Direct Mail Interactions Across Generations



From the nostalgia-driven baby boomers to the tech-savvy millennials and members of Gen Z, each generation has its own unique relationship with direct mail. Between mid-2020 and early 2021, Summit Research undertook an exclusive nationwide study on behalf of the United States Postal Service, who released the Generational Research Report (2020-2021). This study aimed to gain valuable insights into consumers’ perceptions and behaviors regarding household mail and packages over a six-month period. The findings of this study show surprising statistics that display conclusive results that traditional direct mail makes an impact. However different approaches to mail campaigns are required depending on demographics to get the most out of marketing resources. Time is money, so it is important to strategically plan your mail pieces.

Key Topics

1. What Attracts Baby Boomers (1946–1964) to Direct Mail?

2. How does Generation X (1965–1980) Interact with Direct Mail?

3. How do Millennials (1981–1996) Respond to Direct Mail?

4. Is Direct Mail Relevant for Generation Z (1997–2012)?

Age groups responses to Direct Mail

1. What Attracts Baby Boomers (1946–1964) to Direct Mail?

Baby Boomers are 58 to 77 years old, represent 21% of the population in the United States and hold a significant 70% of the disposable income. Notably, this demographic has a strong affinity for direct mail as a preferred means of communication and engagement. The preference for direct mail over email, particularly for promotional materials, is a common characteristic among baby boomers. Having grown up in a time when direct mail was prevalent, they have become accustomed to receiving physical mail and find it familiar and reliable.

One key factor that appeals to baby boomers is the tangibility of mail. They enjoy the sensory experience of holding and examining physical objects, which adds to their overall satisfaction with the communication medium.Trust is another essential aspect for baby boomers when it comes to direct mail. They may perceive it as more trustworthy compared to digital forms of communication, which can be susceptible to scams and cybersecurity threats. Avoiding technology is common, and they feel more comfortable with traditional methods of communication. Direct mail aligns with this preference, as it allows them to avoid the complexities and potential challenges associated with digital platforms.

The personalization of direct mail, such as handwritten pieces, is also a significant factor in its appeal to baby boomers. Tailoring the content to individual preferences makes them feel valued and recognized, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the campaign.



2. How does Generation X (1965–1980) Interact with Direct Mail?

Generation X are 43 to 57 years old, they make up 19% of the US population and have the highest post-tax income of any demographic. They actually outspend millennials by 41% and baby boomers by 18%.

Gen X consumers appreciate direct mail, and they value feeling special, so tailored approaches that make use of thicker papers and unique designs can create a sense of exclusivity and effectively capture their attention. This generation is not easily swayed by generic mass marketing efforts but rather responds positively to mail that speaks directly to their individual preferences and needs.

They display a keen awareness of retargeting strategies. A significant 45% of them can recognize when they receive a retargeted direct mail piece. Consequently, they expect these retargeted offers to go beyond a standard promotion and provide a better deal than what they would have received otherwise. Utilizing retargeting in direct mail campaigns should thus be strategic, showcasing exclusive incentives and significant benefits that clearly surpass previous interactions. To be successful, direct mail targeted at Gen X consumers must convey an enhanced value proposition. This means clearly communicating the additional value they stand to gain compared to other offers or alternative choices. Whether it’s exclusive discounts, personalized product recommendations, or unique benefits tailored to their preferences and lifestyles, Gen X consumers need to see a tangible advantage in responding to direct mail campaigns. Demonstrating how the offer aligns with their specific interests and values can significantly influence their engagement and response rates.


3. How do Millennials (1981–1996) Respond to Direct Mail?

Millennials are 25 to 45 years old, making up a significant portion of the U.S. population, accounting for 22% of it. Despite their sizable presence, many millennials face financial worries, with 67% expressing that finances are a frequent concern in their lives. When it comes to their relationship with direct mail, this generation showcases a mix of preferences. While a majority prefer email for communication, a notable 32% still hold a preference for postal mail. 64% of millennials have indicated that they would likely read direct mail, presenting an opportunity for marketers to engage with this tech-savvy demographic.

One crucial aspect for effectively reaching millennials through direct mail is personalization and relevance. As a digitally native generation, they are accustomed to tailored online experiences. If direct mail can replicate this personalization and demonstrate relevance to millennials’ individual needs and preferences, it stands a higher chance of capturing their attention. Customized content that speaks directly to their interests, purchase history, and lifestyle can significantly improve the chances of a positive response.

To fully engage millennials, combining direct mail with digital elements is a powerful strategy. Multichannel integration, such as incorporating personalized URLs (PURLs) and QR codes, can enhance the millennial experience and increase their engagement.



4. Is Direct Mail Relevant for Generation Z (1997–2012)?

Generation Z, composed of teens and young adults, constitutes a significant 20% of the U.S. population. Despite being a digital native generation, Gen Z surprisingly appreciates direct mail as a marketing channel. Direct mail offers them a unique and tangible experience that texts and emails simply cannot replicate. In a world where digital interactions dominate, receiving physical mail stands out and holds a special appeal for this demographic. The impact of direct mail on Gen Z’s purchasing decisions is noteworthy, with 33% of Gen Z consumers indicating that they are more likely to make a purchase if they see it in the mail.

Gen Z’s innate familiarity with creative tools and their desire for novel experiences make them highly responsive to innovative and eye-catching elements in direct mail campaigns. Brands that embrace innovative and visually appealing designs can better engage with this generation and leave a lasting impression.

In the digital era, omni-channel approaches are essential to capturing Gen Z’s attention. QR codes, for instance, offer seamless integration between physical and digital experiences. Gen Z appreciates such interactive elements, allowing them to engage further with brands through their smartphones and other devices.

Surprisingly, direct mail has become the “dark horse” for this generation. Amid the flood of digital marketing, physical mail stands out as an unexpected and refreshing means of communication, making it a powerful tool for reaching and connecting with Gen Z. By the same token, handwritten pieces hold a unique charm for Gen Z. In a world dominated by automation and digital communication, receiving something handwritten feels personal and authentic, resonating deeply with this generation’s desire for genuine connections with brands.



In today’s rapidly evolving marketing landscape, understanding the unique preferences and behaviours of different generations is crucial for successful direct mail campaigns. Baby boomers’ nostalgia-driven sentiments make them more receptive to personalized and heartfelt messages, emphasizing the importance of connecting on an emotional level. On the other hand, gen z’ tech-savviness calls for interactive and visually appealing designs that capture their attention amidst the digital noise.

The USPS’s Generational Research Report (2020-2021) and Summit Research’s nationwide study offer valuable insights into consumers’ perceptions and behaviours related to household mail and packages. These studies provide marketers with data-driven guidance, helping them develop targeted and effective direct mail strategies. While the digital realm has expanded marketing opportunities, the findings from these studies demonstrate that traditional direct mail continues to hold its ground. By leveraging the tangible and sensory experience direct mail offers, brands can create memorable interactions and leave a lasting impression on recipients.

The value of authenticity is undeniable, and when it comes to credibility, nothing surpasses the impact of mail, particularly handwritten pieces. At Postalgia, we are a forward-thinking, comprehensive mail service provider, utilizing cutting-edge printing technology to transform your campaign vision into a reality. Our seamless process includes designing pieces with QR codes, employing variable data printing, and ensuring your data is clean and accurate. As specialists in handwritten direct mail, we have proven success in increasing open rates and fostering goodwill, maximizing the effectiveness of both current and future campaigns. Get in touch with us today to create mail that not only gets opened but also leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Navigating the Digital Era: Reimagining Direct Mail


Direct mail cuts through digital fatigue by offering a tangible experience that stands out amidst the overwhelming influx of messages. According to, the average American household receives two direct mail pieces daily, while emails can flood in by the dozen. Due to their comparative scarcity, approximately 77% of Americans eagerly anticipate opening direct mail. Despite the prevalence of digital communication, the percentage of physical mail read today remains surprisingly high. Numerous statistics and studies have consistently demonstrated that direct mail continues to be an effective marketing tool that stands out in a tech-forward world.

