likely to be. Some of the top platforms you might want to consider for your business include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

Another popular option that requires a little more planning and work on your part is YouTube. Here you can make videos about practically anything related to your business and post them for current and future engagement with your customers.

The idea is to post frequently and respond to customer questions and complaints as they arise. Believe it or not, how you respond to complaints made on social media can have a massive impact on how customers view your business and your brand.

Have Contests

Contests and competitions, especially those where prizes are involved, build engagement and deepen customer loyalty. They are incredible tools for keeping your customers on the edge of their collective seats to see who wins.

The type of competition or prizes awarded isn’t nearly as important as casting a wide net among your audience for interest. In other words, the prizes do need to be meaningful enough that a large section of your audience is on board to participate. When this happens, they’ll spread the word for you.

You don’t have to offer daily prizes or even monthly contests to win customer loyalty. But hosting different contests throughout the year can make a significant difference to your customer engagement, participation, and, ultimately, sales.

Create a Loyalty Club with Special Offers

Customer loyalty programs are another great way to increase engagement. They are great tools for creating repeat business by offering freebies and discounts. For instance, old-fashioned punch cards can be great for food services. Every ten punches on the card result in a free sandwich, coffee, dessert, etc. People will come in day after day, as long as you provide good service and products so that they can get the free product down the road. It’s a small price to pay to encourage customer loyalty. One that is often well rewarded with loyal paying customers who frequent your business regularly.

Ask for Their Opinions

Surveys are incredible tools you can use to get feedback and opinions from your customers. Surveys are cost-effective tools you can use to ask a wide range of questions and solicit commentary from your customers.
Participation can also be fun for customers. It gives them a voice in future products your company creates, the level of customer service you offer, and how you interact with them regularly.

Thank Them for Their Patronage

Finally, don’t forget to thank your customers. While telling them “thank you!” is terrific, there are more meaningful ways to thank them that will stay with them much longer while increasing engagement at the same time. One way is with handwritten thank-you cards and notes.

This is an underrated method of building customer engagement that often flies under the radar in our highly technological society. However, it is a method that can generate fantastic results when it comes to loyalty and engagement from your customers. Handwritten letters and handwritten notes make your customers feel appreciated and wanted.

We live in a world where so much communication is handled by email that it stands out and makes an impression when you send an actual handwritten letter by mail.

The Key Is To Get Started

The more your business uses these methods to improve customer engagement, the better the results are likely to be for your business. However, it’s up to you to implement them. If you run a business, ensure that your customer engagement efforts are a daily and ongoing part of your operations.

Don’t wait until you have a significant problem to start talking to your customers. Don’t forget that it is vital for any business owner or entrepreneur to know how valuable their customers are.

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How to Make a Thank-You Note More Memorable

Thank-you cards are a straightforward concept: they convey gratitude for a kind deed, statement, or gift. For the writer, the formality of a handwritten thank you might be overwhelming. Many individuals underestimate the impact of a handwritten thank-you note. With so many new forms of communication, it seems like a hassle to do anything more than send an email, text message or phone call.

A handwritten thank you note, on the other hand, conveys far more. It says that you took the time to sit down and say thanks to those who did something that helped you out. A handwritten thank-you card is the perfect way to express gratitude to someone, regardless of the context.

We understand that many individuals struggle with deciding what to put in a thank-you note. Many folks think that the wording must be flawless before it is signed, sealed, and sent, which might lead to procrastination on the part of the writer. However, a poorly-worded letter brimming with sincere passion is preferable to one that was never written in the first place.

We know that people often struggle with what to put in a thank-you card. In an attempt to make the process of writing personal notes easier, we’ve compiled a short list of instructions to make sure you get it right with your thank-you note – even if you use a service to write them at scale.

Use a Friendly Tone

As previously said, writing a thank-you note creates a more personal connection with your recipient than sending an email or text. However, if you use the wrong tone, you can harm the relationship you are trying to create.

If you write in a formal manner, you run the risk of creating separation between yourself and your customer. Instead, try and maintain a friendly and approachable tone. Forget about formalities, even if you’re writing on behalf of a company or to a business contact. Consider how you would express yourself if the receiver were present and conversing with you in person. Use ordinary turns of phrase rather than overly complicated or advanced jargon simply because it sounds impressive.

Remember to be genuine. Even if you maintain your tongue firmly in cheek in your note, humour might get lost in the written word. If you don’t know the receiver well, forgo humour and communicate from the heart. Don’t go overboard, since gushing might come across as insincere; but write with genuine thanks.

