Tips for Effective Storytelling for Nonprofits


Nonprofit storytelling is an essential skill to have to maintain a successful nonprofit organization. Storytelling informs your donors about how their donations are being spent and who their donations affect.

This article provides 4 essential tips to effective storytelling. You will learn how and why it is important to be intentional, how to evoke emotion and empathy, how to initiate connections, and the importance of saying thank you to your donors through storytelling.




Organization is key to effective storytelling. The first thing you want to do is create a plan for the story you want to tell. Begin by setting your goals on what you want to communicate with your audience. Next figure out the Who, What, Where, When, Why , and How of your story. Once you have a proper outline figured out, you will find it much easier to tell the story.

Be intentional about how much detail you share by keeping content short and attention grabbing. Try to only include important facts that are vital to the story. Good storytelling keeps the audience interested by finding a suitable balance between the story’s length, timing, and authentic content.





Keeping in mind that it is important to be intentional with the details you share, choose specific facts to build your story that will evoke emotion and empathy. Your aim is to help your donors feel personally connected to the cause, and you can do that by using the names and photos of those in your story. Videos are also a great tool in effective storytelling because it quickly visualizes and humanizes the story.

There are many ways to evoke emotion and empathy in storytelling, and this short article provides 4 examples of effective nonprofit storytelling.





A key element of effective nonprofit storytelling is initiating connections between the story and the audience. Once the story has been told and donors become emotionally invested, you can connect them even further by explaining how their donations impact the cause. Let your audience know specifically where donations go and how they are used.

This is where you can point out how change will happen and why it matters. To compliment your story, visual aids can be a helpful tool that highlight these facts. Many Nonprofits use infographics as an effective storytelling tool. Infographics can be displayed on a variety of mediums from social media platforms to printed media.





Don’t forget about gratitude! Always remember to appreciate your donors and say thank you. Acknowledging the efforts of your donors is another key element specific to effective nonprofit storytelling. A good thank you has the ability to seal the connection your story made and builds personal relationships with donors to increase donor loyalty.




To review, always begin with a plan where you organize your facts of Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. It is important to be intentional in your storytelling to maintain the interest and attention of viewers. Evoke emotion and empathy by providing specific details about those in the story. Things like names, photos, and videos allow donors to see the story at a personal level. Create connections between the viewer and story by explaining how donations directly affect the cause. Infographics are a great tool to put a focus on this information. Perhaps the most important element of effective nonprofit storytelling is wrapping things up with a thank you. Acknowledgment goes a long way!



Consistency is key! Make sure to update your donors often about how their donations are impacting the cause. Monthly impact reports, newsletters, and handwritten notes are great tools that can be personalized and sent directly to your donors. Storytelling is only one way to Increase Donor Loyalty with our Best Practices.

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How to Make a Thank-You Note More Memorable

Thank-you cards are a straightforward concept: they convey gratitude for a kind deed, statement, or gift. For the writer, the formality of a handwritten thank you might be overwhelming. Many individuals underestimate the impact of a handwritten thank-you note. With so many new forms of communication, it seems like a hassle to do anything more than send an email, text message or phone call.

A handwritten thank you note, on the other hand, conveys far more. It says that you took the time to sit down and say thanks to those who did something that helped you out. A handwritten thank-you card is the perfect way to express gratitude to someone, regardless of the context.

We understand that many individuals struggle with deciding what to put in a thank-you note. Many folks think that the wording must be flawless before it is signed, sealed, and sent, which might lead to procrastination on the part of the writer. However, a poorly-worded letter brimming with sincere passion is preferable to one that was never written in the first place.

We know that people often struggle with what to put in a thank-you card. In an attempt to make the process of writing personal notes easier, we’ve compiled a short list of instructions to make sure you get it right with your thank-you note – even if you use a service to write them at scale.

Use a Friendly Tone

As previously said, writing a thank-you note creates a more personal connection with your recipient than sending an email or text. However, if you use the wrong tone, you can harm the relationship you are trying to create.