Key Topics

1. How can you Leverage Technology to Enhance Direct Mail Campaigns?

2. Why is it important to Personalize and Target Direct Mail?

3. Why is it Important to Keep Data up to Date?

4. Why do Personalized Mail pieces Stand out?

Mail engagement data 1987 2019 2020 2021

Source: USPS Household Diary Study 2021

group working session laptops

1. How can you Leverage Technology to Enhance Direct Mail Campaigns?

Employee Direct mail is one of the oldest forms of communication still around today, recent developments allow the incorporation of digital elements into mail pieces. Leveraging technology has become increasingly vital in enhancing direct mail campaigns. By integrating interactive experiences into traditional mail, marketers are able to captivate their audience in new and exciting ways. One effective method is the utilization of QR codes, which help bridge the gap between physical and digital realms. These codes provide a convenient and instant connection for users, allowing them to access content, exclusive offers, or website URLs with just a simple scan. The scans can be tracked by the marketer to gauge real time success of the campaign. By integrating QR codes into mail pieces, brands can deliver a seamless and cohesive experience that engages recipients and enhances their overall interaction with the marketing material.

busy crosswalk people walking

2. Why is it important to Personalize and Target Direct Mail?

Data-driven segmentation is a powerful strategy that enables businesses to effectively target their audience with tailored messaging. By leveraging customer data and insights, companies can divide their customer base into smaller, more specific groups. These segments can be based on various factors such as demographics, preferences, purchase history, or behavior patterns. By understanding the unique characteristics and needs of each segment, businesses can create segmented direct mail campaigns that speak directly to the interests and motivations of their recipients.

Postalgia specializes in Variable Data Printing (VDP). This advanced technology allows for the customization of individual elements within a direct mail piece. For example, names, addresses, or offers can be personalized to each recipient. This level of customization creates a highly personalized and targeted experience for the recipient, making them feel valued and understood. By incorporating VDP into their direct mail campaigns, businesses can increase the relevance and impact of their messages, ultimately driving higher engagement and response rates.

The beauty of data-driven segmentation and VDP is that they work together seamlessly. By combining the insights gained from segmenting their audience with the customization capabilities of VDP, businesses can create direct mail pieces that deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Whether it’s addressing recipients by name, showcasing products or offers that align with their preferences, the level of personalization achieved enhances the overall effectiveness of the direct mail campaign.

personalized data

3. Why is it Important to Keep Data up to Date?

To ensure the success of data-driven marketing campaigns, it is crucial for businesses to regularly refresh and clean their data. Outdated or inaccurate information can lead to ineffective targeting and personalization, diminishing the impact of direct mail efforts. By conducting regular data audits and utilizing tools that automate the data cleansing process, businesses can maintain a clean and reliable database, improving the quality of their direct mail campaigns.

In addition to data cleansing, it is essential to continuously collect and analyze new data to gain fresh insights into customer behavior and preferences. By leveraging tools and technologies that capture and analyze customer data, businesses can stay up-to-date with evolving customer needs and preferences. Incorporating real-time data sources, such as website analytics or CRM systems, enables businesses to gather valuable information on customer interactions and transactions.

To keep customer data accurate and up-to-date, it is important to actively engage customers in the data collection process. Businesses can encourage customers to provide updated information by offering opt-in forms or account profiles. By rewarding incentives or benefits for customers who update their information, businesses can incentivize customers to share accurate and relevant data. This approach not only helps in maintaining a clean and updated customer database but also fosters a sense of transparency and trust between the business and its customers.

Using automated data integration processes is crucial for syncing data across different systems. By integrating data from various sources, such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, or social media channels, businesses can have a holistic view of customer information. This integrated data enables businesses to create comprehensive customer profiles and ensures consistency across different touchpoints. Automation streamlines the data integration process, reducing manual errors and enabling businesses to deliver cohesive and personalized direct mail campaigns.

handwriting a note

4. Why do Personalized Mail pieces Stand out?

Direct mail has a unique ability to make mail pieces more relevant and meaningful, leading to higher response rates and establishing an emotional connection with recipients. According to the article “Direct Marketing Statistics for 2022” by, the response rate to direct mail can reach as high as 37%. One of the reasons for this is that people perceive a physical piece of mail as more “real” compared to the digital ones that flood their inboxes. The tangible nature of direct mail captures attention and engages multiple senses, creating a memorable and impactful experience for recipients.

Direct mail has been shown to generate higher response rates compared to other marketing channels. In the data mentioned above by, mail pieces have an open rate of 90% (in contrast to the average email open rate of 23%), direct mail ensures that the message reaches the intended recipient. This high open rate provides an opportunity for businesses to make a strong impression and convey their message effectively. Direct mail marketing allows for customization and personalization, such as incorporating handwritten elements. Handwritten elements, such as handwritten addresses or notes, add a personal touch that makes recipients feel valued and appreciated. This attention to detail significantly increases the chances of the mail being opened and read.

Beyond higher response rates, direct mail also enhances the perception of a brand as customer-centric. By investing in physical mail pieces that are tailored to the recipient’s preferences and needs, businesses demonstrate a commitment to delivering personalized experiences. This customer-centric approach fosters a positive perception of the brand and strengthens the emotional connection between the business and its customers.


In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, where technology and data reign supreme, direct mail stands as a timeless reminder of the power of human connection. It is a tangible testament to the impact that a carefully crafted message can have on an individual. Leveraging technology and personalization techniques has become crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns. By incorporating digital elements like QR codes, marketers can create interactive experiences that bridge the gap between physical and digital realms, engaging recipients in new and exciting ways. Data-driven segmentation and Variable Data Printing (VDP) enable businesses to target their audience with tailored messaging, creating highly personalized and impactful mail pieces. Regular data maintenance and collection ensure accuracy and relevance, while automated integration processes streamline data management. Personalized mail pieces that stand out from digital clutter generate higher response rates and establish emotional connections with recipients. By investing in customer-centric direct mail, businesses strengthen their brand perception and foster stronger relationships with their customers. With the right combination of technology, personalization, and data-driven strategies, your campaigns can achieve enhanced effectiveness and drive successful outcomes.

Postalgia is a forward thinking, full range mail service provider. We employ the latest printing technology to turn your campaign vision into reality. We make the process as easy as possible for you by designing your pieces to include QR codes, implement variable data printing, cleaning up your data, and we specialize in handwritten direct mail, proven to increase open rates and goodwill maximizing the effectiveness of current and future campaigns. Reach out today to create mail that gets opened and makes an impact.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

How Fundraisers Are Tripling Their Campaign Performance



Are you ready to revolutionize your fundraising efforts? Discover the power of donor segmentation, personalized messaging, and captivating storytelling to unlock unparalleled success in your campaigns. Engage donors, maximize impact, and foster long-term relationships for your organization. In fact, a recent direct mail handwritten fundraising campaign we did for NYU “beat the control 3 to 1.” And yet another recent campaign done for Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston found that “donors who received a personal note gave nearly 29% more than those who did not!” In a third test, a large Canadian nonprofit found that the response rate using handwritten cards in handwritten envelopes was 8%, double their annual average response rate of 4% when using printed mail. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to amplify your campaign reach and maximize your impact!

A/B Test results

Key Topics

1. How do you Personalize Targeted Direct Mail Campaigns?

2. How to Effectively Employ Storytelling in Mail Campaigns?

3. How can Mail Piece Design Improve Campaign Performance?

4. How to Increase Effectiveness of Omni-Channel Direct Mail Campaigns?

5. How to Follow-up a Direct Mail Campaign?

Triple Campaign Performance with Handwritten Mail and Stewardship

1. How do you Personalize Targeted Direct Mail Campaigns?

At Postalgia, we recognize that donor segmentation is the key to successful fundraising campaigns. By tailoring your messages to resonate with each demographic, you can create a deep and meaningful connection with your supporters. Every communication should make your donors feel valued and appreciated. That’s why it is important to incorporate donor-specific information into your handwritten letters. Whether it’s mentioning a previous donation, acknowledging their specific interests, or simply using their name, a personalized approach creates a powerful bond between your organization and its supporters.

It is important to align donation requests with donor preferences and giving capacity. Ensure your team crafts customized donation appeals that are not only compelling but also considerate of each donor’s unique circumstances. Analyze your donors giving histories and patterns to ensure that your requests are tailored to maximize engagement and increase the likelihood of a positive response.