Maintain a Positive Approach

Some gestures, no matter how noble the intent, might fall flat at times. You know you should thank them for what they’ve done for you, but something didn’t seem quite right. For example, the customer wasn’t all that polite, or a donor gave less than you had hoped. Perhaps an employee or volunteer worked extra hours, but you did not receive the desired outcome. A thank-you note is not the appropriate venue for conveying what went wrong. Instead, concentrate on what you liked about the gesture.

For what it’s worth, there may never be a good time to express your displeasure with the gesture. It is frequently preferable to think long game and maintain excellent relationships as a result. Criticize individuals for their efforts, and they will be less willing to volunteer for you in the future.

Leave Out Any Sales Pitch

The purpose of a thank-you message is to express your thanks. Refrain from turning your message into a sales pitch. When drafting thank-you cards for professional objectives, this step might be quite challenging. We know that communicating with customers is often about marketing or promoting, but you’re better off resisting the urge.

When you include any kind of a sales pitch in your thank-you card, it contradicts your original goal and makes your note appear disingenuous. Sales pitches should be reserved for marketing campaigns. They have no place in thank-you notes or cards.

Mention Specifics

To personalise each thank-you card, it is critical that you include precise information in your expression of gratitude. Do you want to say what this individual has done to deserve this gratitude? You want to personalize their acts as much as possible, to avoid your thank-you coming off as generic or cookie-cutter in nature. Mention a specific transaction or the circumstance. Reference as many details as possible and why they are important. It is rewarding to know that someone appreciates you.

Remember: the impact they had may not be apparent to them, so it is critical you get specific so they can connect the dots. Examples of how to add detail include: “You really went above and beyond during our latest fundraising drive” or “I appreciate you referring XXXXX to me.”

End Your Note Warmly

Make sure the way you conclude your thank-you note makes a good impression. Your closing remarks should be friendly and personal. Both “Warmest regards” and “With gratitude” are safe bets. Try “With love,” or “Love and appreciation” if you’re extremely close to the recipient. If you’re communicating in a religious context, “God bless you” or “Blessings” may be appropriate.

Reduce the number of official sign-offs to a bare minimum. While “With Regards” and “Yours Truly” are appropriate business letter closings, they will seem cold and uncaring on a thank-you note.

Write Your Thank-You Note Today

Your thank-you note should be short, sweet and sincere. Long messages sound like a burden to read and might seem insincere. Don’t write lengthy stories in these notes; simply convey your gratitude without fanfare or fuss.

After all, the purpose of a thank-you note is to express your gratitude. Keep your message short and personalized, limit the sales pitch if at all possible, use specific and clear details, end with a warm sign off. If you keep these proven approaches in mind, before you know it you will be a total pro when it comes to writing thank-you notes.

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6 Ways to Shake Up How You Say ‘Thank You!’

It isn’t always what you say that matters nearly as much as how you say it. That is something businesses, charities, non-profits, and individuals need to understand when it comes to saying “thank you.” To give you some help, here are six methods that can completely transform the way you say thank you to others, setting the stage for more robust, more meaningful relationships.

1. Send Handwritten Thank-You Cards

It’s just two little words. But saying “thank you” can shape the scope of future relationships, business partnerships, and friendships. In other words, saying thank you mattress – much more than you may realize.

This is why handwritten thank-you notes carry so much weight in our almost fully digital world. Not convinced? Here are a few reasons why it’s better to send handwritten thank-you notes than their digital equivalent:

  • In a digital world, handwritten notes and messages stand out.
  • Taking the time to write the message makes it look and feel more personal and heartfelt.
  • Carries more meaning to those receiving the thank-you message.
  • A handwritten note comes across as more thoughtful on your part.

As you can see, there is a lot to love and appreciate about the beauty and benefit of sending handwritten thank-you notes to customers, donors, business associates, and those who have given you gifts or to whom you are grateful for any number of reasons. They can make a world of difference in job interviews, scholarship applications, and so much more.

2. Be Specific About Why You are Thanking Them

Brevity may be the soul of wit, at least according to Shakespeare. But it is specificity that is the soul of gratitude. Be specific about why you are sending a thank-you card if you want your card to carry more weight and meaning to those receiving it.

If you’re thanking donors, mention the specific monetary donation, donation of time, or donation of items (dog food to animal shelters, for instance).

If it is for your business, mention specific details to make the message meaningful and ensure that those receiving your thank-you message understand it was intended for them, for their particular gift, and not a blanket response sent to everyone.