If you write in a formal manner, you run the risk of creating separation between yourself and your customer. Instead, try and maintain a friendly and approachable tone. Forget about formalities, even if you’re writing on behalf of a company or to a business contact. Consider how you would express yourself if the receiver were present and conversing with you in person. Use ordinary turns of phrase rather than overly complicated or advanced jargon simply because it sounds impressive.

Remember to be genuine. Even if you maintain your tongue firmly in cheek in your note, humour might get lost in the written word. If you don’t know the receiver well, forgo humour and communicate from the heart. Don’t go overboard, since gushing might come across as insincere; but write with genuine thanks.

Maintain a Positive Approach

Some gestures, no matter how noble the intent, might fall flat at times. You know you should thank them for what they’ve done for you, but something didn’t seem quite right. For example, the customer wasn’t all that polite, or a donor gave less than you had hoped. Perhaps an employee or volunteer worked extra hours, but you did not receive the desired outcome. A thank-you note is not the appropriate venue for conveying what went wrong. Instead, concentrate on what you liked about the gesture.

For what it’s worth, there may never be a good time to express your displeasure with the gesture. It is frequently preferable to think long game and maintain excellent relationships as a result. Criticize individuals for their efforts, and they will be less willing to volunteer for you in the future.

Leave Out Any Sales Pitch

The purpose of a thank-you message is to express your thanks. Refrain from turning your message into a sales pitch. When drafting thank-you cards for professional objectives, this step might be quite challenging. We know that communicating with customers is often about marketing or promoting, but you’re better off resisting the urge.

When you include any kind of a sales pitch in your thank-you card, it contradicts your original goal and makes your note appear disingenuous. Sales pitches should be reserved for marketing campaigns. They have no place in thank-you notes or cards.

Mention Specifics

To personalise each thank-you card, it is critical that you include precise information in your expression of gratitude. Do you want to say what this individual has done to deserve this gratitude? You want to personalize their acts as much as possible, to avoid your thank-you coming off as generic or cookie-cutter in nature. Mention a specific transaction or the circumstance. Reference as many details as possible and why they are important. It is rewarding to know that someone appreciates you.

Remember: the impact they had may not be apparent to them, so it is critical you get specific so they can connect the dots. Examples of how to add detail include: “You really went above and beyond during our latest fundraising drive” or “I appreciate you referring XXXXX to me.”

End Your Note Warmly

Make sure the way you conclude your thank-you note makes a good impression. Your closing remarks should be friendly and personal. Both “Warmest regards” and “With gratitude” are safe bets. Try “With love,” or “Love and appreciation” if you’re extremely close to the recipient. If you’re communicating in a religious context, “God bless you” or “Blessings” may be appropriate.

Reduce the number of official sign-offs to a bare minimum. While “With Regards” and “Yours Truly” are appropriate business letter closings, they will seem cold and uncaring on a thank-you note.

Write Your Thank-You Note Today

Your thank-you note should be short, sweet and sincere. Long messages sound like a burden to read and might seem insincere. Don’t write lengthy stories in these notes; simply convey your gratitude without fanfare or fuss.

After all, the purpose of a thank-you note is to express your gratitude. Keep your message short and personalized, limit the sales pitch if at all possible, use specific and clear details, end with a warm sign off. If you keep these proven approaches in mind, before you know it you will be a total pro when it comes to writing thank-you notes.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

6 Ways to Shake Up How You Say ‘Thank You!’

It isn’t always what you say that matters nearly as much as how you say it. That is something businesses, charities, non-profits, and individuals need to understand when it comes to saying “thank you.” To give you some help, here are six methods that can completely transform the way you say thank you to others, setting the stage for more robust, more meaningful relationships.

1. Send Handwritten Thank-You Cards

It’s just two little words. But saying “thank you” can shape the scope of future relationships, business partnerships, and friendships. In other words, saying thank you mattress – much more than you may realize.