Developing effective follow-up strategies is crucial when cultivating and maintaining relationships with donors, especially when targeting younger demographics. It is vital not to overlook the potential of younger donors and actively engage them in philanthropic efforts. Encouraging smaller donations and active participation in campaigns, while also providing volunteer opportunities, creates a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions! Incorporating digital elements such as QR codes, online giving portals, and having a social media presence, can make it convenient and accessible for younger donors to contribute and engage with your cause. These strategies enable fundraisers to build lasting connections with younger supporters, ensuring their long-term involvement in fundraising efforts.
young man telling a story

2. How to Effectively Employ Storytelling in Mail Campaigns?

One powerful approach is to create an emotional connection by sharing genuine stories  that evoke emotions and resonate with donors. By sharing narratives that tug at heartstrings, you can create a sense of empathy and inspire action. Whether it’s through personal testimonials, heartfelt anecdotes, or compelling case studies, these stories should showcase the impact of the cause in a way that resonates with donors’ values and experiences.

When it comes to effective communication, authenticity and transparency are paramount. Fundraisers should share real-life experiences and factual information to demonstrate their commitment to transparency. By providing donors with clear and honest insights into the organization’s work, fundraisers can establish credibility and foster trust. Donors want to know that their contributions are making a difference, so it is crucial to communicate the real impact of their support. Presenting clear goals and outcomes is crucial for fundraisers to engage donors effectively. Sharing measurable objectives and progress toward those goals allows donors to understand the tangible difference their contributions can make. When donors see the direct connection between their support and the outcomes they care about, they are more motivated to invest in the cause.

Including personal anecdotes in storytelling helps fundraisers create relatable connections with donors. By sharing stories of individuals connected to the cause, whether they are beneficiaries, volunteers, or donors themselves, fundraisers can humanize the impact of their work. These relatable stories bring the cause to life and allow donors to connect on a deeper level. When donors can see the real faces and experiences behind the statistics, they are more likely to feel a personal attachment to the cause and be inspired to contribute.

Fundraisers should actively seek feedback from donors and share donor stories and testimonials. By inviting donors to share their experiences and perspectives, fundraisers show that their opinions matter. Sharing donor testimonials not only provides social proof but also allows donors to become advocates for the cause. These stories and feedback strengthen the relationship between fundraisers and supporters, fostering a sense of community and shared commitment.

designing a mail piece

3. How can Mail Piece Design Improve Campaign Performance?

When it comes to mail-piece design, fundraisers have the opportunity to create impactful and compelling materials that resonate with donors. To capture your audience’s attention, it is crucial to incorporate visuals that stand out. Whether it’s vibrant colors, striking images, or unique illustrations, the design should immediately catch the eye and pique the recipient’s curiosity. Creating visually captivating designs, increases the chance of mail pieces that get opened and read.

Pairing attention-grabbing visuals with compelling headlines is a winning combination. The headline should be engaging and thought-provoking, motivating the recipient to delve further into the mail piece. It should create intrigue and clearly communicate the purpose of the campaign.

Clear and concise messaging is essential to ensure that the campaign’s purpose and call to action are communicated effectively. Fundraisers should aim to convey the core message in a concise manner, using straightforward and impactful language. By clearly articulating the purpose, fundraisers can ensure that recipients understand the campaign’s mission and know how they can contribute.

Maintaining a consistent visual identity throughout your mail-piece is important for brand recognition and cohesion. Fundraisers should incorporate consistent branding elements such as colors, fonts, and logos in their mail piece designs. Consistency creates a sense of professionalism and trust, reinforcing the organization’s identity and making it easily recognizable to donors.

To make the campaign stand out, fundraisers should incorporate unique design elements that differentiate their mail pieces from others. Creativity and innovation can leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s using unconventional layouts, interactive elements, or incorporating unexpected materials, unique design elements can make the campaign memorable and increase donor engagement.

Visual hierarchy plays a crucial role in guiding the recipient’s attention to key information. Always consider design principles such as size, color, and placement to emphasize the most important messages and calls to action. By creating a clear visual hierarchy, fundraisers ensure that recipients can easily grasp the main points of the mail piece and understand the desired actions.

Readability is essential for effective mail-piece design. Always ensure that the design is easy to read and understand at a glance. Using legible fonts, appropriate font sizes, and clear formatting will enhance readability. By making the content easily accessible, fundraisers increase the likelihood of recipients engaging with the mail piece and taking action.
Discover the power of donor segmentation, personalized messaging, and captivating storytelling to unlock unparalleled success in your campaigns.

typing on laptop

4. How to Increase Effectiveness of Omni-Channel Direct Mail Campaigns?

It is essential to embrace technological advancements rather than resist them. We believe that integrating digital components into your mail pieces can revolutionize your fundraising efforts. By incorporating digital elements into your direct mail, such as scannable QR codes, it provides seamless access to online platforms and makes engagement effortless.

One key aspect of omni-channel campaigns is data integration. Fundraisers can synchronize data from direct mail and digital channels to gain a comprehensive view of donor engagement. By leveraging the data collected from multiple channels, fundraisers can gain valuable insights into donor preferences, behaviours, and interactions. This data-driven approach enables fundraisers to tailor their messaging and strategies more effectively.

Personalized follow-ups are another significant benefit of omni-channel direct mail campaigns. With digital channels, fundraisers can deliver personalized messages based on donor actions. By tracking donor engagements, fundraisers can segment their donors and send targeted follow-up messages that resonate with individual interests and motivations. This personalization enhances the donor experience and strengthens the relationship between organization and donor.

Incorporating scannable QR codes in direct mail pieces is a valuable technique in omni-channel campaigns. QR codes provide a convenient and quick way for donors to access online platforms. By scanning the code with their smartphones, donors can be directed to dedicated landing pages, online donation forms, or specific campaign websites. This integration of offline and online channels simplifies the donor’s journey and encourages them to engage further with the cause.

Handwritten Thank You Card Yellow

5. How to Follow-up a Direct Mail Campaign?

Follow-up strategies are crucial for fundraisers to maintain and strengthen relationships with their donors. Expressing gratitude is a fundamental aspect of effective follow-up. Personalized thank-you letters should be sent to donors, acknowledging their contributions and expressing sincere appreciation for their support. By personalizing these letters, fundraisers can demonstrate the individual impact of each donor’s generosity, making them feel valued and recognized.

In addition to personalized thank-you letters, regular newsletters serve as a valuable tool for keeping donors informed about the campaign’s achievements and future plans. These newsletters can highlight the tangible outcomes made possible by donors’ contributions, reinforcing the value of their support. Sharing impact reports further enhances this effect, providing concrete evidence of how donors’ contributions have made a difference in the lives of those benefiting from the cause. By demonstrating the direct impact of their support, fundraisers can reinforce the donors’ connection to the organization and inspire them to continue their involvement.

To foster ongoing engagement, fundraisers can provide exclusive updates or behind-the-scenes content to donors. This approach makes donors feel like valued members of the organization’s community, keeping them engaged and invested in the cause. Hosting special events exclusively for supporters offers a unique opportunity to deepen their connection to the cause. These events can provide a platform for members to interact with the organization’s team and beneficiaries directly, strengthening their emotional connection and encouraging ongoing support.

Collecting feedback from donors through surveys is invaluable for understanding their preferences, improving the donor experience, and enhancing future campaigns. These surveys provide an opportunity for donors to share their thoughts and suggestions, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. By actively seeking and implementing donor feedback, fundraisers can strengthen relationships and create a donor-centric approach to their work.



Successful fundraising campaigns require a targeted and personalized approach that resonates with donors. Compelling storytelling, authenticity, and clear goals are key elements in effective communication. When it comes to mail piece design, attention-grabbing visuals, compelling headlines, and clear messaging make a lasting impact. Omni-channel direct mail campaigns, incorporating digital components and data integration, enhance donor engagement. Follow-up strategies, including gratitude, regular newsletters, exclusive updates, events, and donor feedback, strengthen relationships and foster ongoing engagement. By embracing these strategies, fundraisers can drive meaningful impact and cultivate lasting connections with their supporters.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Postalgia Goes to the National Postal Forum!