The goal of handwritten notes when email and form letters are so predominant is to make those receiving the notes feel special and appreciated. Make sure the content of your letter or message serves that purpose. Specificity helps.

3. Include Something Extra

This is your opportunity to really stand out and be memorable when sending thank-you notes to your target audience. It doesn’t have to cost you much at all, other than a bit of time and creativity to send a little something extra, but it can carry a world of meaning to the person receiving your thank-you message.

For instance, businesses might send a gift for a specific discount, free shipping, or some other perk concerning future orders. Or, you could send a particular item you offer or a promotional product you reserve for VIP clients, trade shows, expos, and other similar events. The nicer the item, the more weight it will carry when it comes to being memorable. However, you do not have to spend loads of money to make your message feel heartfelt.

For non-profits and charities, that little something extra can include photographs of their donation dollars in action. Whether it is photos of wells being dug for clean drinking water, children being educated around the world, gift bags for cancer patients, or something else entirely, people love to see their good deeds in action. Use this as an opportunity to show them the results of their donations.

4. Address Recipient by Name and Include Personal Details (If Possible)

Relationship-building is vital in the world today. Relationship marketing is undoubtedly a valuable tool for marketing goods and services. It is an essential tool when working with donors for charitable organizations or non-profits.

It is a two-way street, though: you have to get to know the people who support your business or cause – and you must allow them to get to know you.

Make your thank-you notes personal by addressing them by name and revealing personalized details about why their gifts, time, talent, donations, help, etc. are so meaningful to you on a personal level. It may be business for you, but it is often personal for them. Giving them a little bit of yourself in return helps them feel engaged in the process and better inclined to participate again, whether through donations, purchases, or some other method.

5. Communicate Your Gratitude

This one is a little more difficult for the average person. However, it is something that will transform the way you say “Thank you!” It will also kick the impact of your thank you message up a notch or two to those who receive the message.
Saying “thank you” is important. However, when you make them understand how truly grateful you are and the other person’s impact on your life, business, cause, etc., the message becomes more meaningful. They feel your gratitude because they understand better what their gift, time, attention, purchase, or donation meant to you.

When people feel appreciated for their efforts, no matter how large or small, they are more likely to go out of their way to make an effort again. In many cases, they will even double their efforts in the feature because they felt your gratitude and appreciation.

6. Showcase Your Personality

Another great thing about a “Thank you!” note is that it is a more informal means of communication. That allows you to showcase your personality a little. Whether you (and by extension, your business or organization) have a fantastic sense of humour, are a little bit of a geek, or are a total nerd at heart, let your personality shine when sending thank-you notes. This helps your audience feel a greater kinship with you and aids in the relationship-building process. The more of your personality they see, the better it is for your future interactions.

Now all you have to do is get started. Our writing services help will take your “thank you” notes to the next level. We can help you write authentic handwritten thank-you notes at scale that stand out from the crowd and make an impression with your audience. Contact us today to learn more.

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How to Win Donation Dollars

Donations are the lifeblood for non-profits, charities and political parties. The relationships you build with your donors today make a world of difference for future donations. That’s why it is essential for you to focus on developing those essential relationships in order to keep funds flowing into your organization. In this post, we offer a few key steps you can take to build better, stronger relationships with donors so that they open their hearts and their wallets for your cause.

Show Supporters How You’re Using Their Donation Dollars

People like to see the results of their efforts, and this certainly applies to donations. By providing details on how donations are making a difference, you are highlighting the good work your organization is doing. At the same time, sharing this information lets your donors know their funds are being spent on legitimate purposes. It makes them feel better about giving and makes them more likely to give the next time you ask them for their help.

You can show them their dollars in action with photographs, videos, brochures, and more. You can even invite major donors to the location where you’re doing your work so they can see what is happening on the ground. Whether you’re gathering building supplies, food, clothing, toys for children, school supplies, etc. they can see you working to gather and distribute the gifts where they will do the most good.

Be Transparent with Spending Reports

This is an important add-on to the previous tip. Sadly, the actions of a few unscrupulous charities and non-profits have subjected all organizations to additional scrutiny. This is especially true among larger donors. And if you’re interested in winning bigger donation dollars to support your cause, you’re going to have to go after the big fish.

The best way to do that is through transparency in your financial disclosures. The easier you make it for people to see how and where the money is spent – not just on good work, but line items such as administrative costs and executive compensation – the more likely they are to donate to your cause. That is, as long as you are spending an appropriate amount of money on the cause at hand rather than oversight and administrative expenses. People want to know their money is going to support a cause and not to create a lifestyle for those at the top of the organization.