This is why handwritten thank-you notes carry so much weight in our almost fully digital world. Not convinced? Here are a few reasons why it’s better to send handwritten thank-you notes than their digital equivalent:

  • In a digital world, handwritten notes and messages stand out.
  • Taking the time to write the message makes it look and feel more personal and heartfelt.
  • Carries more meaning to those receiving the thank-you message.
  • A handwritten note comes across as more thoughtful on your part.

As you can see, there is a lot to love and appreciate about the beauty and benefit of sending handwritten thank-you notes to customers, donors, business associates, and those who have given you gifts or to whom you are grateful for any number of reasons. They can make a world of difference in job interviews, scholarship applications, and so much more.

2. Be Specific About Why You are Thanking Them

Brevity may be the soul of wit, at least according to Shakespeare. But it is specificity that is the soul of gratitude. Be specific about why you are sending a thank-you card if you want your card to carry more weight and meaning to those receiving it.

If you’re thanking donors, mention the specific monetary donation, donation of time, or donation of items (dog food to animal shelters, for instance).

If it is for your business, mention specific details to make the message meaningful and ensure that those receiving your thank-you message understand it was intended for them, for their particular gift, and not a blanket response sent to everyone.

The goal of handwritten notes when email and form letters are so predominant is to make those receiving the notes feel special and appreciated. Make sure the content of your letter or message serves that purpose. Specificity helps.

3. Include Something Extra

This is your opportunity to really stand out and be memorable when sending thank-you notes to your target audience. It doesn’t have to cost you much at all, other than a bit of time and creativity to send a little something extra, but it can carry a world of meaning to the person receiving your thank-you message.

For instance, businesses might send a gift for a specific discount, free shipping, or some other perk concerning future orders. Or, you could send a particular item you offer or a promotional product you reserve for VIP clients, trade shows, expos, and other similar events. The nicer the item, the more weight it will carry when it comes to being memorable. However, you do not have to spend loads of money to make your message feel heartfelt.

For non-profits and charities, that little something extra can include photographs of their donation dollars in action. Whether it is photos of wells being dug for clean drinking water, children being educated around the world, gift bags for cancer patients, or something else entirely, people love to see their good deeds in action. Use this as an opportunity to show them the results of their donations.

4. Address Recipient by Name and Include Personal Details (If Possible)

Relationship-building is vital in the world today. Relationship marketing is undoubtedly a valuable tool for marketing goods and services. It is an essential tool when working with donors for charitable organizations or non-profits.

It is a two-way street, though: you have to get to know the people who support your business or cause – and you must allow them to get to know you.

Make your thank-you notes personal by addressing them by name and revealing personalized details about why their gifts, time, talent, donations, help, etc. are so meaningful to you on a personal level. It may be business for you, but it is often personal for them. Giving them a little bit of yourself in return helps them feel engaged in the process and better inclined to participate again, whether through donations, purchases, or some other method.

5. Communicate Your Gratitude

This one is a little more difficult for the average person. However, it is something that will transform the way you say “Thank you!” It will also kick the impact of your thank you message up a notch or two to those who receive the message.
Saying “thank you” is important. However, when you make them understand how truly grateful you are and the other person’s impact on your life, business, cause, etc., the message becomes more meaningful. They feel your gratitude because they understand better what their gift, time, attention, purchase, or donation meant to you.

When people feel appreciated for their efforts, no matter how large or small, they are more likely to go out of their way to make an effort again. In many cases, they will even double their efforts in the feature because they felt your gratitude and appreciation.

6. Showcase Your Personality

Another great thing about a “Thank you!” note is that it is a more informal means of communication. That allows you to showcase your personality a little. Whether you (and by extension, your business or organization) have a fantastic sense of humour, are a little bit of a geek, or are a total nerd at heart, let your personality shine when sending thank-you notes. This helps your audience feel a greater kinship with you and aids in the relationship-building process. The more of your personality they see, the better it is for your future interactions.

Now all you have to do is get started. Our writing services help will take your “thank you” notes to the next level. We can help you write authentic handwritten thank-you notes at scale that stand out from the crowd and make an impression with your audience. Contact us today to learn more.

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