The National Postal Forum (NPF) is a premier event that brings together professionals from the postal and shipping industry, and this year, we were thrilled to be first-time attendees and exhibitors. We aimed to make a lasting impression with our booth showcasing our innovative handwriting robots. In this blog post, we will take you through our experience at the NPF 2023 and the valuable lessons we learned as pioneers in the personalized direct mail industry.

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As first-time exhibitors, our creative marketing team took great care in designing our booth to make a memorable impression. Our booth’s centrepiece was one of our handwriting robots, perfectly showcasing the essence of our business – infusing a personal touch into direct mail campaigns. Attendees were captivated by the sight of the robot meticulously replicating the art of handwritten mail. The robot’s precision, speed, and flawless execution of penmanship demonstrated the potential for scaling the personalization of direct mail campaigns to new heights. Visitors were not only impressed by the efficiency of the technology but also by the human-like quality of the handwritten letters.



We eagerly attended the various workshops and talks offered at the NPF 2023. While we were passionate about showcasing our handwriting robots, we recognized the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends and expanding our knowledge base. We actively participated in workshops and talks centered around direct mail marketing, customer engagement, and emerging technologies. These sessions allowed us to learn from experts, gain insights into market demands, and explore strategies to enhance our personalized direct mail solutions.


The NPF provided us with an incredible platform to connect with like-minded professionals, potential clients, and partners. As pioneers in the personalized direct mail industry, we were excited to share our expertise and build valuable relationships. Our booth and team members drew a steady stream of visitors eager to learn about our services. These interactions allowed us to engage in meaningful conversations, showcase the power of personalized direct mail, and demonstrate how our handwriting robots could transform marketing campaigns. The connections we forged during the event have the potential to foster collaborations and drive the industry forward.

Our COO Leor Mann meeting the Postmaster General – Louis Dejoy

Leor got paid a visit by the Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy! Leor had a conversation about what we do at Postalgia and provided an explanation about our handwriting technology and how our machines work.


Our CSO Shay Mamo being interviewed by Matt Wolfe from ABC Radio

Shay had the opportunity to speak to Matt Wolfe in a radio interview for ABC Radio about the remarkable impact of handwritten letters in today’s digital age. Shay emphasized that amidst the overwhelming stream of digital messages and ads, a handwritten letter stands out as a beautifully personalized and attention-grabbing communication medium. The interview highlights how Postalgia provides this game changing service of handwritten letters to cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression on recipients.



The National Postal Forum provided valuable insights into the future of direct mail marketing, highlighting its continued significance despite the digital age. The event showcased innovative strategies and technologies reshaping the industry, such as interactive mailpieces and omni-channel mail campaigns. It also emphasized the rise of a new generation of marketers, bringing fresh perspectives and expertise in digital integration for personalized campaigns. Our booth grabbed the attention of many attendees because the service we provide was seen as unique and valuable, as it adds an extra touch of authenticity to any mailpiece. The forums emphasized the pivotal role of data collection and analysis in creating targeted and personalized direct mail experiences, enabling marketers to refine strategies and optimize campaign performance. Overall, the National Postal Forum shed light on the exciting future of direct mail marketing, demonstrating its ability to engage customers and drive remarkable outcomes.



The National Postal Forum 2023 served as an exceptional platform for us to showcase our personalized direct mail solutions with handwriting robots. Our booth garnered a steady stream of visitors, allowing us to demonstrate the influential role of personalized communication in direct mail campaigns. We took advantage of the workshops and talks offered, enriching our knowledge and keeping abreast of industry trends, which in turn helped us refine our strategies. Furthermore, establishing connections with industry peers, potential clients, and partners solidified our position as leaders in the field of personalized direct mail marketing.

The event provided us with an ideal opportunity to engage with a diverse range of professionals, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in the field. The interactions and insights gained at the National Postal Forum will undoubtedly shape our future endeavours as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries as a hand written letter service provider. Overall, our experience at the forum reinforced our commitment to delivering exceptional personalized direct mail campaigns and further cemented our reputation as industry leaders.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

How DTC Brands are Using Handwritten Letters to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Key Topics

1. Why are Handwritten Letters Effective with Customers?

2. Can Handwritten Letters Earn Reviews?

3. How can Handwritten Letters Encourage Customers to Make a Second Purchase?

4. How do DTC Brands Write Effective Handwritten Pieces?


Straightforward ways to increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is to decrease the cost of acquiring customers or increase the cart value with add ons.  While costs have been increasing across the board for DTC brands, a more effective way is to turn one time customers into repeat customers. The key is ultimately great customer experience and providing customers with a reason to return time after time. One such way of improving the customer experience and converting a one time customer into a lifelong customer is to show appreciation through customer stewardship like thank you notes or personalized loyalty discounts. These stewardship campaigns can leave a lasting impression on your customers ensuring your brand is top of mind during the next shopping session. According to the Generational Research Report (2020-2021), 71% of consumers feel that direct mail adds a more personalized touch to communication compared to online digital methods. In a digital era where communication has become synonymous with quick and impersonal exchanges, there is a powerful tool that can set your brand apart and forge deeper connections with your customers: handwritten letters. In this blog post, we will explore the unique power of handwritten notes and how they can leave a lasting impression on your customers. From expressing gratitude and appreciation to cultivating loyalty and driving repeat sales, handwritten letters offer a personal touch that digital communication often fails to achieve. So if you want to make a lasting impression on your customers, put down the keyboard and pick up a pen. Or better yet, we’ll pick up the pen for you!

How Handwritten Letters are creating lifelong customers

1. Why are Handwritten Letters Effective with Customers?

The rarity of receiving handwritten letters has become a notable phenomenon. Amidst the abundance of emails, text messages, and digital communication platforms, a handwritten letter has become a cherished relic. Handwritten pieces possess a unique power to develop emotional connections with customers, leaving a lasting impression that digital communication often fails to achieve.

The act of handwriting itself exudes effort and thoughtfulness, showcasing a level of care that resonates with recipients. When a customer receives a handwritten letter, they can immediately sense the sincerity and authenticity behind it. This tangible expression of effort stands out, allowing companies to differentiate themselves in the eyes of their customers.

Moreover, the rarity of handwritten letters enhances their impact. With inboxes flooded and notifications pinging constantly, the world is experiencing a digital fatigue. In contrast, a handwritten letter holds a higher chance of being opened and read, captivating the recipient’s attention in a way that digital messages struggle to achieve nowadays.

Beyond practicality, handwritten letters tap into a sense of nostalgia, evoking a bygone era when communication was more personal and meaningful. By receiving a handwritten letter, customers are transported back to a time when people made the effort to craft their words by hand. This nostalgic element adds a layer of sentimentality, fostering a deeper bond between the company and its customers.

Pleased customer at computer

2. Can Handwritten Letters Earn Reviews?

Product reviews are a key driver to increased sales. They demonstrate social proof while increasing purchase confidence. Getting existing customers to write genuine reviews is one of the most valuable goals a DTC brand can set. To codify this in the company’s mission setting review percentage as a KPI is recommended. One very effective way to get a customer to take the time to write a review is to send them a handwritten letter. The time it takes to write a handwritten letter conveys that the ask for their time was done in the spirit of reciprocity.

Within the letter, specifically express your appreciation for their recent purchase, highlighting how it has made a positive impact. Emphasize that their support is vital to the growth and success of your business. Share a brief anecdote or mention specific details that demonstrate your attention to their needs and satisfaction. This personalized approach shows that you genuinely care about their experience and encourages them to reciprocate by leaving a review to continue to support your brand.

By reaching out to customers with a personalized message, you not only enhance the chances of receiving a positive review but also encourage repeat sales as customers feel valued and connected to your business. Embrace the beauty of handwritten letters and watch as they strengthen your customer relationships and drive your business forward.


3. How can Handwritten Letters Encourage Customers to Make a Second Purchase?

In today’s dynamic business landscape, cultivating customer loyalty is paramount to DTC brand’s success. A handwritten letter allows you to go beyond a simple “thank you” email and provides an opportunity to convey a heartfelt message. By recognizing the customer’s patronage and acknowledging their role as a loyal client, you strengthen the bond between them and your brand.