Ask for Monthly Gifts and Automate the Giving Process

As we noted in this post, most donors only give once, which can create a cashflow challenge. Automated giving is a great way to ensure a steady flow of money coming in to help you meet your organizational goals. It allows donors to identify an amount of money that works with their budgets and give that amount month after month. More importantly, it is effortless giving on their part.

The easier you make it for people to donate to your organization or cause, the more likely people are to actively donate. Especially if it is a cause they believe in or one that supports their own beliefs about the world.

Create Deadlines to Generate Sense of Urgency

This doesn’t mean creating false deadlines and making things up. What this does mean is to create specific goals for your charitable works.

For instance, if your non-profit is dedicated to building tiny homes for homeless vets, you might have a goal of 50 percent completion prior to the first day of fall and 100 percent completion by the first day of winter. This will help keep more vets off the street once bitter cold temperatures set in.

You need the funds to make this happen well in advance of the goal dates. Create a sense of urgency among your donors by citing statistics about the cold and its impact on the homeless, how veterans are disproportionately represented within the homeless community, and how you need $XXXXX by August 1 and an additional $XXXXX by October 1 to meet these goals for your organization.

Solicit Matching Donations

This is where building relationships, particularly relationships with big businesses, entrepreneurs, and “mega” donors in your community can help. It’s a great way to encourage small-dollar donors to give so that their smaller gifts to your cause can be matched to create even larger gifts.

As we advise here, never neglect to remind donors of all dollar amounts that their gifts are important. Without the smaller donations, bigger things cannot happen within your organization. The more you drive that point home to donors, the larger your pile of donation dollars has the potential to grow. Additionally, never neglect to thank your donors, no matter how larger or small the donation.

Tell One Person’s Story, Not A Group’s

Sometimes, a little psychology can help make a big impact. While your non-profit or charity is undoubtedly creating a positive impact for many, focusing on an individual can help increase donations. This is referred to as the identified victim effect, which is the tendency to provide more help to a specific individual rather than a broader, nameless or generic group of individuals. This effect implies that concentrating on individuals instead of bigger groups or statistics would drive more donations.

Researchers have confirmed that scenarios focused on a single person’s narrative produced more donations than those focusing on a greater number of unidentified individuals. In a study performed by University of Pennsylvania marketing professor Deborah Small and her colleagues argue that “spontaneous affective reactions” frequently inspire charitable donations. To put it another way, donors are more inclined to contribute based on their emotions rather than reasoning. And stories that centre on the misfortune of a single person appear to have a larger emotional impact.

It makes sense. Your supporters, like all people, are hardwired to emotionally connect with others. The most effective approach to motivate them is to introduce them to individuals they can relate to. So make use of this narrative potential in your messages: highlight individual stories that lend a face to your cause in all of your appeals.

Send Handwritten Thank-You Notes for Their Donations

Lastly, showing gratitude is an important first step toward securing future funds from those who have given to your cause. As you can guess, our viewpoint is pretty clear: the standard typed form letter is way too impersonal and formal. A handwritten note stands out from the crowd of junk mail littering your donors’ mailboxes.

As we outline here, handwritten thank-you notes are more likely to be read by the people they were intended for. Plus, they carry more meaning for the recipients. Your donors are far more likely to feel appreciated when receiving handwritten notes. Something they will remember the next time your organization reaches out for funds.

Appreciation and communication are essential, which is why handwritten notes work best. Consider sending out handwritten donation letters and thank-you notes to donors to see what a difference it can make to your entire organization.

Wrapping Up

Donations keep your non-profit or charity going. If you want to build a successful organization and keep funds flowing in, it’s essential that you focus on cultivating those relationships with your donors today so they can feel appreciated and motivated enough to open their hearts (and wallets) for your cause.

It may seem like an intimidating task at first, but by soliciting matching donations, highlighting individual stories (not just statistics), writing thank-you notes by hand, showing gratitude for every donation – no matter how large or small – and telling one person’s story instead of a group’s narrative, you are well positioned to steadily grow your donations. With these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way towards achieving, and even exceeding, your annual fundraising goals.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Fanmail Friday: Getting Attention With Custom Letters

Every day at Postalgia, we help clients engage their target audience by creating handwritten, personalized letters at scale. We have a fundamental belief that to stand out from the steady stream of impersonal digital correspondence, nothing beats a handwritten letter mailed in an envelope.

But we also like to have fun. So when our rockstar social media manager EmMa came up with a brilliant idea to do both, we knew it was worth doing.

Enter Fan Mail Fridays.

The concept was fairly simple: one of our Postalgia team members would choose a celebrity they admire, then write a letter to them telling them why. After the team member dictated the letter, we would then use our proprietary technology to write out a handwritten letter to that celebrity.

As the name suggests, every Friday EmMa creates a short video about the letter, including an interview with the team member. We would then post the video to our social media channels, tagging the celebrity in the process.

The results were amazing. Not only did our followers enjoy the videos, the the famous recipients took notice of our team’s fanmail.

The former captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Darcy Tucker, responded to Leor’s letter about how he loved watching Tucker play by sharing the letter on his Instagram story feed:


A letter from one of our amazing software developers, Chris, was liked by GRAMMY-nominated electronic music producer Haywyre:


Motivational speaker Spencer West responded with a comment to our teammate Stuti’s letter of appreciation to Mr. West:


And Kim’s Convenience star (and X-Wing pilot) Paul Sun-Hyung Lee liked Abbie’s letter thanking him for being an inspiration and a role model. Mr. Lee also took the time to comment back:


Despite being constantly tagged by fans every day, many of the celebrities that received these letters took the time to respond.

Why? Because handwritten letters get noticed. We see it time and again with our non-profit, small business and charitable clients. In a crowded field of impersonal electronic messages, a handwritten letter stands out.

Handwritten letters may take a little more planning and effort (less so when you have robots helping you), but the upside is huge.
Our FanMail Friday is just one example. Imagine what impact you can have on your audience.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

5 Easy Ways To Market Your Small Business Using Handwritten Notes

Handwritten notes are a tried-and-true method of communicating with new or prospective clients. Writing a customized handwritten message demonstrates there is a person behind the scenes at the heart of your business.

Because personalized, handwritten messages are a forgotten craft, they are very effective. Consider: when was the last time you received a handwritten letter instead of an email or a Facebook message? Those posts may be highly efficient, but a handwritten card transcends the transitory nature of our digital inboxes and provides something substantial and meaningful.

Let’s take a look at some fantastic ways you may utilize handwritten notes to promote and develop your small business.

Thank Them For Their Business

It is important to start with the fundamentals. Thanking your new customers or clients for their business is a simple gesture that shows them that you appreciate their decision to choose your company.

A thank-you note should convey this sentiment in writing, using a pen and paper (and even a robot!) instead of an electronic form of communication. Your gratitude can go a long way in developing a lasting relationship with your customer. As we outline in this article, make sure you send your thank-you note in a timely manner; otherwise, your customer may forget about the transaction (and you).

Send Personalized Birthday Cards

What could be a more unique and personalized opportunity to reach out to your customer than to commemorate their birthday? Recognizing their birthday by sending them a handwritten note will help create familiarity with your clientele, which can later translate into a deeper, long-term relationship.

Sure it may take a little extra effort, but it’s worth it to make your customer feel appreciated. Too few businesses send handwritten cards, let alone cards that aren’t directly related to a sales transaction. So you are sure to stand out by following this approach.

To keep track of information specific to each customer such as birthdays, choose a reputable Customer Relationship Management platform to help automate this process. By using a CRM, you can keep all customer contact information in a single place so that you can easily send out birthdays and other critical time-sensitive messages to your customers.

Send a Note After a Networking Event

Regular networking is excellent, but incorporating a strong follow-up is even better. When you meet someone at an event, make sure you send that person a quick note a few days afterward, which will reinforce your connection.

This approach is an easy way to connect with someone who may not necessarily realize that you can add value to their business while developing a deeper relationship with them than the initial (and often casual or shallow) connection made through the networking event.

They will also appreciate that you took the time to continue a conversation in another way. A handwritten note will help them remember you and your company when they eventually need products or services, allowing you to gain even more value from networking.

Write a Handwritten Note of Encouragement

We all go through tough or challenging times. So when someone reaches out to you during a particularly difficult (or otherwise notable) situation, you are sure to remember it. If you notice someone standing out – for whatever reason – be sure to send them a note of encouragement. This gesture will let the person know that their actions haven’t gone unnoticed and are appreciated by others, including you.

When someone is outwardly positive, acts with integrity, or stands tall in the face of a challenge, you should use that opportunity to let them know that they aren’t alone. Sending a personalized, handwritten note or card to a person who has demonstrated confidence or positivity can greatly influence the way they view themselves, their business – and you.