To further enhance the customer’s experience, consider offering a personalized discount code for their next purchase. By tailoring the offer to their specific preferences or past buying behaviors, you demonstrate that you genuinely care about their needs. You can also suggest complementary products or services that they may find appealing. By sharing these exclusive details, you create a sense of exclusivity and make the customer feel like a valued insider, increasing the likelihood of them making a repeat purchase.

 A notion to keep in mind when personalizing your outreach is to stay behind the “creepy-line”. You want to use your customer’s data as a guide in your campaigns that target your customer’s general interests. The goal is to recommend products/services that could be of interest to your clients and avoid invading their privacy.


4. How do DTC Brands Write Effective Handwritten Pieces?

When it comes to handwritten letters, personalization is key to making a lasting impact on your customers. By including specific details about the customer or their purchase, you demonstrate that the letter was crafted just for them. In this section, we’ll explore how to create a personalized and engaging handwritten letter that conveys warmth and gratitude.

Keep the letter brief and to the point, while still infusing it with language that is inviting and appreciative. Customers respond well to a genuine and concise message that acknowledges their importance to your business. By using a friendly and conversational tone, you create a welcoming atmosphere that sets the stage for a positive customer experience.

Addressing the customer by name is crucial in establishing a personal connection. Reference their previous purchase or interaction with the company to show that you remember and appreciate their support.


For example

 “Dear [Customer’s Name], we wanted to extend our sincerest thanks for your recent purchase of [Product/Service].”


Customize your handwritten notes using a CRM that stores and organizes your customers’ data.

To add that extra personal touch, include specific details that relate directly to the customer. Mention how their purchase has made a positive impact in the growth of your company or how their feedback has helped shape your products or services. This attention to detail shows that you genuinely value their contribution and makes the letter feel truly personalized.

In terms of presentation, prioritize legibility by using clear handwriting and properly spacing out the text. You can use this contrast checker to ensure that your colors, fonts, and font sizes are accessible. A well-structured and easy-to-read letter enhances the customer’s reading experience and ensures your message comes across clearly. Avoid grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, as they can detract from the professional image you seek to uphold.

Instead of relying on digital signatures or stamps, take the time to personally sign each letter, or better yet, let us handle that for you and pen your actual signature on your handwritten pieces. This small act goes a long way in adding an extra touch of authenticity and personalization. Your signature serves as a visual reminder that a real person took the time to connect with the customer, fostering a sense of trust and appreciation.

Be mindful of timing. Aim to send the letter within a few days of the customer’s purchase or interaction with the company. Promptness demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and keeps your brand top of mind.



  • Use a genuine and concise message with a friendly and conversational tone to acknowledge the importance of customers to your business
  • Establish a personal connection by addressing customers by name and referencing their previous purchase or interaction (without crossing the creepy-line)
  • Prioritize legibility and presentation by using clear handwriting, proper spacing, and ensuring accessible colors and fonts
  • Speed and timing is key when sending a gratitude letter
  • Add an element of authenticity to your pieces to make them stand out and be remembered.



The power of handwritten letters lies in their ability to forge deeper emotional connections with customers, standing out amidst the digital communication overload. The act of handwriting itself showcases care and thoughtfulness, instantly conveying sincerity and authenticity. Handwritten letters tap into a sense of nostalgia, transporting recipients to a time when communication was more personal and meaningful. This personal touch not only strengthens the customer relationship but also nurtures consistency and trust. By expressing genuine gratitude, acknowledging their individuality, and offering personalized discounts or suggestions, handwritten letters become a vehicle for driving customer engagement and repeat sales. Balancing personalization with respect for privacy ensures a positive and respectful customer experience. Let’s pick up our pens and create heartfelt connections that leave a lasting impression, reminding customers of the genuine care and appreciation we hold for each and every one of them.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

How to Recession Proof Your Nonprofit


With the looming thought of a recession, nonprofits are at high risk of financial struggles. Now is the time to prepare and organize a robust strategy to make it through this challenging time. As donations and funding from government sources may decline, there will be an increased demand for services. According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy: In the first half of 2022, donor numbers fell by 7% compared to the first half of 2021. This is because there was a decline in the number of small gift donors between the months January to July. With a recession upon us, small gift donors are more likely to temporarily lapse. This makes it challenging for nonprofits to sustain their operations and continue to serve their beneficiaries effectively. However, with careful planning, effective communication, and good stewardship, nonprofit leaders can mitigate the effects of a recession. In this article, we will explore some strategies that can help your nonprofit weather the storm and emerge stronger in the long run.

Key Topics

1. How do Recessions Affect Nonprofits

2. How to Plan for a Possible Recession?

3. What to Tell Donors and Volunteers During a Recession?

4. Why Make Stewardship a top Priority?

Recession Proof Your Nonprofit

1. How do Recessions Affect Nonprofits

Recession affects internal and external aspects of your nonprofit. As individuals and businesses may have less disposable income, you will see a decline in donation amounts and experience lower retention rates. Government funding is likely to decrease due to budget cuts. There will be an Increased demand for services, as recessions often result in higher levels of poverty, unemployment, and other economic challenges, which can lead to an increased demand for services from nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits may need to stretch their resources to meet this increased demand. Your organization may find fundraising more difficult as raising more funds will be less successful especially when trying to attract new donors. This inevitably leads to damaging your reputation and more unfortunately affects your capacity to help the cause.

Making a plan on whiteboard

2. How to Plan for a Possible Recession?

Don’t wait until you start to feel the effects of recession, be prepared and start planning for a potential economic downturn. Start to build a safety net for your organization now. Anticipate any possible financial struggles and prepare beforehand to reduce its adverse effects. Rather than waiting, take action to improve your organization’s programs and initiatives. Schedule regular meetings with your development or membership team, even if they are brief, to brainstorm ideas for strengthening donor relationships and communication. These meetings can lead to effective plans that can make a significant difference. Take into account how this will change your future and create a long-term plan. Imagine the desired outcomes for your organization in the next five years. Record the milestones you wish to reach, the accomplishments you want to achieve, and the prerequisites necessary to accomplish them. Equally significant is to ensure that you convey your organization’s long-term vision to your donor base to sustain their support, even if they have changed their capacity to donate temporarily.


3. What to Tell Donors and Volunteers During a Recession?

Effective communication about the effect of recession is essential for nonprofit leaders, not only with lower-level management and staff but with all stakeholders, including the board, donors, and volunteers. It’s crucial to inform everyone about the organization’s financial situation and the plan to ensure its sustainability. By keeping everyone informed and involved, your nonprofit can benefit from the collective input and support of the entire team.

Be sure to communicate clearly and transparently with your community members to maintain trust, manage expectations, and keep their supporters engaged. It is important to highlight that now is the time that you need your donors more than ever and gently remind them that the economic turmoil is tough for everyone but even tougher for those in need. Explain that there is an ongoing need for support from their community members, highlighting the impact that donations and volunteerism can have during a difficult economic period. Communicate this information in an informative manner and provide specific details on how the recession affects your organization.

Provide your community with the assurance that you have a plan of action for the recession, and show them that these hard times are just a speed bump in an otherwise hopeful future. Avoid using language that is asking for “bailouts” or is seemingly a “cry for help”.

Volunteers working together

4. Why Make Stewardship a top Priority?

This is the time to maintain relationships, by practicing good stewardship. Send your donors reminders that you value their relationship and you need their support. Amid a recession, donors tend to reduce the number of nonprofits they support financially. However, reaching out to them directly at this time may increase the likelihood of your organization becoming one of the nonprofits they continue to support in the long run. Therefore, it’s crucial to nurture and maintain a positive relationship with donors now to ensure their continued support in the future. By cultivating and stewarding donors today, you can improve the chances of retaining them as committed supporters. During periods of economic instability, there can be the mistake of directing a majority of resources towards gaining new donors, therefore neglecting current customer or donor base. Ensure that your recession plan aims to the retention of existing donors as that is more likely to see results in maintaining funding.