Prospect A New Target Area

We’ve talked about prospecting elsewhere on this blog. When you are looking to build your business in a new territory, you have to get the attention of potential local customers. What better way to do that than with a personal note or card?

Again, this is an opportunity for you to stand out from other potential competitors who haven’t taken the time to create and send a handwritten note to people who live or work locally. This handwritten letter should include helpful information about your business, how you will be of benefit to them, and a brief description of your products or services.

A handwritten letter to local businesses or households is an excellent opportunity for you to introduce your business to influential community members who can help you establish relationships with even larger networks of neighbourhood people and businesses.

Get Started Today

These are just a few ideas on how to market your business to new or potential customers. As we have seen with so many of our clients, a handwritten card can be an effective way to continue building strong relationships with current customers and prospects alike.

If you’re looking for more ideas on how to market your business, contact us today. We’ll be happy to discuss what we can do for you to help grow and expand your customer base.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Four Handwritten Letters From History That Had A Big Impact

Around these parts, we are big believers in the power of the written word. In fact, our whole business model centres on the belief that handwritten letters can change your business, non-profit or charity. Now, in the age of email, text messages and 140-character tweets, the idea of letters having a significant impact on issues of the day might seem quaint. But throughout history, correspondence has been a powerful means for shifting public opinion and influencing world events.

From the Declaration of Independence to Guy Fawkes being ratted out via a letter sent by Lord Monteagle, there is no shortage of notable examples from the last few centuries. Here are four examples where letters had a surprising impact on history.

Alexander Hamilton Delivers America’s First Sex Scandal

If you’ve seen the award-winning play Hamilton, you know that the life of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton wasn’t without scandal. But Hamilton might have eventually become the President of the United States if it wasn’t for a blackmail plot that went public.

According to Written in History: Letters that Changed the World, the ongoing love affair between Hamilton and his married lover Maria Reynolds was discovered by Reynolds’ husband, James. Rather than challenging Hamilton to a duel – which was a common way to settle scores in those days – Reynolds sent a series of letters blackmailing Hamilton, saying he would implicate Hamilton in a forgery scheme Reynolds was embroiled in.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton had to maintain a high level of integrity if he were to remain in his role. So he has no choice but to privately share the letters as proof that he has no involvement in the forgery. Sadly for Hamilton, the letters were leaked to the public by political rival Thomas Jefferson, who used the letters to destroy Hamilton’s reputation – ending Hamilton’s plans for higher office.

Abraham Lincoln Gets Some Life-Saving Advice On His Beard

As one letter sinks the ambitions of one Presidential hopeful, another brought those ambitions to life. The 16th US President Abraham Lincoln has one of the more memorable faces in US history, thanks mainly to his signature beard. But it was an 11-year old girl that prompted Lincoln to grow the beard in the first place – which had a major impact on his political career.

According to reports from that time, Lincoln had a bit of an image problem. In 1860, the Houston Telegraph wrote that the Lincoln was “the leanest, lankiest, most ungainly mass of legs, arms, and hatchet face ever strung upon a single frame.” The Charleston Mercury deemed him a “horrid-looking wretch.”

Enter little Grace Bedell, who wrote to Lincoln with some style advice: “…if you let your whiskers grow…you would look a great deal better for your face is so thin. All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you and then you would be President.” He won the presidency without the beard, but Lincoln decided to grow one anyway, possibly to differentiate himself from his predecessors.

On his journey to Washington, D.C. for his inauguration on March 4, 1861, Lincoln got word that secessionists in Baltimore were preparing his assassination. He’d been clean-shaven until the previous November, so most of the public hadn’t seen him with his now full beard. His new beard likely served to shield his identity, allowing him to make it safely to the Capitol, where he was sworn in as President.

Four Polish Girl Guides Inform The World About The Holocaust

The horrors of life in Nazi concentration camps during World War II are well known now, but at the time, getting news out of the camps was not only difficult but also potentially fatal. Letters did come in and out, but they were, predictably, filtered by guards. However, four women were able to get some letters out of Ravensbruck and to their relatives.

Wanda Wojtasik, Janina Iwanska, Krystyna Iwanska, and Krystyna Czyz, four Polish Girl Guides who had landed in the camps for their involvement with the Polish Underground, devised the scheme. They were permitted one letter each month, and knowing that SS guards would read everything they wrote, they penned two letters: one in ordinary ink and the other in urine, which dried and became visible only when heated.

One letter alerted her brother to a secret code hidden in the letters. Then they used the invisible “ink” to provide specifics on the medical experiments performed on them, the mass executions, and the women sent to work in the concentration camps’ brothels.
The letters were sent to the Polish resistance first, then to the Vatican, the Red Cross, and the Polish government-in-exile, according to The First News. All four women survived, and their letters were presented as evidence in the Nuremberg trials where 11 Ravensbruck SS guards were sentenced to death.

Nelson Mandela Gives South African PM A Choice

In 1960, under siege by most of the world after 69 Africans were killed during an anti-apartheid demonstration, the government of South Africa withdrew from the Commonwealth to become a Republic. Nelson Mandela organized a conference to discuss the anti-apartheid response. Simon Sebag Montefiore shares that before being imprisoned on Robben Island for 27 years after being charged and convicted of conspiring to overthrow the state, Mandela wrote to South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd and offered Verwoerd an ultimatum:

“By…abandoning the repressive and dangerous policies of your Government you may still save our country from economic dislocation and ruin and from civil strife and bitterness.” Mandela laid out the African National Congress’s plans if Verwoerd refused: “Failure by your government to call the Convention makes it imperative for us to launch a full-scale and country-wide campaign for non-co-operation with your Government.”

Verwoerd refused, instead deciding to have Mandela and his ANC allies jailed, tried and imprisoned. This choice made Mandela an even more potent symbol for the anti-apartheid movement across the globe.

Bonus: JFK Sends For Help Via Coconut

John F. Kennedy wasn’t president for long before his assassination, but his legacy is undeniable. His time in office might not have occurred at all if it hadn’t been for a very tiny message carved into the shell of a coconut. On August 2, 1943, Kennedy was at the helm of a patrol boat in the South Pacific. A Japanese destroyer attacked that boat. JFK swam three kilometres to the relative safety of an island, carrying an injured crewmate with him.

When Kennedy and the other survivors recovered and regrouped, they headed off for a larger island, which was mostly deserted. They came across two men from the Solomon Islands. According to the Smithsonian, JFK carved the following message into a coconut shell: “NAURO ISL… COMMANDER… NATIVE KNOWS POS’IT… HE CAN PILOT… 11 ALIVE… NEED SMALL BOAT… KENNEDY.”

Kennedy handed it to the men who swam across Japanese-occupied seas to bring it to the Allies. Kennedy and his crew were saved, and the coconut was the sole memento of his service that he preserved after WWII.

Write A Historical Letter Today

It’s not a simple thing to write a letter that will make its way into the annals of history, but you never know until you try. As we’ve shared on this blog, handwritten letters can have a big impact on your target audience. But who knows? Maybe the next letter you write will be ready 100 years from now.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

How To Reach Out To Inactive Donors

Donors who are inactive or have lapsed may appear to be a lost cause. These contributors haven’t given to your nonprofit in a long time; why would you spend money attempting to entice them to do so again? The truth is that many inactive donors don’t see themselves as inactive or are even aware they are inactive. It is important not to assume that just because a donor hasn’t given in months or years, they are no longer interested or will never give again.

In this article, we are going to offer you actionable advice on understanding inactive donors and developing a plan to reactivate them. By following these steps, you can increase your donor retention rate, increase the revenue you receive from lapsed donors, and most importantly, save valuable time.

Why Make The Effort To Reactivate Donors?

If you’re having trouble fostering long-term giving, you’re not alone: more than 75% of donors will only donate to a single nonprofit once. This is the case regardless of how much you ask for and even when donors are aware that your organization needs their help.

The fact is that it is difficult to keep individuals giving, particularly if they have only given once. So, what makes them worthwhile?

To begin with, inactive donors may be easier to convert than prospective donors. They’ve already made a donation to your nonprofit, suggesting that they identified with your objective at one time. Just because they’ve dropped out doesn’t imply they’re no longer engaged in your cause.

Second, it is less expensive than recruiting new donors. You have their contact information and know how much they’ve previously given. This means you won’t have to spend money to buy lists or sending generic mass mailings with the expectation that your request will be received by someone receptive.

Define a lapsed donor and how you’ll approach them

It is critical to first grasp your universe. Who is considered a lapsed donor by your organization? Is it someone who hasn’t given in over a year? Once you’ve defined this subset, you’ll need to run the appropriate reports to generate a list of your inactive donors. This will allow you to communicate with them directly.

When you’re ready to mail your list, bear in mind that many inactive donors do not consider themselves to be inactive donors. In reality, they may still consider themselves to be significant contributors to achieving your organization’s stated mission.
If you approach them with a finger-wagging tone, they will most likely be turned off from contributing again. Remember that they are contributors, and approach them with the same respect as your most active donors.