Your stewardship efforts should have these key priorities:

Showing gratitude by saying thank you with a handwritten thank you note

Share impact and success stories

Stay in contact with donors

Acknowledge any hard decisions your organization has had to make

Maintain authenticity and transparency



Recessions can have an impact on both the internal and external aspects of nonprofit organizations. Donations and retention rates may decline, and government funding may decrease. Increased demand for services can stretch an organization’s resources. To prepare for a potential economic downturn, nonprofits need to start planning now and improve their programs and initiatives, including strengthening donor relationships and communication. Clear and transparent communication is essential to maintain trust with all stakeholders. Emphasize the ongoing need for support, highlighting the impact of donations and volunteerism during a difficult economic period. Maintaining relationships and practicing good stewardship is crucial to retaining donors, to ensure the retention of existing donors as a strategy to maintain funding.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Nonprofit Stewardship: Why It’s Important


Donor retention is an ongoing campaign, and stewardship is the most important tool to be successful. Major donors have a higher retention rate than small donors. According to, donors who give less than $100 have a retention rate of 19.1% and donors who give $1000-$5000 have a retention rate of 31.46%. Many non profits mistakenly think that this is confirmation that they should focus their resources on stewardship of major donors. When in fact they have the cause and effect reversed; the lack of stewardship of small donors is the very reason they have such a high churn rate. The high retention rate among major gifts donors is proof that stewardship works. If non profits were to steward all of their donors at the level they steward their major donors they should expect to see similarly high retention rates across segments often resulting in millions of extra dollars raised.

Key Topics

1. What is Stewardship?

2. What are the Goals of Stewardship?

3. How does Stewardship help with Donor Retention?

4. How do you Create a Stewardship Program?

5. What are Some Examples of Good Stewardship?

Nonprofit stewardship why its important

1. What is Stewardship?

The objective of nonprofit stewardship is to nurture your relationship with donors and community members and the goal is to maintain good retention rates across giving segments. Stewardship is how nonprofits reach out and stay connected to patrons. Behind the scenes, stewardship involves collecting donor data, storing it within a CRM, and establishing a robust donor segmentation system. From the supporter’s perspective it involves many touch points reminding donors about the impact that they’re having, expressing gratitude in a meaningful way, as well as introducing them to the lives that they are touching while supporting the cause.

thanks! notecard

2. What are the Goals of Stewardship

To practice good stewardship requires keeping donors informed about the allocation of their donations and giving them satisfaction that funding is being used effectively and efficiently. Following up with a thank you message after donations is an excellent way to show gratitude. Showing gratitude is one of the cornerstones of developing relationships with donors. Stewardship is never ending and should always be in the process of being improved.

hands holding heart

3. How does Stewardship help with Donor Retention?

Stewardship is key to retaining donors. Retaining donors is also more cost efficient than gaining new donors. Stewardship takes time, money, and effort but it is worth it. Nurturing relationships with your big as well as your small donors is important. uses a pyramid to represent the levels of donors, and you can use it as a visual tool to guide your stewardship decisions. At the base of the pyramid (you can think of this as the foundation) are occasional donors, volunteers, and others who help in your community. This level of participants is essential for your nonprofit to work day to day, so stewardship is very important. In the middle are recurring and annual donors, which is where a large portion of your funding comes from. Then at the top are major gift and planned gift donors, which we mention above could have a high return rate. Use this analogy of donors to base where and how much you invest your stewardship.

Donor Pyramid

Another framework is the activist ladder which employs stewardship to elevate volunteers into occasional givers, occasional givers into recurring donors, and recurring donors into major gift givers.

Activist Ladder

4. How do you Create a Stewardship Program?

Stewardship is a strategy, so you need to plan a program. Build a robust stewarding team with these key roles: Director of donor relations,  Stewardship officer, Relationship manager. With a strong team performing the shared duties of stewardship, a lot can be accomplished.

Organize your donor data into a CRM system to implement donor segmentation, so you can approach your interactions with members with authenticity. With an organized system of your donors information, you can enforce a system that thanks donors when they give a gift. Keeping the donor pyramid in mind, stewardship efforts can be based on need and the gift size.


Highlight donor recognition. Show gratitude. Make your people feel a part of your organization:

  • Curate a portal on your organization’s website that acts as a donor appreciation page that gives members the option to show that they have donated when they contribute to the cause.
  • Make sure to refer to donors by their preferred named via their preferred method of communication (eg. phone, mail, email, etc).
  • Aim to stay in contact with all donors, even inactive donors.
  • Plan to run campaigns that focus on your mission and how donors take part in the cause

Set goals that are achievable. There are a few points to aim for in your stewardship program: 

  • Retaining a certain number of new donors based on a specific campaign
  • Receiving bigger donations from a specific section of donors
  • Having a increased response rate on account of your program

Setting goals are a great incentive for your team to work towards and are also a way of making improvements to your strategy. You can learn a lot from the results and you can change your strategy as you go.

Stewardship relies on communication, so your stewarding team should organize a communication strategy. This strategy should cover when you will contact donors, plan the contents of each communication piece, communicate upcoming events, letting members know about volunteer opportunities, provide concise and well organized program information, and present relevant stories of people who are part of your organization. All donors are important and need different kinds of engagement, so plan to have a specific strategy for lapsed donors.

Stewardship Mail Package

5. What are Some Examples of Good Stewardship?

Stewardship is a category of communication. To reiterate, stewardship is about nurturing relationships and maintaining donors. It is like a conversation, you are just trying to stay connected and have wholesome interactions with donors. Stay away from asking for donations and remain on the side of gratitude. You can gain authenticity by sending handwritten letters. In a previous article: 10 pieces of mail to send each year, we have highlighted below examples of stewardship mail.


Stewardship Letter: You would send a stewardship letter to them after they have donated, to keep them informed about how their gift is being used. It often includes an impact report, newsletter or other information.

Thank you Card: You should include in your thank you card: A personalized thank you message, an appealing design, a handwritten note, a signature from a real person, and contact information.You should not include an ask of any kind. This is an opportunity to show gratitude and strengthen the relationship between your donor and your brand, not to ask for more money (though don’t be surprised if your thank you note generates a second gift).

Impact report: The purpose of impact reports (which can sometimes take the form of annual reports, quarterly reports, etc…), are to communicate the progress made helping the people or advancing the cause that your organization is supporting.

Lapsed Donor Letter: Remember that inactive donors don’t think of themselves as inactive, they see themselves as having previously donated to the cause. Simply the act of reminding them that their support is needed can be enough to reactivate a critical mass of your lapsed donors. Others may require reasons as to why they should give, and why now. Be sure to include urgency in your lapsed donor appeal, as well as specifics.

Donor Anniversary Card: A donor anniversary card celebrates a past gift, which has the simultaneous effect of promoting gratitude – like a thank you card – and reminding donors that their support is needed – like a lapsed donor letter. One of the reasons that these cards are so effective is that people tend to behave seasonally, and whatever triggered their generosity at this time last year is likely to do so again this year. The focus should be on celebrating your donor for their past gift, while thanking them for their implied future support.



Stewardship is about sustaining your relationship with all your donors. Each type of donor plays an important role in supporting your nonprofit organization. Continually investing in and improving your stewardship efforts will have an outsized impact on engagement as well as impact.

Traditionally, stewardship has required a large investment of resources and time, which has made it difficult for smaller organizations and leaner teams to extend good stewardship past a few large donors.

Postalgia strongly believes in giving the major gifts experience to ALL donors employing personalized handwritten mail, which has been shown to re-engage lapsed donors, increase retention rates, and increase gift amounts. Contact us today to discuss your next mail campaign.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

The 10 Direct Mail Pieces That Should be in Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan


When putting together the fundraising and stewardship parts of your nonprofit marketing plan consider these 10 pieces of mail. Direct mail is the guaranteed best way to get your donor’s attention. Our clients have seen these pieces increase fundraising and retention rates! A significant feature of our handwritten direct mail is its customizability, allowing personalized authentic communication with members of your community.

According to, email response rates are extremely low. So low that they don’t even reach 1%. On average the email response rate is 0.1%, online display marketing is 0.2%, and paid search is 0.6%. Direct mail has a higher response rate average of 5.3%, while handwritten direct mail campaigns push that response rate even higher. The overall direct mail impact can be even higher than the response rates imply, as direct mail can also increase online giving.