Understand When and Why They Became Inactive

Examine the data from your CRM to identify patterns that may have resulted in donors becoming inactive. There isn’t much you can do if you observe that many contributors ceased giving amid a global downturn. However, if you have a segment that ceased giving as a result of a change you made (for example, to your communications programme, more or fewer direct mail pieces, a changing organizational focus, changes to your online donation page, etc.), that is useful information to have in the future.

You can also ask them directly, via a survey or other feedback tool. Take the time to listen to the responses and engage them in a two-way conversation. Let them tell you why they haven’t given lately, versus inferring via data or worse yet, going with your gut.

Reactivating Your Donors

So now that you have an understanding of who your inactive donors are and some idea of why they stopped giving, it’s time to begin the process of moving them from inactive to active.

Reaching out to someone who hasn’t given in a while with the same generic message you send to everyone else in your donor network isn’t going to be very effective. Some will reactivate, but many more will just move further away from your nonprofit.

Personalize Your Approach

Historically, the way NGOs have interacted with the bulk of their supporters has been far distant from the organization’s fundamental objective. The traditional fundraising strategy focuses on the organization’s needs (money, advocacy, volunteerism, etc.) and fails to recognize how the act of donating truly works.

This approach to everyday donors contrasts sharply with how NGOs interact with wealthy donors. Those who write large cheques are treated to highly tailored experiences designed to keep them linked to the *why* of their donation.

Individual contributors nowadays, on average, anticipate a high level of tailored attention, even if they give as little as $20 per month. This trend can be attributed to for-profit consumer marketing. Your donors have grown accustomed to highly tailored web experiences – or on the flipside, generic bulk mailers that usually end up unread and in the garbage.

So you need to meet those expectations by personalizing every touchpoint you send to inactive donors. By including specific, personalized information tailored to that individual donor in your direct mail piece(s), you are letting them know that they matter.

Get Them Up To Speed

Before you make an ask, it is important to let your inactive donors know about what your nonprofit has been up to since they last interacted with the organization. Inform them of what’s been happening in your organization and your long-term vision.

Remember to address them as if they are key team members in need of an update, rather than as if they are clueless. Include tales and positive effect data, as well as a clear description of your next plans and approach.

Not giving them a “what’s been happening” update and sending them regular updates on recent victories is like inviting someone over for dinner, then serving the same meal they had at your previous party. That may have been great for your guests back in 3 plus years ago, but they need current information to pique their interest.

You can summarize recent campaigns, news articles, accomplishments and more in a quick direct mail piece. If you have too much activity to summarize, you can break it up into multiple pieces sent out at regular intervals. Alternatively, a growing number of nonprofits are redirecting their inactive donors to an online portal where they can view recent news, meet the staff, see photos from past events and get updates on upcoming programs.

Tell your inactive donors how much you miss and appreciate them
Find a way to express your care for their well-being while also thanking them for prior donations. We recommend that you begin with appreciation. Thank your donors for their contributions to your team in a sincere and heartfelt manner. Only until you’ve properly acknowledged their contributions should you tell them you miss them. You liked having them on your team, so make sure that’s the message you’re sending rather than one of guilt.

Making them feel as though they were a part of something genuine and great is a guaranteed approach to re-engage lapsed supporters. Your letters and emails should show your gratitude to your supporters. It is vital that your approach is perceived as just that. Nobody wants to be treated like an ATM, therefore you don’t want people to think you’re only interested in their money.

You should also remind them of the last time you heard from them or when they were connected with your organization; they may have just forgotten to donate.

Invite Your Lapsed Donors To Give Again

Now that they’ve caught up, it’s time to make an actual ask. Sometimes you’ll ask for a donation, but it’s often best to entice them back into the organization by inviting them to an event or asking them to participate in an advocacy action first. Be open to fresh opportunities for them to contribute. They may no longer be able to donate, but they can still volunteer.

Whatever technique you apply, make sure you are positioning your inactive donors to eventually make a donation. By doing this you are giving them an opportunity to routinely connect with your organization again and eventually become a member of your active (better yet recurring) donor list.

Time To Reach Out To Your Inactive Donors

So now that you have a plan to reach out to your inactive donors, what are you waiting for? It’s important not only for the health of your organization and ability to execute its mission, but it’s also essential for establishing a sustainable revenue stream. Don’t wait any longer: begin the process of converting your inactive donors to active givers today.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.