The 10 Direct Mail Pieces

1. Solicitation Newsletter

2. Event Invitation

3. Stewardship Newsletter

4. Holiday Cards

5. Impact Report

6. Thank You Cards

7. Pledge Card With Reply Envelope

8. Lapsed Donor Letter

9. Donor Anniversary Card

10. End of Year Report

Nonprofit mail marketing plan

1. Solicitation Newsletter

Solicitation Letter

The solicitation letter requests donations, contributions, or volunteers from the recipient. This letter is properly addressed to the addressee, clearly states who or which organization it is from, then goes into detail about the purpose of this solicitation and how the recipient can take action. This letter acts as a vehicle to describe the “ask” , such as the upcoming fundraising event. The fundraising event details that should be mentioned are, the name of the event, the purpose, who is sponsoring the event, the date, the venue, and any other important details. Always ensure to include details on how the recipient can be a part of the event or ways to donate to the cause.

Here is a solicitation newsletter format:

  1. Organization name and address
  2. Date
  3. Name and address of recipient
  4. Salutation (Dear Salutation, )
  5. First paragraph: introduce your organization and summarize your mission
  6. Second Paragraph: state the details of the fundraising event
  7. Third paragraph: request an ask in the form of: attendance to event, donation, volunteers
  8. Fourth paragraph: Let them know you are open to being contacted and include contact information
  9. Fifth paragraph: Express gratitude in advance
  10. Complimentary close (Warm Regards,)
  11. Handwritten signature above your name
  12. PS. message (optional, but encouraged)


2. Event Invitation


An event invitation can be paired with your solicitation letter if the contents of the letter talks about an upcoming event. Take care to have an eye catching design that is easy to read and accessible (Clear Print Accessibility Guide).

What to include in your invitation:

  1. Name of event
  2. Date and time
  3. Location
  4. RSVP details
  5. Your organization’s name
  6. Any sponsors
  7. Key event details
  8. Any other important information
  9. Contact information


3. Stewardship Newsletter

Stewardship Letter

Stewardship is about building the relationship you have with donors and maintaining open communication. You would send a stewardship letter to them after they have donated, to keep them informed about how their gift is being used. By being transparent about the allocation of funds, it allows donors to feel more involved and connected to your organization. Your goal is to provide them with reassurance that their gift is making an impact and meets their expectations and intentions.


Here is a stewardship newsletter format:

  1. Organization name and address
  2. Date
  3. Name and address of recipient
  4. Salutation (Dear Salutation, )
  5. First paragraph: Mention how you have received their gift, the gift amount, express organization’s gratitude
  6. Second paragraph: Quick summary of mission statement, explain how funds will/have been used
  7. Third paragraph:  Authentic statement of gratitude (1-2 sentences)
  8. Fourth paragraph: Let them know you are open to being contacted and include contact information
  9. Complimentary close (Thank You,)
  10. Handwritten signature above your name
  11. PS. message (optional, but encouraged)

*Important Tip: Never ask for donations in your stewardship endeavours.

4. Holiday Cards

Holiday Card Yellow

Holiday cards are at the top of the list of most important pieces of mail to send out each year. According to, their 2023 charitable giving statistics report, shows that 30% of giving happens in December. So make sure to be on schedule and create beautifully designed cards that your recipients would want to put on display. Add the personal detail of curating handwritten messages. Be clear on how they can give, whether that be via digital platforms or filling out a pledge card.


5. Impact Report

Impact Report

The purpose of impact reports (also known as annual reports), are to communicate the progress made helping the people your organization is supporting. According to a case study by Katie Boswell and Sarah Handley from, there are 5 areas you should include in your impact report: need, activities, outcomes, evidence, and lessons learnt.

Need: What are the problems your organization is trying to make an impact on?

Activities: How is your organization addressing these problems?

Outcomes: What progress have these activities made on the problems?

Evidence: What evidence do you have to show you have made an impact?

Lessons learned: How/what can you improve in the future?

Impact reports can take many forms from a folded booklet to a one page piece. To ensure your recipients are reading the report, make sure you are designing it in a way that catches their attention.


Here are some tips for the design:

  1. Be consistent with your organizations brand guidelines
  2. Write your report with intention
  3. Make sure the typography is accessible (Clear Print Accessibility Guide)
  4. Include eye catching imagery
  5. Include a contact information sections
  6. Include a way to donate section


6. Thank you Cards

Thank You Card Yellow

Thank you cards are an essential part of good stewardship practices. The bottom line is, when you receive a donation, a thank you message should be sent back. Some helpful tips to consider when writing a thank you card, personalized thank you message, no donation ask, appealing design, make it handwritten, include a signature, and contact information. The structure of a thank you card is similar to a thank you letter, the difference is this one is condensed.


Here is a thank you card format:

  1. Salutation (Dear Salutation, )
  2. First paragraph: Acknowledge how you have received their gift, the gift amount, express organization’s gratitude (1-2 sentences)
  3. Second paragraph: Quick summary of mission statement, explain how funds will/have been used (1-2 sentences)
  4. Third paragraph:  Another authentic statement of gratitude (1 sentence)
  5. Complimentary close (Warm Regards, )
  6. Handwritten signature above your name


7. Pledge Card With Reply Envelope

Pledge Card Reply Envelope Blue

Those who work in the nonprofit sector are no stranger to pledge cards and return/reply envelopes. They are a great way to secure consistent, long-term commitments from donors. Pledge cards are also a great way to collect your donors information for donor segmentation. The standard sections to fill out include: first and last name, email address, phone number, home address, and pledge amounts. It is also a good idea to have a section that summarizes your mission statement and how giving impacts the cause.


8. Lapsed Donor Letter

make a change

There is the constant struggle to prevent lapsed donors, and sending out personalized lapsed donor letters is good stewardship practice. The type of language you use is important when you communicate with lapsed donors. Remember that inactive donors don’t think of themselves as inactive, they see themselves as having previously donated to the cause. Even if they only donated one time, take the opportunity to highlight that and use encouraging words. Make sure to stay away from language which might make them feel guilty and set a positive tone.


Here is a lapsed donor letter format:

  1. Organization name and address
  2. Date
  3. Name and address of recipient
  4. Salutation (Dear Salutation, )
  5. First paragraph: Mention that you consider them part of the community and they have donated in the past, express gratitude
  6. Second paragraph: Summarize your mission statement and explain that help is still needed
  7. Third paragraph: Provide ways to donate or participate in the community
  8. Fourth paragraph: express gratitude again
  9. Complimentary close (Thank you again, )
  10. Handwritten signature above your name
  11. PS. message (optional, but encouraged)


9. Donor Anniversary Card

volunteers like donors


A donor anniversary card is similar to a lapsed donor letter. It has the same intentions; the difference is that the contents of this card is like a condensed version of the lapsed letter. This option is a less intense way to practice inactive donor stewardship. It also feels more personal, especially if there are personalized details like the message being handwritten.


Here is a donor anniversary card format:

  1. Salutation (Dear Salutation, )
  2. First paragraph: Mention that you consider them part of the community and they have donated in the past, express gratitude (1-2 sentences)
  3. Second paragraph: Quick summary of  your mission statement and explain that help is still needed (1-2 sentences)
  4. Third paragraph:  Provide ways to donate  (1 sentence)
  5. Complimentary close (Warm Regards, )
  6. Handwritten signature above your name


10. End of Year Report

sticky notes plan end of the year

The end of year report is similar to the impact report, in that it is communicating the progress made toward the cause wrapped up and summarized. This report can be sent out at the end of the year, or in the early new year. You can follow the same touch-points that were mentioned above: need, activities, outcomes, evidence, and lessons learned.

Here are some tips for the design:

1. Be consistent with your organizations brand guidelines

2. Write your report with intention

3. Make sure the typography is accessible (Clear Print Accessibility Guide)

4. Include eye catching imagery

5. Include a contact information sections

6. Include a way to donate section


This article provided 10 pieces of direct mail with their accompanying descriptions. We also provided tools to get a preliminary start to creating these pieces, so you can add them to your annual direct mail strategy.

Want to level up your direct mail? Contact us.

Prevent Lapsed Donors

Article Highlights:

Pay attention to you donor retention

Invest in stewardship

Implement a donor segmentation system

Focus on your annual fund strategy




Those who work in the nonprofit sector know that donor retention is an ongoing obstacle. As retention rates continue to plummet, lapsed donor prevention efforts are a top priority.

Referencing the 2022 Quarterly Fundraising Report, “Retention is expected to decrease by -3.1% year-over-year, following last year’s -7.4% decrease…Year-to-date retention of donors from last year stands at 29.9% in Q3” (, pg. 11).


Pay attention to you donor retention

To calculate your donor retention, use the formula below! Donor retention is tough, but the good news is that it is easier to maintain repeat donors than it is to find new donors. With attention to the details and hard-work, you will be able to have your donors keep coming back. According to, if you can improve your donor retention by 10%, you can reach up to a 200% increase in projected incoming donations.


Invest in stewardship

Investing in something requires allocating funds and also devoting your time and effort. In the nonprofit sector, stewardship is everything. It is key to building strong relationships and making donors feel important and seen. You can do this by showing them how their involvement in your community impacts the people and cause. Be upfront by showing them your successes and your struggles. Hone in on your mission with sincerity and authenticity by taking personal approaches to communication efforts, such as sending send handwritten letters.

Invest Stewardship

Implement a donor segmentation system

We talk about this a lot. We highly encourage an in-depth donor segmentation system. Donor segmentation organizes your donors into groups based on their information, which builds your portfolio of donor data. You can use donor data to plan meaningful experiences and authentic communication between you and donors. By getting to know your donors, you can be strategic with your interactions by providing ways to participate in your community that are relevant to them.


It is a give and take as you build relationships. The more you invest in stewardship, the more information you will collect to better understand your constituents’ motivations and interests with your organization. So as your donor data grows, keep it organized in a solid CRM (constituent relationship manager).


Focus on your annual fund strategy

An annual fund strategy speaks to all the money that a nonprofit organization raises throughout the year. This fund is the foundation that allows your organization to maintain day to day operations, while running special programs. The annual fund strategy is top priority! Here are your best annual fund strategy practices.


Put your team together

Coordinate a dedicated group that’s soul purpose is to organize and implement a plan throughout the year. This is an ongoing process. It is good to build a team that has at least 2-3 people, so that all jobs do not fall on one person. The various responsibilities on the team are: prospect research, fundraising events, community member outreach, and direct asks coordinator.


Conduct prospect research

Prospect research identifies donors that have the capacity and financial resources to make major gifts. With that information, you can make the decision to focus more stewardship on these donors. Prospect research can also reveal and predict who and how much they will give. Research should be a big step in your strategy.

Here’s what to look for in your research:

A donor’s previous giving history with your nonprofit and other organizations

The donor’s personal background (values, interests, hobbies, etc.)

Wealth indicators (amount given in previous donations, real estate, stock ownership, etc.)

If donor is frequently philanthropically-motivated in other ways (if they frequently volunteer with nonprofits or have served on a board of directors)


Invest in fundraising software

You will need a robust system of tools to collect your research. It is important to build an online platform that is curated for community members to donate to, which ties into ensuring that your mobile giving interface is optimized. Social media upkeep is a big job and requires a lot of time and effort, but done well can be very useful in staying connected to your community. Consider investing in an email and text-to-donate program.

Build a schedule

It is important to stay organized and plan out a schedule of staff and resources for every campaign. If you know exactly what you need, you will have an easier time initiating a campaign instead of pulling things together at the last minute.

Important schedule items:

  1. Campaign start and end dates
  2. Fundraising event dates
  3. Important administrative dates, such as tax deadlines
  4. When each phase of your marketing strategy begins and ends

Plan to show your gratitude to donors, employees, and volunteers

Saying thank you is highly recommended for successful stewardship practices. It shows that you value those who volunteered and donated to your cause. It is also a great opportunity to add authenticity and personality to your communication efforts. This is the way to build relationships. It is as easy as sending a message via phone, email, or a personal handwritten note.



The bottom line for preventing lapsed donors is maintaining or raising your donor retention. We covered important areas for you to consider focusing on to make that happen:

  1. Pay attention to you donor retention
  2. Invest in stewardship
  3. Implement a donor segmentation system
  4. Focus on your Annual Fund Strategy

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How to Get Lapsed Donors to Give Again


Lapsed donors should be a substantial focus for non profits in 2023. There have been troubling statistics that show that all retention rates are down. Organizations are losing donors and strong stewardship efforts are more important than ever. This article will provide some advice on how charities can reignite their relationship with lapsed donors.


According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP), the Q3 2022 (JAN 1, 2022 – SEP 30, 2022) reports that all types of donor retention rates are down. New Donors -14.8%, Repeat Donors -5.4%, and Recapture Donors -15%.





A lapsed donor is someone who has donated to your organization in the past but has not donated again for a significant amount of time. The average amount of time that is considered lapsed is 365 days. A lapsed donor could be any type of donor: major, small, micro, and one time. There are many reasons why a donor becomes lapsed: a change in their giving limits, priorities change, they experience a lack of stewardship efforts, or they simply haven’t been asked for donations. The good news is that it is possible to have a lapsed donor give again! Furthermore, it is easier to reengage a lapsed donor than to find a new donor because you have already built a relationship with them.

We always recommend donor segmentation and making sure your donor data is stored and organized, so you should most definitely include a segmented list of lapsed donors. This way any lapsed donor outreach can be personalized and more authentic, increasing the chances that they will donate again.


find out why lapsed


Once you have established who your lapsed donors are, it is beneficial to determine why they became lapsed donors. There are a few ways to collect that information. You can send out a survey, invest in a deceased suppression process, and inspect the data from your CRM to determine patterns that could be the reason your donors became inactive.


communication 1


Stewardship is key, so always say thank you for any size gift. The type of language you use is important when you communicate with lapsed donors. Remember that inactive donors don’t think of themselves as inactive, they see themselves as having previously donated to the cause. That is a good thing though! Even if they only donated one time, take the opportunity to highlight that and use encouraging words. Make sure to stay away from language which might make them feel guilty and set a positive tone. One course of action you can take is to send out a “we miss you” message/letter.


Positive Phrases To Use:

We miss you

You make a difference

You’re part of the change

You make an impact

Let’s reconnect!

You’re part of the community!


Another course of action you can take is to send out  a survey that identities when and how often you should communicate with them:

Once a year

4x a year

Once a month

By email only

By phone only

By direct mail only


invest in stewardship


Remember your donor retention skills! Maintain a personalized approach, and avoid cookie-cutter looking stewardship, handwritten letters are a way to do this. Use your donor segmentation lists and base your solicitation efforts on your inactive donors demographic.

Keep in mind that life changes, people move, change their names, change their phone numbers and even their email addresses. So make sure to do your best to keep their information up to date. Communicate with lapsed donors to check their information in your system and if possible, provide a way to update it.

As we mentioned earlier, if a lapsed donor only gave one time, they still have an affiliation with your organization. To nurture that relationship you can keep them up to date. Send them newsletters, impact reports, community testimonies, and success stories multiple times a year. It goes a long way to take the time and care to design readable, organized, and on brand pieces of literature.


dont be afriad to ask


With the use of all your stewardship efforts, it’s time to seal the deal and make an actual ask! Keep in mind, you are not limited to asking for just donations. You can entice them back into the community by inviting them to an event as a guest or even as a volunteer. Remember that one of the reasons a donor becomes inactive is because they don’t have the capacity to donate at that moment, but you can stay positive that they still want to be part of the organization. Remember to “TREAT YOUR VOLUNTEERS LIKE FUTURE DONORS”.

In 2023 there are a plethora of ways to get in touch with your lapsed donors, email, phone, text, and direct mail. To really invest in stewardship and maintain an authentic connection, personalized and handwritten campaigns show inactive donors you appreciate their support.


What to include in your stewardship efforts:

A Positive Phrase

Newsletter keeping them up to date

An ask (Donation or way to be involved)

Donation card & reply envelope

A QR card leading to your website and donation page

An address to send cheques or letters to

Phone number

Names of communication representatives

Lots of gratitude



We had a discussion about turning your inactive donors to active once again. Once a donor becomes lapsed, there is still hope for their return because you already got over the hardest part which was their initial donation. In this article, we tackled what a lapsed donor is, how you can determine why they became inactive, communicating with lapsed donors, the importance of investing in stewardship, and how an ask can be more than just a donation, it can be asking to participate.

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